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8 Fledgling

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    chess variants with extra pieces

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  1. why did you remove it?
  2. When you get stranded on the island at the beginning of the game, you find 8 (or 9? i don't remember) pokeballs scattered on the shore. you pick one and take your starter. what happens to the other pokemon though? you can't take them with you. I feel sorry for those pokemon that have to stay in their pokeballs for who knows how long until people take them or they die. My request is that you make it so that there is only one pokeball on the shore, and when you interact with it, a mini-window appears saying something like: "There is a Pokemon in this Pokeball! That Pokemon is: -Rockruff -Venipede etc etc." Basically a list of all the options. That way, you don't feel bad for leaving a multitude of pokemon behind.
  3. Since you say you have changed your mind on a lot of things, does this mean the seeming retcon involving Kuiki (1st boss and Shiv's brother and sole sibling to just some random kids who looked up to Shiv and was replaced by Aurora storywise) is due to this? Or was he always meant to be unimportant? Will he have a bigger role to play?
  4. I also find myself asking who Kuiki/Keegan is. First, he is introduced as Shiv's brother and Shiv takes him away after his defeat. Where to? Later we find out Shiv and Aurora are actually siblings and Kuiki was just some kid who looked up to Shiv and that's it. as of now, he's just a footnote in Shiv's story/a plotline Caz decided to scrap/a prologue villain. But if that's all he is, i am dissatisfied.
  5. has anyone done the sidequest with the 5 Grid fragments that the scientists need? If yes, how do they look like? are they hidden or visible? out in the open or indoors? they are supposed to be near the teleporters but i can't see them.
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