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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. Nowhere in the Bible did it ever say that Jesus was not a raptor. [b]Weak[/b] ~Wimpy ~Meek ~Not stong
  2. Those all are miles better than anything I could ever draw. Keep at it. :3
  3. >Red: Scizor >Blue: Lucario ALRIGHT, NO PROBLEMS HERE AT ALL; YOU DO THAT. MHM. You biased bastard. :3
  4. It must have taken you forever to make the OP all nice and icon'd like that. On topic, best English name = Braviary. I thought Wargle was cool, but that's just...badass.
  5. WOW! ONE DAY AND I'M FUCKING LATE! Best way to start my welcome: [quote]my current favorites happen to be ilomilo, Secret of Mana, and [b]Pokemon Crystal.[/b][/quote] You have my respect until the end of time. So howdy, N8theGr8 here, and because I have no idea what I should and shouldn't be saying here I'll just say, Welcome [back], hopefully you'll be able to live with our insanity and maybe even enjoy it a little!
  6. I voted for the one with Zekrom/Reshiram. Why? Because Chillarmy was a stupid choice, even for a monotype theme and just about any Pokemon on that list would have been better. Alright, not any of them. I'm glad I didn't see a Dusknoir or an Aianto. Either way, it doesn't make much sense with the site, and the way we as a community, are. Plus, I don't care for it much myself. Also, no-Sugimori Absol > Sugimori Absol. In addition, Zekrom + Reshiram, representing Yin-Yang, seems to work better with the site than Umbreon. And only one Lugia makes me really, really sad. The only reason that Absol was a requirement is because it's one of Ame's favorite Pokemon Also, if Lucario isn't in the blue theme I'm going to slice someone's neck open. I think I remember you saying it'll be Rawrchomp + Lucario. I think.
  7. Is your friend's name "Jesus", by any chance?
  8. >Not included in Amaria list [b]FUCK. YEAH.[/b]
  9. The religion centered around: [img]http://images.cryhavok.org/d/4026-1/Raptor%20Jesus%20Logo.png[/img]
  10. Will wins because Freakazoid is so much win that none of the other answers even compare...except for Doc's.
  11. I beat it. Finally. Like -115 lives or somethin'. And Knight, I guess you could say you were...cockblocked. *ba dum tssssss* THAT GAME IS HELL THOUGH.
  12. I cleared the stage at -11. Then I died. AFTER I BEAT THE STAGE.
  13. I'm back, baby, and [s]horribly, horribly worse[/s] BETTER than ever! Ikaru wins everything. End of story. Also, highlights are getting crappier and crappier. I mean, I'm afraid to say it, but I think Reborn is [i]losing its drama.[/i] Someone prove me wrong. Please?
  14. I thought this thread was awesome and was a great "Welcome home"...Then I saw the URL. [quote][url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=594&st=0&#entry9666"]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showto...&#entry9666[/url][/quote] [quote]entry9666[/quote] [quote]9666[/quote] [quote]666[/quote]
  15. WOOHOO Now, because this is exactly how I feel right now [b]FUCKING INSANE[/b] ~Crazy ~Surreal ~Third adjective I can't think of
  16. Posting Roger's team for him. [quote][b]Gallade[/b] - Brick Break - Leaf Blade - Night Slash - Psycho Cut [b]Metagross[/b] - Earthquake - Ice Punch - Meteor Mash - Zen Headbutt [b]Ononokusu[/b] - Brick Break - Guillotine - X-Scissor - Dragon Claw [b]Venusaur[/b] - Earthquake - Energy Ball - Echo Voice - Sludge Bomb [b]Swampert[/b] - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Ice Punch - Waterfall [b]Typhlosion[/b] - Flamethrower - Focus Blast - SolarBeam - Sunny Day[/quote] [quote](00:18) [Reborn]Roger: i forgot. trainer card color red and silver. Trainer sprite 101. Shinies are Ononokusu, Metagross, and Typhlosion.[/quote] By the way, whoever changed this post is a fucking idiot for deleting his shinies and forcing me to commit to memory at 12:20 AM. :c
  17. [quote]--Ikaru with Titania--[/quote] Would ya look at that, GG failed even more than usual.
