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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by denmlalol

  1. @Waynolt Yes, I am using Setweather, Learn egg moves, NoTMXAnimations, NoTmxNeeded, and WildEncounterRates all of those work fine. The error started happening after I put the .png file. It happens when i try to use Item finder. Either from bag or shortcut.
  2. So this happens when I try to use item finder. Any tips for fixing it?
  3. Menaged to find it.
  4. So I am chasing Teddiursa around Peridot ward and I spotted him in the garden of a building, but when I go into the garden he isn't there, is this a bug or?
  5. I think it's in a house where u can get pokemon egg in the middle of a route that is after Sheridan village, also check Kecleon shop.
  6. Aranquanid is late in the game like after the end of the current episode. Empoleon too unless you take is as a starter. Heliolisk is available early but not sure about Sun stone. Wingul/Pelliper is removed in the new version I think. Seismitoad is also available late, just before the end of the current episode. Bronzong is unfortunately also in a similar spot only available after ninth gym. Hope this helps
  7. So do we know how to enter this shed ?
  8. So after I exit gallery I cant enter this building, this two are still blocking path.
  9. Can someone help me with oshawott bug? Game.rxdata Edit. Nvm downloaded new version and its fixed.
  10. Also here needed it for a-ninetails if someone can patch me up Game.rxdata
  11. Is there liquidation move tutor in ep 17 ?
  12. Is there any way to get Aurora veil if you have beaten Ice gym leader before ep 17?
  13. Does anyone know what should be done after that guy opened janitors door?
  14. Thanks do you have any tips on how to do that? Like are there any clues or should I just roam around til I find her?
  15. I just brought amber and venam back to tesla then they run outside where can i find them ? edit. nvm found them
  16. So i found here that gurdurr should be in front of celebi cave but i cant find him edit. nvm found him
  17. So dont know if it is a bug but i cant find gurdurr at enterance of celebi cave in building bridges
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