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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. The battle may be won....but the WAR is just beginning. [b]This Pokemon is sometimes used as medicine in China.[/b]
  2. Well, recently, Mash found some interesting information about the story between Julia, Florinia, and now Titania, and another leader! Why he couldn't post this himself, I have no idea. Anyway, could it be the Water/Dragon leader? Who knows? [quote](20:11) [+INF]Mashew: Umm you Julia and Titania were friends right? (20:11) [Reborn]Florinia: Incorrect. (20:11) [+INF]Mashew: Oh.. then what were you? collegaues? or however you spell it? (20:12) [Reborn]Florinia: We attended the Pokemon Technical Institute. As such, we were placed in a single living environment together. (20:12) [+INF]Mashew: so you were roomates? correct? (20:12) [+INF]Mashew: and Thank you for answering it~ *hugs* See you again soon hopefully~ (20:13) [Reborn]Florinia: Correct. Under one housing division, there were four. I was placed with Julia. Titania with the other. (20:13) [+INF]Mashew: who was the other? (20:13) [Reborn]Florinia: It appears as if I must go now. Farewell. (20:13) [+INF]Mashew: =[[/quote] Operation: Iron Dynamiris will be updated with this new information.
  3. See? We're all bitching because we tend to be against what we first see. We'll grow used to these guys over time. I still remember my OMGWTF face when I first saw Bidoof. I was thinking, "Is it retarded or something?"
  4. Nasty Plot Chatot (I swept Will with this guy): CHATOT @ LIFE ORB/LEFTIES/YACHE BERRY TIMID NATURE 252 speed/252 Special Attack/4 HP ~Nasty Plot ~Hyper Voice ~Hidden Power Fighting ~Heat Wave/Ominous Wind/Chatter Yep. Most epic set ever. It can actually put a good dent in a lot of things if it gets up a Nasty Plot. Hyper Voice is the attack to use if it isn't resisted, if it is, use HP Fighting or your last move. You have a choice between more base power, super effective against ghosts, or STAB. Take your pick.
  5. I agree with Connor, but if you look, there is some simplistic ones. Like the epic croc.
  6. Then why the hell didn't I win? If a Pokemon can change its pose even though it has no body parts, and Unown hasn't since it appeared in G/S, what can you possibly say isn't right? Just because it isn't the answer you were "looking for" doesn't mean it's not correct.
  7. OMGWTFBBQ. This is blasphemy/madness/Sparta. And Ame still needs to finish the Grimolt sprite.
  8. Actually, Mr. Knowledge Hammer, Voltorb has changed his pose quite often, as he always changes his perspective or the way that he is perched so that he strikes a different pose. Think before you talk. Unown, on the other hand, always stays in that generic looking right at you pose.
  9. [img]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/59.jpg[/img] Thank god they didn't butcher the croc. This guy looks badass. And not ALL of them are horrible. But too many are. [img]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/66.jpg[/img] DERPFACE
  10. [quote]Heymy logs ate perfectly fine I do them exactly how kitty did so don't complain.[/quote] You get a 404 error whenever you try to open them. There's gotta be a problem.
  11. Wow. This one was easy. Unown.
  12. I noticed that someone decided to mess with the polling votes.
  13. What we need is not for the HM system to be removed, but to have the field ways of using it possible without actually teaching our Pokemon it. This could correspond to IF the Pokemon could learn the move, but it doesn't have to actually know it. Oh, and yeah, we definitely need ANOTHER PIKACHU KNOCKOFF THAT WILL SUCK IN-GAME AND IS JUST FOR MARKETING. I think what we ACTUALLY need is enhancements to previously useless abilities. I think Sturdy's already been improved (it's now a Focus Sash without holding the item), but there's SO many abilities that could be improved! Run Away, Illuminate, Keen Eye, Pickup (although Pickup is dead useful outside of battle if it's on a Level 100 Pokemon)....the list goes on.
  14. The logs are STILL broken. This isn't surprising me. And there was a comeback fight that WASN'T Will vs. Terra? I thought Will had her after taking out Gliscor, but Rawrchomp made the most epic comeback. Oh, and the "good players" aren't tied up, we're just waiting for someone else to beat YOU so we can finally battle again. *COUGHMASHMOVEFASTERCOUGH*
  15. Mhm. Azurill's BST is a puny 190. The two above it are Kricketot and Wurmple, I believe.
  16. That thing gives me more nightmares than the Offended page on Encyclopedia Dramatica (not really). [b]This Pokemon has the second-lowest Base Stat Total in the entire game[/b] In case you're wondering, Sunkern's BST is the lowest, at 180.
  17. That's wrong. Think uglier. Lumineon, the Shit Bug Fish Thing Pokemon I remember battling one in the Battle Tower or somethin. Those things are SHIT.
