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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. Another tough one: [b]This Pokemon is tied with Tyranitar and Umbreon for having the highest Defense of any Dark type.[/b]
  2. ...4th [b]This Pokemon gets every 1HKO move but Guillotine.[/b]
  3. Doro knows his stuff. Sorry Ame, I was looking for Gens 1-4, as I'm not familiar with 5th gen's abilities yet. Who knew Doro was so smart? Maybe all those orgies enhanced his brain...somehow...
  4. Wow. Like the 3rd time I've gone today. [b]This is the only Pokemon to get Sturdy that isn't a Rock, Ground, or Steel type.[/b]
  5. ...Doro got it, but Bullet didn't. The world really is ending.
  6. Whoa. Bullet got something WRONG. The world must be ending.
  7. Now for a moar difficult one... [b]This Pokemon has the highest Special Attack of all Ground type Pokemon.[/b]
  8. This is interesting. How about a concept where YOU are Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Galactic/Plasma? An idea like this has always interested me, where you are the bad guy. You would have to perform missions for your boss, and if you did well, you would receive better Pokemon. You could also be promoted from Grunt to Commander to Admin, and receive other prizes along the way (items, badges, etc.) to show how good you are. Hell, there could even be ONLINE where you join groups and go out into squads to perform a multi-mission! That would be epic! What would the missions be about? Stuff like... ~Having to defeat and take Pokemon from other trainers ~Having to steal precious items from museums and such ~Finding information about a secretive topic ~Stopping other Trainers from infiltrating your base ~Beating other Grunts/Commanders/Admins to gain higher rank ~Finding new Pokemon/items for your Team ~Coming up with new plans to TAKE OVER THE WORLD ...you liek?
  9. Well, Nyukinz actually is the one that implements all of the stuff, but I was the one who pretty much fed him all of the stuff. For example, you need to convert the moveset to numbers for it to be implemented, so I did that and gave the number list to Nyu.
  10. Smogon will have banned it to Ubers before Reshiram and Zekrom.
  11. Now the question will not be whether weather is up. It will be which KIND of weather is up. Now that we have Pokemon that can bring up infinite of any form of weather...this will make Pokemon something completely different.
  12. What a fantastic group of mods Amethyst picked out. You do a favor for one and this is how he thanks you.
  13. Alright, now that Grimolt is just about finished (we just need Nyu to implement the sprite/cry), more than ever are new strategies welcomed with open arms! Please give us your ideas!
  14. Mashew, it isn't possible for the data to be "public" because the client would have to have the RPPs' information already installed. So, we have to go with downloadable.
  15. People, let's keep in mind that this is the RPP thread, not a Pokemon Hater thread. Make your own Hater thread if you want to bitch about the Pokemon that you don't like.
  16. I came. Hard. Epic work, Ame. Fucking fantastic. And so ends the RPP I, as now all we have to do is test and possibly make a few small edits. This would be where the fun part begins.
  17. Mash, you're complaining about GG gossiping about someone. GOSSIP GARDEVOIR, GOSSIPING ABOUT SOMEONE. That's like telling a snake that its hissing is annoying.
  18. The highlights are officially good again now that GG's back. [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']I missed the real GG soooo much. It's awesome that you're back.[/color]
  19. How the hell do you KNOW all of this stuff? That would be correct. This was according to Pokemon Stadium, and was also one of the few times that a Pokemon has been connected to the "real world".
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