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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. WOW LOOK IT'S A .WAV FILE I WONDER WHAT IT COULD BE FOR [attachment=43:wolf2.wav]
  2. LET'S GET BACK ON TRACK WITH THE THREAD HERE. Any ideas for Grimolt's cry?
  3. Whoa. Mael's list...yeah, let's pick out the only ones I am NOT completely obsessed with. Torkoal Relicanth Toxicroak Dragonair ...and that's it. That list was pretty much orgasmic, though I've yet to use Blastoise in a team. All of the Kanto starters were fucking epic. :/
  4. Oh derp, I thought you were angry cuz I was saying that the...BALLS SHIT THING was ugly. Actually, calling that thing ugly is the understatement of the century.
  5. Might I ask what Pokemon DON'T you want to die?
  6. Dragonite, definitely. Not even close. Think about it, without Salamence, Dragonite is the premier Dragon. Flygon lacks Dragon Dance and really is only seen as a scarfed revenge killer. Dragonite can hold any choice item, run a dragon dance set, a bulky set...its such an awesome versatile Pokemon. He's always been my favorite Dragon due to his just epic looks. Flygon looks like a bug with wings. Dragonite looks like a dinosaur with wings but still has that adorable-ness that makes him just epic. Dragonite also has an ability that is useful, with FLINCH HAXX SCARF JIRACHI everywhere, Dragonite can switch in and set up, thanks to Inner Focus. Flygon's ability would normally be really useful, but Dragonite is immune to Ground anyway and both still get hit with a 4x Ice weakness. Another difference is that if Dragonite is holding a Yache berry, it can actually take an ice attack! Flygon lacks strong enough defenses to be able to take a strong Ice Beam, even with a Yache. Overall, Dragonite is stronger, cooler, cuter, and overall more epic than Flygon in almost every aspect there is. Oh, and Dragonite makes an awesome messenger, too: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_73od7LVMKqc/SxcbgnSLNiI/AAAAAAAAAuo/EPGky9oaWYw/s320/dragonite.gif[/img] [See Mewtwo Strikes Back if you haven't to see Dragonite's messenger skills] And Orca Mael, what Pokemon DO you like if you hate Flygon, Dragonite, AND Pikachu? O.o
  7. I think you better sleep with one eye open because Nyu will kill you, Orca Mael. Oh, and Lucario > All and Umbreon = New best Eeveelution.
  8. OH COME ON! You look at: [img]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokaevo2.jpg[/img] And say that that thing isn't ugly as SHIT.
  9. Alright, Poison, Ground, Bug, and Dragon. But seeing as Dragon was in the Elite Four 3 times, and seeing that Poison and Bug are probably the worst types in the game, the only surprising one is Ground. Ground has a shitload of Pokemon to use, and its only been a Gym Leader type once and an Elite Four type once. In my opinion, Dark isn't a gym leader because there aren't enough Dark type Pokemon available at lower levels. This explains why its been an Elite Four type twice. Unless B/W adds a motherload of new Dark types, I'm doubting a Dark Leader. But I could be wrong.
  10. Bullet wins for actually putting logic behind his answer, but I, like Orca Mael (HAHA IT RHYMES WITH WHALE), like Charizard the most. My order actually is... 1) Charizard 2) Infernape 3) Blaziken 4) Typhlosion ...I love all of them though. Too bad Black/White's fire starter is beyond retarded, so I can't say that Fire Types are always best starters anymore. Go go Bullet!
  11. Well I'm stupid I should start thinking before I post. Still, I'm going Tailow. If they haven't come up with a Dark leader in 24 chances, I don't think they're doing it now, seeing as every other type to my knowledge has been repeated once but Ground. I think.
