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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. Will wins. No contest whatsoever.
  2. Wait, but I like Poka---OH FUCK IT'S EVOS ARE HIDEOUS. >.< +1 for Grass Snake (Tsutarja)
  3. [img]http://art.ngfiles.com/images/8/51430_cd-i-ganon.gif[/img]
  4. This day is officially one of the greatest of my life. 8D Oh, and a follow-up to Will: [img]http://images.starcraftmazter.net/4chan/for_forums/say_wut_again.jpg[/img]
  5. Hey, time for something different. I decided to draw a picture of my Reborn self, as I'm too busy finding the cure for cancer to appear in +Infinitas right now. ISN'T IT [s]BEAUTIFUL?[/s] THE WORST PIECE OF SHIT YOU'VE EVER SEEN? [attachment=42:img002.jpg] For some reason it was cropped and turned out crooked when I scanned it, but oh well. [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']At least it could have been worse...maybe.[/color] I know what you're thinking, if you're not thinking "WTF IS THIS SHIT?!". I gave myself a top hat because they are my most favorite thing that I could ever wear. Ever. Also, Will, awesome job with this, you're really doing well and I hope you continue to keep coming out with new pages!
  6. So...are we going with my fiery ghost idea? If anyone has an OBJECTION!!! I'll be glad to hear your idea.
  7. I was assuming SR was up, Doc. Sorry 'bout that.
  8. Really, any Bulky Water will give this guy trouble, seeing as they can 1HKO with a STAB Special Water. I was thinking about giving this guy TBolt, but that would OHKO any Bulky Water after a Nasty Plot, so that would be a bit overpowered. I mean, just about any SPECIAL ATTACK kills this guy...so long as you're faster or can take a hit, you're good! Literally, just about ANYTHING with a somewhat acceptable special attack OHKO's this guy. ...I would give examples, but ANY BULKY WATER, Jolteon, Starmie, and another good one, T-Tar. With the Special Defense boost from Sand Stream, he should be able to take a Nasty Plotted attack as long as it isn't Aura Sphere/Focus Blast, and then strike back with Crunch/Pursuit. Oh, and the first post has been updated with the Base Stat Total.
  9. How about something like the ghost in this pic? It obviously fits "Fire" and "Ghost" perfectly and would look badass if we put our own spin on it. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_efad_DsUBzo/Se9GD4-fiBI/AAAAAAAAAqY/nYC5TQKijYg/s400/Fire%20Ghost_color_Nathanael%20Lark.jpg[/img]
  10. Sorry Mash, you posted that RIGHT after Doc and I left. Ugh, finally we found a good number where it took less than 30% from a CBScizor Bullet Punch but is still OHKO'd by Weavile after SR damage. The Special Defense is so low that any scarfed/faster special Pokemon will take this guy out. It comes to a Base Stat total of 534, which is a good number in the OU tier, being "good" but not "the best". So, next up, we need an appearance for this guy. We could use.... ~Genie Pokémon ~Will-O-Th'-Wisp Pokémon ~Energy Pokémon First of all, describe what YOU think this Pokémon should look like based on these descriptions, or create your own! Any ideas are welcome, because I'm too tired for any creativity.
  11. We didn't survey for Attack because of the fact that 60 is a perfect number. Provided that the nature is not -Atk, Explosion will destroy almost all of this thing's counters, and a certain pink fatass whore.
  12. The poll has been edited with Bullet's pretty answer. RE-VOTE EVERYONE!
  13. Next up is Base Stats. We'll tally these votes one by one, and I'll give everyone roughly a 48 hour period to vote on each Base Stat in the poll. First up will be probably the most important factor, Speed. After Speed, we'll move in this order... Special Attack Attack HP Defense Special Defense C'mon and vote for what you guys think is right!
  14. I agree with Lara. We both are kinda sad that we're just so in the leaders' faces about the investigations, instead of warming up to them and vice versa and THEN talking to them. It seems kinda cold just to ask these really personal questions constantly at each leader.
  15. That's kinda what I was thinking. What if we mess up and give something like Electrode Sucker Punch? ... Wait... EDIT: Due to the two moves made by myself and Doc to Ghost/Fire, Reborn Pokemon Project I will have the typing Ghost/Fire! Whether this Pokemon gets Levitate or not will play a huge factor towards its counters.
  16. I'll have to change my vote as well, because Ghost/Fire should be easier to take out, but loses its 4x weaknesses entirely. In fact, it makes it an entirely different Pokemon, seeing as it is weak to Water, Ground, Rock, Ghost, and Dark, but resists Fire, Grass, Ice, Poison, and most importantly, STEEL. With Choice Band Scizor being one of the most commonly used Pokemon, being able to come in on a Bullet Punch and set up is incredibly invaluable. This guy still is immune to Normal/Fighting, obviously. This brings the votes to: 3 Ghost/Psychic 3 Ghost/Fire 0 Dark/Psychic
  17. Alright. THIS IS TO ANYONE WHO VOTED. Would you rather change your vote to Ghost/Fire over Ghost/Psychic? Or keep your vote as it is.
