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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. The poor thing...an 8 year old orphan. 8 years old, and she's living by herself with no one by her...she said she wanted to be free, but no one wanted this... I'll stand by her. And all of you. We all have to stay strong, or else Heather's gonna break.
  2. Before my seriousstuff...oh look, Cain with a candy cane. I laughed a bit there. And now... Amen. Reborn is the place I call home. I haven't ever really been able to be myself in any other place; it's always my favorite place. And I'm pleased to say that Reborn's been looking better now than it has in a long, long time...it's just so great. And what with the holidays, why shouldn't we (avoiding wynaut) be in such a good mood? Really, this place is the community that can be open to each other, whether it be through laughs or seriousness, and I admire that. And I thank you all for it. ともに、私たちは、死ぬことはありません。
  3. [b]JUSTICE[/b] It has been done by yours truly, N8theGr8. Marking 69 highlights of gossip, rumors, information (not really), and of course, Gardevoir.
  4. This calls for...celebration. *readies his buffet* Love you all~
  5. 400 pixels...about how large is mine right now?
  6. Said >9000 times before, but expression is your strong point. Amor's sleeping face made me smile. :3 As for criticism...hm...well, for one thing [i]make pages faster kthx.[/i] No, on a more serious note, the things that need the most work in your pictures are the backgrounds, definitely. Sometimes I can't make heads or tails of one because of the messiness. Other than that, the structure's nice, the handwriting's legible (to be honest, I prefer handwritten vs. typed because it gives more of a personalized touch), and in this page, the background was done nicely. I really like how in the first panel, you can feel the glow of the fire because of the way you shaded the ground. Good job. ...What does "sit 'er spiel" actually mean? I'm guessing it means, "Sit down, relax"...? Side note: I'd definitely rather have the backgrounds lacking versus the actual structure of the characters, which is next to spot-on, because obviously, the characters are more important. Keep up the fantastic work and [s]make pages faster[/s] take your time. :3
  7. [quote]Tenshi: Better hope mach punch crits~ Tenshi sent out Dual Slash! (Doryuuzu) The foe's Dual Slash is hurt by spikes! Start of turn 31 The foe's Dual Slash used Earthquake! It's super effective! Helheim lost 84 HP! (32% of its health) Helheim fainted! The sandstorm rages! N8 sent out Hercules! (Roobushin) Pointed stones dug into Hercules! Start of turn 32 Hercules used Mach Punch! It's super effective! The foe's Dual Slash lost 8% of its health! The foe's Dual Slash fainted! The sandstorm rages! Hercules is buffeted by the sandstorm! Hercules restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Tenshi sent out Bulk! (Muurando) The foe's Bulk is hurt by spikes! The foe's Bulk was poisoned! Start of turn 33 Hercules used Mach Punch! It's super effective! A critical hit! The foe's Bulk lost 83% of its health! The foe's Bulk fainted! N8 won the battle! N8: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Tenshi: ............. Tenshi: .............. Tenshi: ............... N8: Hercules N8: Is not amused. Tenshi: I am not amused[/quote] This is Bullet sealing his own fate.
  8. ...You had to make a topic because of how angry you are? [size=3][color="#FF0000"][b]TOPIC CLOSED[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [quote]Ame sucks at puns[/quote] Why don't you say something we didn't already know? [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Will, [i]mad[/i]? HAHAHAHAHA--no.[/color]
  10. Don't be hating on our puns. And also, the only reason anyone would want to get some Gaga is if they're gay, because as we all know... [b]**SPOILERS INCOMING**[/b] [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Lady Gaga has a dick.[/color] Edit: Epic 800th post is epic.
