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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by unibrower

  1. Uhh hey I think I just messed up big time lol..so after playing reborn I came across Pokemon Rejuvenation but I didn't notice how old the topic was..and I just downloaded it, version 6...I just am now figuring out there is a version 7. My issue is that my game keeps freezing once I enter wispy path, and I can't get out because it freezes whenever I leave the area or run into a trainer...I just downloaded version 7, is there anyway I can switch my save file into version 7? I really don't want to do all that over again...although I only have myself to blame.
  2. Hey guys, so I'm at the Wispy path and every time I run into the first trainer my game freezes and crashes. I'm on a mac, I play with no other apps in the background and I emptied my PC to only 5 pokemon ( I did that in reborn and it worked) but it's not working for rejuvenation. Any ideas on what to do or why it's freezing right when I get into wispy path [e] I just realized I downloaded version 6 prior to version 7..and my save file is stuck on 6. Is there anyway to transfer the save file to my version 7? I really don't want to play the beginning all over again :/
  3. So has there been a full 15 episodes available over time? So I downloaded episode 15, so some individuals previously downloaded 14 other instalments? Is it one episode per year?
  4. So 252 EVs give +63 in any given stat, correct? Still learning how to do this lol Yeah I understand there are many different ways to go about this, I guess I mean 164 and 188 lol, didn't know it divided by different numbers as the levels progress but it makes a lot of sense. So I essentially would be receiving a +41 stat in spD, 22 in D, and 63 in spA ...right ?
  5. I figured I'd just boost it's special defense, my reasoning behind that was because it's resistant to so many types besides fire, fighting and ground and if the defense is higher it should keep more hp from super effective moves regardless right? My only question is if I should do 252 spD or 126 spD and 126 D or go for 252 spD because his defense is naturally higher than special defense. Is there a point to doing maybe 189 spD and 63 D?
  6. So after a few tries I finally caught the perfect magnemite with a quiet nature (+ special attack, - speed) with the ability analytic. I already decided that I will boost the special attack ev to 252, but I was wondering what other stat would be a good idea to boost. I know spdef EVs are a little bit harder to come by and an opportunity has come up where I can get them pretty quickly so I was wondering if I should do 252 sp attack, 252 sp defense, and 6 HP maybe. Do you guys think I would be better off improving his special defense or his HP? As the base special defense is 90, and the base defense is 115 I thought it'd be a better a advantage to have more special defense over hp because the base hp is 70.
  7. Hey first of thank you Ame and everyone who takes part in making this game so amazing! Despite raging and swearing at pulse swalot or spending hours on a puzzle, I am in love with this game and recently finished the story, and although I'm aware that an estimated time of release isn't really available I was wondering if some previous members could enlighten me on how much more is added when an episode is released? I started from episode 15 so I didn't have to stop until beating Ciel, so yea just wondering if anyone maybe has an idea of how many more gym leaders will be available in the next episode, etc anything at all. Also is episode 16 going to be the final episode? Not trying to sound impatient just curious, once again thanks to the community!
  8. I ended up maxing out the Attack and Speed with some special defense added, I looked at my team and I decided I needed more of a fast really strong one rather than another strong mediocre speed one. I'm looking at so many of my pokemon in the PC though and all their natures suck lol
  9. Yeah I just read the power band description on another screen and it cleared it up, I think I completely understand the whole way this system works now, I was just doing speed but I also noticed his base speed was very low so I actually may go for special defense or HP. What do you guys think would be better? Do all the ev trained categories increase by the same amount? For example if my attack stat gets raised by 60 points by ev training, would my HP or speed increase by 60 if I max out that ev?
  10. What does an Assault vest do? Also you're right in regards to the gym leaders, I just thought that Metagross had low speed and since these power bands keep it low whilst raising my attack I thought it'd be worth it to have a very defensive and offensive one. Is it better to have defense and HP or Attack and speed? Ok my attack ev maxed out right now at 252, I can fight the sceptile over and over in the grand hall as one of the trainers has it. Should be able to max out my speed that way
  11. Ok I think I got the idea of it, question though, why should I up my eventual metagross' speed instead of another stat? Thanks for your help, I think I have access to 5 or 6 floors, I know I got access to mid-tier items and then received another department sticker after that
  12. Ohhhh okay okay I get it. So once my metang has 252 in the left column, stop trying to increase it? It is only receiving the exp from swampert, so as long as I continue only receiving swampert exp it'll work right? When it's time to increase the special defense I'll have to go find a pokemon that rewards special defense EVs correct? I'll definitely look at the guide, I think I understand what to do now though
  13. I thought that the power band which increases attack and lowers speed multiplies it by 5. Sorry I know it's confusing. Ok so level 30 metang has 70/8 in terms of attack EV, I read something about limits on the EVs so stopping is recommended at a certain number, so how do I figure out when to stop? Sorry again if this is confusing and you don't know what I'm talking about, still trying to get a grip on the concept despite reading it. Once I figure it out I should be good
  14. Thank you but, am I doing it correctly? I read all that and info on which pokemon has what EVs and stuff to gain but since it's my first time I don't know if it's working or if what I'm doing should be working...also im switching my metang out and then killing the swampert with another so it is receiving exp only from swampert, I read somewhere that it works that way so I'm just looking for what I need to do if I'm doing it wrong. It says 63/8 for the attack stat on the EV page and 0 for everything else at level 29.