  18. Poll for typing and a pretty checklist have been added. [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Creating a new Pokémon is way more fun than just editing an already created one.[/color]
  19. Well then, if this Pokemon were to become into existence...Pimpkrow would become way more used. And it's definitely not a bad thing if we start seeing the most epic Pokemon in the game being used more often. But you're right, neither of these moves are seen very often at all. I forgot to say that any scarfed Rotom would take this guy out. Looking at Stars's idea, here's what would happen if we decided to make a Pokemon Dark/Psychic: It would have no resistances except an immunity to Psychic, and it would have a 4x weakness to Bug. I used [url="http://jetlogs.org/sandbox/pokemon_type_calc.html"]this[/url] to figure that out, in case you're wondering. Do you guys like that more than: 2 immunities (Normal and Fighting), 2 resistances (Poison and Psychic), and 2 4x weaknesses (Ghost and Dark)? U-Turn isn't the most uncommon of moves, seen on both Scizor and Scarfed Flygon (and a few others I don't feel like thinking of). Are you guys for Ghost/Psychic or Dark/Psychic? And thanks Ame.
  20. Continuing on Geo's stupidity of Jumpluff getting Swords Dance....ready for this? ELECTRODE AND LANTURN GET SUCKER PUNCH. So does Huntail, Drifblim, and Wormadam. If you do not have arms, you cannot punch. This is inevitable logic. ...And why does Electrode need a priority move to begin with? It's already faster than just about ANYTHING.
  21. [quote]How is Jolteon a counter?[/quote] Umm...Jolteon is like the fastest Pokemon in the game, combined with a 4x super effective move...As long as you're running Shadow Ball, which almost every Jolteon does, this guy won't be much of a problem. I'll admit that Shadow Sneak is nearly never seen, but Sucker Punch isn't too rare. Basically, anything faster with a Ghost/Dark move or a special wall (Blissey) proves to be a problem. Obviously this guy is gonna have a SHIT Special Defense to ensure that any faster Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse is a OHKO. Weavile, Alakazam, and Jolteon are all faster as long as they have max Speed, and they all carry a Dark/Ghost move to OHKO this guy. Azelf and Raikou tie at 115 Base Speed, and both can also get 4x super effective moves against him.
  22. Doc, look at it this way. Weavile, an OU sweeper that has access to Swords Dance, has a base 120 Attack and a base 125 speed, WITH a STAB priority move. The only reason Weavile isn't used more often is because of a glaring Stealth Rock weakness. Both of this Pokemon's offensive base stats are lower than Weavile's, so I don't think this guy will prove to be too much of a problem to our metagame, especially with a certain egg-bearing fatass running around. Counters to a Ghost/Psychic type include... Jolteon of any kind Scarf Gengar Any Pokemon with Shadow Sneak Any Pokemon with Sucker Punch (HELL YES PIMPKROW) Weavile of any kind As a little side note, Blissey will wall this guy to all ends and paralyze it, rendering him completely useless. Adaptability seems like a good idea though, so I'll add it to the list. If we were to switch to Dark/Psychic, any PKMN with U-Turn would give this guy trouble...especially Banded Scizor.
  23. Hmm...I kinda wanted to AVOID smogon's whole process on the thing because I don't want someone coming here and thinking we're just completely copying smogon. Doing something more free would honestly just make the whole project a lot more fun, even if we do screw up the metagame. I guess what I'm saying is Trial & Error > Smogon
  24. Alright...here's my brainstorming at work. Something I feel the OU metagame needs that it doesn't have is a solid special sweeper with access to Nasty Plot. When you look at the mass amounts of Pokemon that use Dragon Dance and Swords Dance, you are believing that the OU metagame is physically inclined, which I believe it is. Sure, you've got Mismagius and Pimp/Honchkrow and Houndoom, but all of them just aren't fast enough and don't have a usable special priority move, so they can't be used as the massively destructive sweepers that can be seen all over the OU metagame. Gengar, a very good option to getting Nasty Plot doesn't have it for some odd reason. So...here's my idea. ~Ghost/Fire Type ~Important Base Stats: 113 Speed is faster than Gengar but slower than Starmie, 125 Special Attack makes Nasty Plot very viable, 60 Atk lets him OHKO Blissey and most of his counters (provided he's not running a -Atk Nature) 100% of the time with Explosion. ~Frail, like most hard-hitting sweepers All of these are likely to change, [s]hell- the whole project might be cancelled[/s]. This is just a little idea I had. Please feel free to post your suggestions and comments and also answer the poll! REBORN POKEMON PROJECT I CHECKLIST: [√] Typing [Ghost/Fire] [√**] Base Stats [Speed: 113, Special Attack: 125, Attack: 60*, HP: 90*, Special Defense: 55*, Defense: 100* BASE STAT TOTAL: 534*] [√] Appearance/Spriting [See AmethystStorm's sprites on the 6th page] [√] Ability/Abilities [Vital Spirit] [√**] Movepool [See my Movepool post on the 4th page] [√] Name [Grimolt] [√] Strategy [[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=209"]See here[/url]] [√] Battle Cry? [See Battle Cry posted by me on the 6th page] * = We (Doc and I) didn't survey you guys, but rather performed a series of tests to see what Base Stat number would be best fitting for this Pokemon. ** = Possibly could change in the future.
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