  18. @Dragonz (Too lazy to quote) It already did. But I beat Luna now and I'm ready to probably lose to Hardy.
  19. [quote name='AmethystStorm' post='9476' date='Jan 21 2011, 03:59 AM']Um, Dragonz, as far as this topic is concerned so far, no one has her badge yet. That said, as Gardevoir will announce tomorrow, Ice DID beat her. But that's still only one person.[/quote] This guy right here is trying to avoid the topic of triples. ^ Also, Knight's Rotation idea is badass and I wouldn't mind Rotation being used over Triples [i]at all[/i], and I'm petty sure many others (Bullet, Will- wait, no, how about [b]every single fucking challenger[/b]). Also, doubles aren't nearly as bad as Triples mainly because like Knight said, Triples is far more different from Singles than Doubles. And really, would leaders like Hardy really care if their Triples was forced to become Doubles? --- As for the highlights, meh. If [i]I[/i] lost a battle, it's a bad day indeed for challengers. Well, I won today. Also, Ikaru, you're apologizing for being mean to [i]Gossip Gardevoir.[/i] ...Do I even need to explain myself here? EDIT: [quote name='Dragonz996' date='Jan 21 2011, 3:43 AM']Hopefully I'll be online tomorrow for the league, hopefully...[/quote] When you see it... :3
  20. [quote]I couldn't not say that I don't specialize in water types.[/quote] Triple negative. Oh good god my brain. And I think it's wrong, to boot. For me? Fighting's probably my favorite type, as I play offensive, but I also love Steels because a Dragon resist means they can come in on an Outrage and set up/phaze/whatever. And with the shitload of Dragons that terrorize the metagame (Dragonite, Kingdra, Salamence, Garchomp, Ononokusu, Sazandora, Lati@s, etc.), it's not tough to find an easy switch in for Steels. Fighting Pokes that are awesomeness: ~Roobushin ~Blaziken ~Zuruzukin ~[b]LUCARIO[/b] ~Kobaruon ~Terakion ~Kerudion ~Machamp ~Infernape ~Kojondo Steel Pokes that are awesomeness: ~Metagross ~Skarmory ~[b]LUCARIO[/b] ~Kobaruon ~Scizor ~Bronzong ~Heatran ~Doryuuzu ~Nattorei ~Genosect (DENNIS)
  21. Lately, I've found Ononokusu to be a viable asset to my teams. Pretty fast, devastating Attack, and Dragon Dance let this guy 6-0 some teams. Oh, and Taunt + Lum Berry helps destroy any Toxic Spikes Stall ideas, and helps against Stall in general.
  22. [quote name='MasterShaper' post='9440' date='Jan 19 2011, 01:53 AM']No worries - I'm probably mad enough to be locked away, myself XD And of course, some friendliness never goes wrong, does it? Eh? Now what's this about battling? Does this mean that the gym leaders randomly select between single/double/triple battles? O_o Hmm, that does make things somewhat more... interesting for building my team [/quote] That is in fact, EXACTLY what I mean. (I warned you.) :3
  23. 8/15 chance of singles? Meh...I guess you could say that's accurate. Only problem is, as you go up, no one uses singles anymore. See: Kiki, Radomus, Terra, Blake, Hardy, and probably Amaria. And for once in my life, I completely and thoroughly agree with Bullet. Singles, Doubles, and Triples are three different metagames with three different strategies. It's damn near impossible to create an effective team without using cheapass Pokes like Doryuuzu that'll work in all three. Also, yay 900 posts.
  25. The late "Howdy" from N8theGr8. :3 Thanks for saying hello; we don't see that kind of uh...what's the word...friendliness (?) around here too often, or at least, not often enough. Hopefully you'll find our [s]insanity[/s] company to be awesome and fun and whatever other positive words I can think of! Oh, and a tip about the league...try and make a team that's friendly for singles, doubles, [i]and[/i] triples, because [s]most leaders play triples to troll everyone[/s] you're not going to get that far otherwise.
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