  12. Hopefully it's worse than Infernape. I'd never use that ugly shit over epic Infernape.
  13. It JUST occurred to me...shouldn't this guy have a battle cry like all of his Poké Friends?
  14. I'm gonna say Tailow here. Why? Because Pokemon's Gym leaders all always have the same types as the previous generation. I'll admit, there's a few differences, but Game Freak doesn't seem to want to introduce too many new types. Here's the list of types in Hoenn: Rock Fighting Electric Fire Normal Flying Psychic Water and Sinnoh: Rock Grass Fighting Water Ghost Steel Ice Electric The types that weren't shared between the two are Normal, Psychic, Grass, Ghost, Steel, Flying, Steel, Ice, and Fire. Out of these, Steel, Ice, Grass, Ghost, Flying, and Normal were all in the game directly before it and in Kanto there were Psychic and Fire leaders. Alright, I'll give credit that Giovanni, the Ground Leader has never had a Ground Leader partner. This means that since Johto, NO NEW TYPES HAVE BEEN ADDED AND EVERY TYPE HAS BEEN A LEADER IN THE 3RD AND 4TH GENERATIONS HAVE ALREADY BEEN A LEADER'S TYPE. This pretty much says to me that Game Freak isn't the most creative bunch. Maybe there will be a Dark Elite Four member, though.
  15. OH SNAP! In other news, GG apparently had her position STOLEN by Mashew? How will this turn out? Stay tuned to find out!
  16. o.o Holy shit. That's right
  17. Alright, time for something that might be harder to you people, although I'm not sure: [b]This Pokemon's prototype name was "Ess".[/b]
  18. Some Moar: [b]Spinblocker and Burner[/b] Grimolt @ Lefties EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 Special Attack - TIMID NATURE ~Will-O-Wisp ~Pain Split ~Shadow Ball ~Psychic/Focus Blast/Flamethrower/Fire Blast Good for stopping physical sweepers like Swords Dance Lucario and such, as well as blocking things. The only guy you have to watch out for is Starmie, who can 1HKO with super effective STAB. Also be careful of triggering someone's Guts. [b]Choice Scarf[/b] Grimolt @ Choice Scarf 252 Special Attack/252 Speed/ 4 HP - MODEST/RASH NATURE ~Shadow Ball ~Will-O-Wisp ~Focus Blast/Psychic/Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick ~Focus Blast/Psychic/Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick Probably better at stopping sweepers, as you are now faster than DDance Gyarados and DDance Dragonite. If Gyarados is sent out, instantly switch to this guy on the DDance and burn. Laugh as their attacks now are extremely weak and Gyara is next to useless. Same thing with Dragonite. This guy might actually be better at blocking spins, seeing as it now outspeeds Starmie and can 1HKO with Shadow Ball/WTFBOOM. EDIT: You can also run Trick to cripple something that switches in.
  19. Silly Mash/Bullet, I already got Skarmory's Whirlwind, Regigigas's Crush Grip, and Breloom's Focus Punch. TROLOLOLOL
  20. Here we go. The pretty much final phase of Grimolt, RPP I, before it is implemented and we can TEST IT! But before that, let's give us all some ideas on how to use this guy! [b]NASTY PLOT SWEEPER[/b] Grimolt @ Lefties/Life Orb 252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 HP TIMID/NAIVE NATURE ~Nasty Plot ~Shadow Ball ~Psychic/Focus Blast ~Flamethrower/Explosion/Fire Blast Here we go. Definitely the reason this guy was made. Nasty Plot is obvious, to boost that special attack to frightening levels. Shadow ball is STAB. Psychic is the recommended option, seeing as you can run STAB Flamethrower/Fire Blast to get through Steel Types, however, you can run Focus Blast if you are afraid of Tyranitar. The last slot can be either Fire STAB or Explosion to take out Blissey. Blissey will always faint to a non-boosted Explosion, as will most of Grimolt's counters. [b]CHOICE SPECS[/b] Grimolt @ Choice Specs ~Shadow Ball ~Psychic ~Focus Blast ~Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick Same EVs/Nature Get in there with Grimolt's pretty good defense and wreak havoc. Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Focus Blast provide coverage, and the last slot is a toss-up between whether you want to get more STAB or kill Blissey. You can also run Trick in that last slot to completely cripple an opponent [b]Sub-Petaya/Salac[/b] Grimolt @ Petaya/Salac Berry EVs the same, IVs will have to be divisible by four. Nature- Timid/Modest ~Nasty Plot ~Substitute ~Shadow Ball ~Psychic/Focus Blast/Fire Blast Make sure the field is void of entry hazards, and send this guy in after a KO. Substitute, and if the opponent switches, Nasty Plot. You can get your Special attack completely broken by doing this. Salac is if you want to outspeed Scarftar and others. PLEASE, post your own strategies! All ideas are welcome!