  11. Newer and more badass N8 card is newer and more badass. Because Black + Red > All
  12. [quote]Oh, look, it's another hostile takeover by AmethystStorm![/quote] [attachment=101:First_Re...HE_WORLD.jpg]
  13. [quote]for any reason above novelty?[/quote]
  14. I agree with Bullet. Why would you go above the bare minimum for any reason above novelty?
  15. But if it WAS opposite day, you'd be saying it ISN'T opposite day. :3
  16. *looks back, scared* *takes the cookie happily* *eats the cookie, with a scared look* *drinks some milk along with it* That was fantastic.
  17. I see what you did there. Oh, and Bullet, the staff is all the mods/admins + Doc and AZKnight...and I think that's it.
  18. Kitty...hope your Birthday is a great one. You're a great person, don't get yourself down.
  19. [b]SURSKIT CONFIRMED FOR UBER. EPIC CC MOMENT INCOMING.[/b] [quote][+INF]Blezerker sent out Deoxys! N8 sent out Surskit! The foe's Deoxys is exerting its Pressure! [+INF]Blezerker: YEAH BITCH [+INF]Blezerker: HOW ABOUT I SHOVE MY TENTACLE IN YOUR ANUS [+INF]Blezerker: AND THEN STEAL YOUR ENERGY? Start of turn 18 The foe's Deoxys used Drain Punch! It's not very effective... Surskit lost 56 HP! (32% of its health) Surskit had its energy drained! Surskit used Facade! A critical hit! N8: I like how it has a higher level than T-Tar The foe's Deoxys lost 99% of its health! The sandstorm rages! The foe's Deoxys is buffeted by the sandstorm! The foe's Deoxys fainted! Neku: LOL [+INF]Blezerker: ouch Surskit is buffeted by the sandstorm! N8: ...lol Neku: XD [+INF]Blezerker sent out Kyogre! The foe's Kyogre's Drizzle made it rain! N8: Cool N8: Swift Swim Neku: o_o Start of turn 19 Surskit used Giga Drain! It's super effective! The foe's Kyogre lost 28% of its health! The foe's Kyogre had its energy drained! The foe's Kyogre used its Red Card on Surskit! Weedle was dragged out! The foe's Kyogre used Brick Break! It's not very effective... Weedle lost 15 HP! (6% of its health) Rain continues to fall! [+INF]Blezerker: rawful N8: PH33R M3 [+INF]Blezerker: HOW ABOUT Start of turn 20 The foe's Kyogre used Aqua Tail! [+INF]Blezerker: I SLAP YOUR SHIT Weedle lost 163 HP! (65% of its health) Weedle used Poison Sting! The foe's Kyogre lost 5% of its health! The foe's Kyogre was poisoned! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Kyogre is hurt by poison! N8: How about now [+INF]Blezerker: YOU [+INF]Blezerker: ASS Neku: MAshew's penis N8: *no Start of turn 21 The foe's Kyogre used Aqua Tail! Weedle lost 71 HP! (28% of its health) Weedle fainted! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Kyogre is hurt by poison! N8 sent out Surskit! Start of turn 22 Surskit used Giga Drain! It's super effective! The foe's Kyogre lost 26% of its health! The foe's Kyogre had its energy drained! The foe's Kyogre used Aqua Tail! It's not very effective... Surskit lost 66 HP! (37% of its health) Rain continues to fall! The foe's Kyogre is hurt by poison! Start of turn 23 Surskit used Giga Drain! It's super effective! The foe's Kyogre lost 3% of its health! The foe's Kyogre had its energy drained! The foe's Kyogre fainted! N8: Surskit for Ubers.[/quote] Of course, Surskit works better when paired with the obvious choice, Weedle.
  20. Awww...stop making me blush. :3 And yay for being on more staff lists than anyone else **EDIT INCOMING** except Mashew **/edit**! That is an accomplishment in my book. :3 ...That's what working all day on 5 hours of sleep does to ya. Oh well.
  21. Revival revival is revival. [b]This Pokemon has its back fin-like appendages missing from its official Ken Sugimori artwork.[/b]
  22. Definitely true. Have you [i]seen[/i] Ame? He's 150% pure troll.
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