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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. Will spun the color wheel, and his eyes started glowing a fiery red shade!
  2. [img]http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/i-cant-believe-this-shit.jpg[/img]
  3. [img]http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2007/09/12/mario300_narrowweb__300x392,0.jpg[/img] Both in his games and in real life he's pretty much known worldwide.
  4. Let me elaborate on some other threats: [b]Victini[/b] Cool guy to run specs/scarf on. His movepool is massive, 100 all around stats, and Victory Star, his ability, make even Thunder a viable option (provided it's not used on a sun team... >_<). However, Fire/Psychic is bad typing which may hinder his capabilities...but his orgasmic cry more than makes up for that. [b]Borotorosu...is that how you spell it?[/b] [s]Amazing that he's not listed yet.[/s] Yeah, this guy is pretty much the end of Stealth Rock suicide leads. What's that, Aerodactyl? Your base speed ties with Jolteon? Yeah, well that doesn't matter when I have a priority Taunt AND priority Thunder Wave to use. Also, he's good at using Nasty Plot with pseudo-BoltBeam coverage (TBolt, HP Ice). [b]Erufuun[/b] ERUFUUN THE ELEPHANT, WATCH HIM BLOW...a priority Leech Seed and substitute stall. Since he has the same ability as Borotorosu, he gets priority on all of his non-damaging moves. That is to say, being able to put a PKMN to sleep/paralyze, leech seed it, and substall all before it. Pretty awesome, but I haven't seen it all too often. [b]Armaldo[/b] Armaldo. Why is he better now? Because he gets Swift Swim, which easily makes up for his abysmal speed and lets him use Swords Dance...and then sweep. Granted, Ditto stops him, but Ditto stops EVERY set-up and go sweeper, bar Trick Room ones. [b]Kokoromori[/b] While not a [i]real[/i] threat, I feel like a Simple Calm Mind is too good to pass up here. At least Nintendo gave something else Simple besides Bibarel...but then again, this one is ugly, too. But yeah, +2 Special Attack AND +2 Special Defense is always good when you have Base 114 speed. [b]Espeon[/b] Espeon has a new trick up her sleeve: Magic Mirror. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING bar damage is bounced back at the user. This includes: Status, ENTRY HAZARDS, and many others. Oh, and a Special attack that targets Defense is a great new addition for it as well. [b]Goruugu[/b] The Machamp with better defenses. Machamp = No Guard and DynamicPunch, and Goruugu also gets this fantastic combination. Ground/Ghost typing isn't that bad either, with 3 immunities. Oh, and he gets Rock Polish to set up. [b]Dennis[/b] Nope, I'm not gonna post his real name. Bug/Steel is fantastic typing, Dennis isn't exactly frail, and he gets boosting moves that include Rock Polish and Charge Beam. Oh, and he has 130 Attack AND Special attack. You don't need much more reason to use the beast that is Dennis. [b]Porygon2[/b] Now, Porygon2 was really underrated last Generation. NU is a bit harsh for a Pokemon I know deserves at least UU. Oh, what's that, you say? Evolution Stone boosts BOTH defensive stats? Yeah, Pory2 now has defenses even able to take the hardest hits of 5th gen...and I'm pretty sure he's the first one here to not be countered by Ditto! Oh, and Trace is even better when now these new Pokemon are running around with awesome abilities: Mummy, Speed Boost, and SHADOW TAG all being perfect examples. Porygon2 will now become greater than his evolution, similar to how Chansey might overthrow Blissey for the exact same reason. EDIT: Apparently Borotorosu has been listed twice...I fail. >_<
  5. It's only attraction is the mind games it plays. Zoroark is only as good as the player is at predicting it. It's frail and can easily be OHKO'd by most attacks that it doesn't resist, especially with all of the hard hitting pokes of Gen V.
  6. [quote]as he was making fun of Julia for even playing Pokemon in the first place.[/quote] Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that someone downloads a Pokemon simulator and then tells people "OMFG YOU SUCK FOR PLAYIN POGEEMANZ OMFG" ...just a little bit contradictive. Of course, I hope Julia feels better soon.