  21. I like Grimolt too. So, I guess we don't really need to vote, seeing as just about everyone who liked a particular name liked Grimolt. GRIMOLT, THE FIRE/GHOST RPP I NASTY PLOT SWEEPER.
  22. Silly Knight, don't get questions from the Pokemon Trivia Quiz on Bulbapedia, because I actually READ that stuff! Electrike.
  23. SOME MOAR (because I didn't come up with enough already, I know): tore into pieces from Flareon's Fire Fang! was blasted back from Vaporeon's Hydro Pump! had their brain split by Espeon's Psychic! got thrown back by Umbreon's Payback! was sliced by Leafeon's Leaf Blade! froze from Glaceon's Ice Beam! was beaten by Gallade's Close Combat! got FALCON PAWNCHED by Machamp's DynamicPunch! was cut to pieces by Aerodactyl's Stone Edge! was sliced in half by Heracross's Megahorn! bled to death from Dragonite's Dragon Claw! drowned from Starmie's Surf! got their energy sapped from Roserade's Leech Seed! was obliterated from Salamence's Outrage! was demolished by Unown's Hidden Power! 's ears exploded due to Chatot's Chatter! was thrown a mile back from Exploud's Hyper Voice! Needed moar eeveelutions. And Bullet's AIDS Blissey is WIN, as much as I hate SkarmBliss.
  24. got blasted by Lucario's Aura Sphere! got electrocuted by Jolteon's Thunderbolt! drowned from Gyarados's Waterfall! got blown away by Skarmory's Whirlwind! exploded from Electrode's EXPLOSION!!! got flinch-haxxed to death by Jirachi's Iron Head! got obliterated by Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam! fell into a fissure of Swampert's Earthquake! got torn apart by Tyranitar's Crunch! got the wind knocked out of them by Scizor's Bullet Punch! got blasted back by Breloom's Focus Punch! got pimp-slapped by Pimpkrow's Sucker Punch! got arrested by Obamasnow's Security! used EXPLOSION!!! got completely destroyed by Magikarp's Splash! got zapped by Pikachu's Thunder! bursted into flames from Infernape's Flare Blitz! passed out from Groudon's Drought! drowned from Kyogre's Drizzle! got sliced in half from Rawrchomp's Dragon Claw! was incinerated by Charizard's Flamethrower! got frozen from Articuno's Blizzard! was fried from Moltres's Overheat! got electrocuted by Zapdos's Thunder! fell into Darkrai's Dark Void! got blasted from Shaymin's Seed Flare! was completely overthrown by Dialga's Roar of Time! tore into shreds from Palkia's Psychic 's mind exploded from Mewtwo's Psychic! got destroyed by Mew's Metronome! became ashes from Entei's Flare Blitz! got washed away from Suicune's Hydro Pump! was zapped by Raikou's Thunderbolt! got sent back in time by Celebi! roasted from Ho-Oh's Sacred Fire! was thrown across the globe by Lugia's Aeroblast! exploded from Registeel's Explosion! got frostbite from Regice's Blizzard! got crushed by Regirock's Rock Slide! fell unconscious to Latias's Luster Purge! got blasted back by Latios's Dragon Pulse! was crushed by Rayquaza's Draco Meteor! got blasted by Blastoise's Hydro Cannon! completely burned up by Blaziken's Blast Burn! exploded from Venusaur's SolarBeam! got scorched by Typhlosion's Eruption! drowned to Feraligatr's Waterfall! was beaten by Meganium's Frenzy Plant! got sliced by Sceptile's Leaf Blade! was blasted from Deoxys's Psycho Boost! was cast into the shadows by Giratina's Shadow Force! was completely annihilated from Arceus's Judgement! had their bones shattered from Regigigas's Crush Grip! ...that should be good for the next few decades or so. I needed something to do because I was bored this morning and then I saw this, so...yeah.
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