  18. So much for your precious Hammer of Knowledge RUMOR: Desukan, the Sarcophagus Pokemon thing, will be Spiritomb's Evolution.
  19. Umbreon. When I first started, I'd say Jolteon, but only now do I notice Umbreon's grace, beauty, and elegance. It shiny sprite is completely beautiful with the blue rings and it is incredible in battle. Cursing Umbreon is nearly impossible to stop if you let it set up on you. Umbreon shows something beyond just being flat out adorable, it shows an elegance that is only seen in Espeon besides itself. However, Espeon just doesn't have that mysterious beauty and usability in battle that makes Umbreon superior in my eyes. AND MAH AVATAR IS UMBREON GETTING A FACIAL TROLOLOLOLOL.
  20. But how can we trust you after that little forum stunt that we all thought was Kitty when it was actually you?
  21. [b]Bug- [/b] Scizor [b]Dark- [/b] Umbreon [b]Dragon- [/b] Garchomp [b]Electric- [/b] Jolteon [b]Flying- [/b] Charizard [b]Fire- [/b] Grimolt (Is this one cheating?) [b]Fighting- [/b] Lucario [b]Ghost- [/b] Grimolt (Is it?) [b]Grass- [/b] Sceptile [b]Ground- [/b] Garchomp [b]Ice- [/b] Weavile [b]Normal- [/b] Chatot [b]Poison- [/b] Nidoking [b]Psychic- [/b] Gallade [b]Rock- [/b] Aerodactyl [b]Steel- [/b] Lucario [b]Water- [/b] Suicune And, Ame: [img]http://holycrapthatsfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/1196011701699.png[/img]
  22. My mind has just been blown. The only one I don't see too much resemblance with is Dialga and the last water, but the others look JUST LIKE MILOTIC AND RHYPERIOR
  23. A new one: [b]Curse that damn Parafusion![/b] Grimolt @ Lefties EVs: 252 HP/252 Special Defense/4 Defense -IMPISH NATURE ~Confuse Ray ~Thunder Wave ~Curse ~Mean Look/Moonlight/Pain Split/Substitute Annoy the living shit out of your opponent by Paralyzing, Confusing, AND Cursing them. Mean Look is probably the best option for the last slot so that they are doomed to fall due to Curse, but you can also run Moonlight or Pain Split for recovery. Your choice. EDIT: You could ALSO run Substitute in that last slot for scouting and to have a buffer to take a hit for you. EDIT 2: Pffft, you guys are lame. Let's come up with... [b]The wolf that leads his pack[/b] Grimolt @ Focus Sash 252 Speed/ 252 Special Attack/ 4 Attack - NAIVE NATURE ~Shadow Ball ~Fire Blast ~Aura Sphere ~Taunt/Explosion/Destiny Bond Lead your army to victory by taking out common leads. Infernape and Azelf fall to Shadow Ball, Metagross, Skarmory, and Foretress all are wrecked by Fire Blast, and any rock type is killed by Aura Sphere. Grimolt can make a good lead because you have the unexpected edge. The last slot is a toss-up between whether you want to prevent some leads from getting up Stealth Rock or taking a Poke down with you. [b]Complete Crippler[/b] Grimolt @ Choice Band/Scarf/Specs 252 Speed/ 252 HP/ 4 Special Attack -TIMID NATURE ~Trick ~Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Fire Blast ~Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Fire Blast ~Shadow Ball The goal here is to spread as much status as possible. Trick a choice item or spread burn/paralysis to annoy the living shit out of your opponent, to the point where the majority of the opponent's team is useless. Watch out for Guts. There's a number of other options to run here, as Grimolt has some toys like Pain Split and Mean Look, so you can experiment with those if you'd prefer. [b]The wolf that traps his prey[/b] Grimolt @ Lefties 252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 Defense - BOLD/TIMID NATURE ~Mean Look ~Toxic ~Confuse Ray ~Moonlight/Protect/Taunt/Shadow Ball Come in on a physical attacker and trap them. Proceed to confuse and badly poison, and then stall. They can't leave, so there's a number of good options for the last slot. Moonlight is obvious, for recovery. Protect is to make stalling easier. Taunt is to make sure that the Pokemon tries to set up, and Shadow Ball prevents you from being Taunt bait. The only problem with this is that Umbreon would probably run this better, however, Grimolt is much faster, so you have the edge in trapping and confusing your opponent before they kill you. [b]IMPORTANT: REPLACE FOCUS BLAST WITH AURA SPHERE IN EVERY SET THAT USED FOCUS BLAST BEFORE.[/b]
  24. OK, I'm gonna come up with one, because Orca the failwhale (U SEE WUT I DID THAR?) couldn't find one. [b]This Generation II/III Pokemon had a different sprite in Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen from Pokemon Ruby/Saphire/Emerald, despite every other Pokemon from Generations II and III not getting a sprite change in those games.[/b]
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