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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. I can start to work on a concept for a possible Pokemon.
  2. Everyone...I have STUNNING news...it's simply the investigation of the century here...after much grinding, I finally got Shade to reveal that... HE HAS AN iPHONE. OMFG IT'S AMAZING ISN'T IT? Pretty much how the conversation went: N8: I just got this really cool app for my iPod Touch N8: Anyone here have an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad? [Reborn]Shade: ...4G...Jailbroken... N8: O.O
  3. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q7Cy3qSwKI"]Best Random Song Ever Created.[/url]
  4. inb4NOU Also, happy birthday Nyukinz! You're still the best battler EVER. So, best wishes for you for today and let's hope you have many more birthdays to come!
  5. Rotom-F seems to fit that option better, seeing as it get can a Boltbeam combo, even if Blizzard's accuracy is very shaky. Jolly Tyranitar is tough against any Rotom too, seeing as T-Tar gets a SpD boost through his own ability, and even if he is burned, Crunch is still doing a lot of damage with T-Tar's base Attack, and super-effective STAB. WHY couldn't Rotom-F get Ice Beam? That would make it so much more usable!
  6. PokeRemixStudio is a genius. I could listen to his work for hours. Now, the next adjective is... [b]Breathtaking[/b] ~Magnificent ~Awesome ~Fantastic
  7. I made you this little icon thing as a sorry gift. :3 [attachment=41:Luffs_.png]
  8. [size=7][color="#FF0000"][b][i][font="Impact"]FUCK YES.[/font][/i][/b][/color][/size] Oh, and Kitty, you're so smart. :3
  9. Maybe Ame and Kitty finally decided to stop encouraging youth worldwide to gamble... [size=7][color="#FF0000"][b]YEAH, RIGHT.[/b][/color][/size]
  10. Yay for birthdays! Happy birthday Smash~
  11. Sitting on whatever water Pokémon you have out in the ocean while listening to [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI1DW_ryBMM&feature=related"]this.[/url]
  12. UR DOIN IT WRONG. It's A, B, C, D...not 1, 2, 3, 4!
  13. The new scheduling is up, and therefore, I will update the missions accordingly as to when we can get certain leaders here at the same time.
  14. Here's a variation of the common suicide Azelf lead that I've come to create: BOLTBEAM PUNCH LEAD AZELF Azelf @ Focus Sash 252 Atk/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP JOLLY NATURE ~Stealth Rock ~Taunt ~ThunderPunch ~Ice Punch Believe it or not, Azelf's Attack stat is the same as his Special Attack stat. Basically, you're running the same thing as a Lead Azelf but now have perfect coverage against Pokemon. How Azelf manages to punch with those stubby arms I'll never know.
  15. Alright, Doc, you can host whoever's up next.
  16. Alright, here you guys go! Sorry ash15, orange isn't a color I have, so I gave you red instead. It still turned out nice: [attachment=39:Mashew_T...ner_Card.png] [attachment=37:Ash15_Trainer_Card.png]
  17. Ah, no...you could only find Cubone....sorry, better luck next time!
  18. No, it's just that ash always seems to leave whenever someone else finishes. Like I said, first come, first serve. For $2000! Which of these Pokemon did NOT appear on a sign in Pokemon Snap! A. Kingler B. Mewtwo C. Koffing D. Marowak All life lines
  19. Poor Absol, being blamed for disasters because he/she can foresee them. For $1000! Which of these has never been a second type for a starter? A. Ground B. Rock C. Flying D. Steel All life lines.
  20. You know, that's funny because I did too! For $500! Which of these Pokemon would get STAB if they used Night Slash? A. Gallade B. Charizard C. Absol D. Dusknoir All life lines
  21. Well aren't you just PERFECT (not). For $300! This one was inspired by Doc Oc again! How does Slowpoke evolve into Slowking? A. At level 30 B. Trade Slowpoke with a King's Rock C. Friendship D. Teach Slowpoke Amnesia through leveling. All life lines
  22. And that would be correct! For $200: Which of these Pokemon is from the Kanto region? A. Scizor B. Lombre C. Wobbuffet D. Starmie All life lines. Look at the first post if you don't know what the life lines are.
  23. Alright, here's your first, $100 question: Which of these Pokemon is a Fire Type? A. Torkoal B. Spiritomb C. Swellow D. OMFG THIS QUESTION IS SO IMPOSSIBLE!!11!!!!!!1!!
  24. ^ Wasn't there. And I believe that AmethystWolf was Mashew, but I'm not entirely sure.
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