  7. That Ditto. As much as I hate it, he really deserves it. I mean, how would [i]YOU[/i] feel if you were NU EVERY generation...since you were released? Not to mention, you've been around since 1st gen, where just about every other Pokemon was at least decent at some point. And finally, Ditto gets to shine. Recently, I've learned that the biggest counter to Ditto is Paralyze, mainly Borotorosu, who can easily threaten Ditto with a priority Thunder Wave, or Nasty Plot if he switches and proceed to sweep. Another great way to take Ditto out is with Shadow Tag Scarf Chandelier. If Ditto's using a Fighting or Normal move, this makes matters even easier. However, you must be careful to not come in and kill yourself! Other than that...Ditto's a bitch to take out. Little beats your already set up Pokemon WITH a scarf. Oh, and after Ditto's Paralyzed, he's useless. Now to say another that I haven't seen listed: [b]ZOROARK[/b] Oh, Illusion. Talk about a living hell. You're forced to mind games into whether to attack thinking it's Zoroark, or fleeing in case it's a counter. Granted, Zoro's disguise is near useless after turn 1, but that's really all he needs to set up and go...except for Ditto, that is. >_< Other than that, Zoroark's got some pretty nice things going for him. Access to awesome offensive stats, Agility, Nasty Plot, AND Swords Dance are all just amazing. Running them according to who you're pretending to be might buy you an extra turn. But obviously, Illusion and the mind games it brings with it are going to be HELLISH. And another... [b]BLAZIKEN[/b] Had to list him. What's that, Infernape? You're faster? Not with motherfucking SPEED BOOST you aren't. Yeah, after he sets up, the only possible thing to stop Blaziken is a Ditto, again, just like every other Pokemon that sets up ever. And...while we're on the topic of fire types... [b]MOTHRA[/b] Dunno his actual name, but man oh MAN is he a beast. Get rid of Stealth Rock, set up a butterfly dance, and proceed to sweep. Again, Ditto stops him, but it's a bit harder if you run Flame Dance, Bug Buzz, and HP Ice because he resists all but the latter, and the +1 Special Defense allows him to live when he's at 100% health. Mothra can set up another Butterfly dance and be able to kill Ditto. Oh, and one I was surprised to not see... [b]SALAMENCE/GYARADOS/WARUBIARU[/b] Notice something? Yeah, they all have Overconfidence/EarthquakeSpiral (Same thing, different names). In case you don't know, Overconfidence gives +1 attack after EVERY KO.This is because Salamence and Gyarados needed to get even better (sarcasm). Oh, and let's not forget Scarf Warubiaru, who can actually sweep if Overconfidence picks up a few boosts. All three of these guys are going to become huge threats in B/W, and it's easy to see why.
  8. Well, Coyotte, finally decided to implement 5th Gen. *stifles incredible joy* The server has been updated, connect to sadpancake.com to get to it.
  9. Will wins. DAT VOLTORB. You just try and pick it up, and it tries to kill you. WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?
  10. The best display of trolling ever seen ever.
  11. Hmmm...This is partially because I really want Inuki and partially because you're not winning 170 on Inuki.
  12. You fucking son of a bitch. 120 on Inuki.
  13. You best be trolling. We need a Lucario-Yin to my Lucario-Yang. 90 on Inuki.
  14. I'll bid 50 on Inuki And 50 on Blake And 40 on Middle Aaaaand 40 on Cal I MUST GET BLAKE AND CAL TOGETHER FOR MAXIMUM TROLLING
  15. Alright, guys, time to bring this game back to life! [b]Grumpy[/b] ~Short-tempered ~Angry ~One of the dwarves in Snow White
  16. Forum Name/PO Name: N8theGr8/N8 Time Zone: EST Tiers I'm willing to play: OU, Ubers, but if you decide to put in NU, I'd want that more than anything. :3 Interested in being a manager? Yeah, ? Wait, did I just type ...? OH SHI-
  17. I'm with AZ here, mainly because some of you have seen my new NU team...and it's pretty awesome. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE replace Ubers with NU. Please? But either way, I'm not voting for 3 OU teams. How boring would that be? EDIT: Doc, to completely reset the poll, you have to delete it and make a new one. It says I already voted even though I haven't yet.
  18. Oh...I thought by drafting players, that meant you literally draft Pokemon to be used. As in, there are no duplicates of a Pokemon. That would be pretty cool though. So...I guess I'm in.