  15. Hey everyone, so I recently caught that pesky beldum and switched its nature to Adamant, which is high attack and low special attack correct? I also bought the power band that decreases speed and increases attack. Also, i looked at effort values and it said swampert gives 3 every time I beat it, so essentially I should receive 15 EV per swampert battle correct? In the grand hall right now there is a person with a swampert so if I'm doing this correctly I'm going to be killing that thing all day. Anyways if this is horribly wrong please let me know so I can correct myself. Just needed confirmation of whether i'm doing it wrong or right
  16. Thanks for the help I beat this part / the story mode lol. Topic can be closed if anyone sees this
  17. Just completed the last part of the story, got access to reborn city, probably just going to spend time looking for some new additions to my team I really don't know too much about natures and the effect of them, alongside the whole EV training or whatever, and the whole selective breeding thing..how do you breed pokemon without a ditto? Like some people have said breed two completely different pokemon so the lower evolution learns a specific move....or am i misinterpreting this
  18. Oh man I just finished the story...LOL I literally have not stopped playing since I started, just beat the last available gym leader. Any idea when the new update will be out?
  19. Yea I saw that Nidoking was amazing for this, unfortunately I didn't go after a lot of those pokemon I came across, for me it was a Nidorina I think? Came across it in the cage but never caught in Anywaysssss I just beat the crap outta it in 5 turns. Hypnosis, trick room, psychic (gardevoir faints now) ampharos comes out and one thunder took it out, not sure if it wouldn't have died anyway but I was pretty sure it would after the first psychic lowered it's special defense. god damn i never tactically planned out a battle as much as that one haha
  20. Ok thanks for all your help, appreciate it. You guys didn't come here for nothing, hows this for karma, my strategy essentially worked and backfired the crap outta me. I put it to sleep, used trick room, did about 1/4th damage with psychic and died, switched to ampharos, used thunder and paralyzed it..oh? trick room in effect...paralyzed pokemon goes first, took out my main damage makers, result..W for swalot. Hahahaha can't help but laugh at that, gonna try a few more times then head to get a bronzong.
  21. Where can I get a bronzong at this point? I guess I'll train the bisharp up although his move pool isn't very appealing considering the swalot is that bulky. I obviously don't have the best idea though so what move pool would you suggest? I feel like the lumineon soak tactic would work quite easily too?
  22. Can you buy an ill fated doll at the circus? i remember seeing it somewhere but I can't remember if it was the circus. I also caught a level 62 pawniard and have that in the PC I'm trying out hitting it with hypnosis, then trick room, then psychic until my gardevoir dies, then I switch to ampharos (which is the third turn of trick room) and i'll hit it with thunder but it'll die after the poison wave hits him, from then on I have two pokemon using explosion and two that attack it first to hit. It all goes to crap when he uses recover or if thunder misses though lol Just caught a lumineon though so if that doesnt work I guess i'll be spending all night training that to level 66 for it to learn soak.
  23. No I don't...I can't even train easily at grand hall cause the path is closed .
  24. I'm at the part where I need to beat this insane pulse swalot and I decided I need to add another electric type to my team, so I've elected to get a magnezone, my problem is though that I can't leave the god damn agate circus again and I don't know how else to get a decent electric pokemon at this stage..my team is just not equipped to fight this specific monster it's ridiculous LOL a day after I felt great about beating 2 gym leaders in one try each I get stopped in my tracks by a swalot....unbelievable
  25. that sucks, ampharos doesn't even learn it and yeah i taught him discharge definitely better than thunderpunch. just beat luna, really surprised she was that easy though, i honestly think that's the first time all game i beat a gym leader on the first try. weird that is was luna, her and bennet were actually the two easiest battles in terms of 'boss battles' as of yet
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