  19. Yeah...I kinda didn't get that either. But, I bid you farewell, Doro. Good luck! EDIT: So much for leaving...he was just on yesterday.
  20. I [i]would[/i] join, but I don't get how this works. If the managers draft the teams and play the battles, what's the point of everyone else?
  21. If Gary comes back and gets Smugleaf, I will be the happiest person ever.
  22. Again, I didn't know where to post this, and I'm not gonna start up a new thread just for this. So, I was looking around, and I found two cool cheat codes. Ordinarily, I'm against AR codes, but there's no harm done for stuff like this. EVENT CELEBI, ACTIVATES ZORUA IN HIUN CITY: black 94000130 FFFB0000 0221BE0C 5535D67A 0221BE10 16CE0000 0221BE14 B177C8EB 0221BE18 7975B505 0221BE1C B255F9C0 0221BE20 426DD62F 0221BE24 37DFAB49 0221BE28 4D1A59F7 0221BE2C AF29F952 0221BE30 9E99AAA6 0221BE34 C1A2F93E 0221BE38 8F53459E 0221BE3C 995E722D 0221BE40 EC33556A 0221BE44 1AF1CEDF 0221BE48 24051593 0221BE4C 7D4027B1 0221BE50 19C1A90E 0221BE54 67AF05AB 0221BE58 76563DD3 0221BE5C 5EBC6018 0221BE60 EBA7837E 0221BE64 A8D342AA 0221BE68 F22AF112 0221BE6C 7FF4966E 0221BE70 1850A020 0221BE74 28B4510E 0221BE78 B9BCF45D 0221BE7C 06F12850 0221BE80 7AD819AA 0221BE84 37957D19 0221BE88 8B5361DA 0221BE8C A9B6DA2C 0221BE90 B7DF074B D2000000 00000000 white 94000130 FFFB0000 0221BE2C 5535D67A 0221BE30 16CE0000 0221BE34 B177C8EB 0221BE38 7975B505 0221BE3C B255F9C0 0221BE40 426DD62F 0221BE44 37DFAB49 0221BE48 4D1A59F7 0221BE4C AF29F952 0221BE50 9E99AAA6 0221BE54 C1A2F93E 0221BE58 8F53459E 0221BE5C 995E722D 0221BE60 EC33556A 0221BE64 1AF1CEDF 0221BE68 24051593 0221BE6C 7D4027B1 0221BE70 19C1A90E 0221BE74 67AF05AB 0221BE78 76563DD3 0221BE7C 5EBC6018 0221BE80 EBA7837E 0221BE84 A8D342AA 0221BE88 F22AF112 0221BE8C 7FF4966E 0221BE90 1850A020 0221BE94 28B4510E 0221BE98 B9BCF45D 0221BE9C 06F12850 0221BEA0 7AD819AA 0221BEA4 37957D19 0221BEA8 8B5361DA 0221BEAC A9B6DA2C 0221BEB0 B7DF074B D2000000 00000000 And then... EVENT ENTEI, ACTIVATES ZOROARK IN ILLUSION/LOST FOREST: black 94000130 FFFB0000 0221BE0C 27A055B8 0221BE10 B6F50000 0221BE14 C830EE7E 0221BE18 F600B6CB 0221BE1C 4B2EBEB7 0221BE20 12D30CF0 0221BE24 F0880D36 0221BE28 C8057BE5 0221BE2C 74B4CACD 0221BE30 FEC2949E 0221BE34 E440DD50 0221BE38 61740073 0221BE3C 9915BB32 0221BE40 A6B70F18 0221BE44 DB3FAD5F 0221BE48 BE444104 0221BE4C F97005A8 0221BE50 12D7F600 0221BE54 2B702368 0221BE58 B90FCA2C 0221BE5C 2137A43A 0221BE60 B452B8FA 0221BE64 4F3E80D3 0221BE68 D548F773 0221BE6C 38F054E8 0221BE70 A5543A2E 0221BE74 D4EE35D7 0221BE78 F6DA73D2 0221BE7C FC412690 0221BE80 9F17F64A 0221BE84 EA559129 0221BE88 A2576C81 0221BE8C D78287C1 0221BE90 F390FBF1 D2000000 00000000 white 94000130 FFFB0000 0221BE2C 27A055B8 0221BE30 B6F50000 0221BE34 C830EE7E 0221BE38 F600B6CB 0221BE3C 4B2EBEB7 0221BE40 12D30CF0 0221BE44 F0880D36 0221BE48 C8057BE5 0221BE4C 74B4CACD 0221BE50 FEC2949E 0221BE54 E440DD50 0221BE58 61740073 0221BE5C 9915BB32 0221BE60 A6B70F18 0221BE64 DB3FAD5F 0221BE68 BE444104 0221BE6C F97005A8 0221BE70 12D7F600 0221BE74 2B702368 0221BE78 B90FCA2C 0221BE7C 2137A43A 0221BE80 B452B8FA 0221BE84 4F3E80D3 0221BE88 D548F773 0221BE8C 38F054E8 0221BE90 A5543A2E 0221BE94 D4EE35D7 0221BE98 F6DA73D2 0221BE9C FC412690 0221BEA0 9F17F64A 0221BEA4 EA559129 0221BEA8 A2576C81 0221BEAC D78287C1 0221BEB0 F390FBF1 D2000000 00000000 Obviously, these codes activate the event Celebi and event Entei which lets you receive a Zorua/Zoroark. You have to battle a level 25 Zoroark in order to catch it, but the Zorua is just given to you (just make sure you have an open spot in your party). The event Pokemon appear in the FIRST slot in the FIRST BOX in your PC, so make sure that's open, otherwise the Pokemon there will be replaced! To activate, just press SELECT and UP at the same time. I used these and they work fine. Oh, and I got an Adamant Zoroark and a Mild Zorua. Dunno if that's automatic or not, if not, I'm one lucky boy. The Celebi and Entei are both Level 100, the Zorua's Level 10, and the Zoroark's Level 25. Oh, and to copy/paste the cheat, just start from the end of the cheat and go up. That works even with the scroll boxes.
  23. I've seen enough of what's happening with the Squad now to know what more than likely happened then. Hell, I was there for Titania, and if it was anything like that, I'm sure Shelly would be overwhelmed too.
  24. [b]Usually Nate or Nathan, but in my first game, Crystal, I was a girl named Amanda.[/b] [b]Are you kidding me?[/b] [b]Let's see...Crystal, Yellow, Ruby, Emerald, FireRed, Diamond, Platinum, a bit of SoulSilver, and now White.[/b] [b]Pokemon Rumble, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Mystery Dungeon Red, Mystery Dungeon Time, Trozei, Ranger[/b] [b]Ages back, I gave all my cards away and I don't remember any of them.[/b] [b]4, because they introduced Lucario[/b] [b]2, it was my first, and moreso, you can REVISIT KANTO. Oh, and Red's completely badass.[/b] [b]Crystal. Nostalgia wins here.[/b] [b]Mystery Dungeon Red. Unlike most people, I liked the story of Red/Blue more than Time/Darkness/Sky.[/b] [b]Lucario.[/b] [b]Blissey. I like Skarmory a bit, but SkarmBliss has gotta go.[/b] [b]Traveler and trainer, with Assos by my side.[/b] [b]White[/b] [b]HURR I ONLY WONDER...Lucario[/b] [b]Totodile. Again, nostalgia, but Feraligatr's fucking amazing.[/b] [b]HURR I ONLY WONDER...Riolu [/b] [b]Hm...probably Champion Lance/Red[/b] [b]Giovanni[/b] [b]Lance [/b] [b]Steven [/b] [b]Flint[/b] [b]Lance[/b] [b]Never really got into them, I'd probably do horribly if I joined one.[/b] [b]Probably the one with Entei...er...I forget its name! [/b] [b]All of the banned ones. Especially the ones with Porygon and...female James.[/b] [b]Steel[/b] [b]Hit 'em hard and knock 'em out! No sense in stalling, and SkarmBliss is WEAK. I also like trying out new or rarely seen strategies, I.E. Baton Pass Scizor.[/b] [b]Riley, Red, N (N is my BroTwin.)[/b] And an additional one: [b]Favorite line from the anime:[/b] THESE DONUTS ARE GREAT! JELLY FILLED ARE MY FAVORITE! NOTHING BEATS A JELLY FILLED DONUT!
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