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  1. Hello I have a problem with my rejuvenation save file. The point I'm at in my game is right when Ren, Renia, Huey, and the protagonist exit the dark cave and enter into the desert. I went to go mine the glowing rocks on a cliff south of the exit and I was talking to it and before I could click yes to mine it my game crashed. I rebooted the game several time but I am unable to move. The Mandibuzz are still flying and I'm able to soft reset, but unable to move.
  2. @Trufa Its been a while but I wanted to check and see if you have some more pokemon I need. I'm looking for a scyther, Mime Jr., Shelder, and Slowpoke. Let me know when you get online. I still have some other pokemon from that list you requested I can trade you.
  3. @Trufa Not sure if you saw my other request but if u could get me one I need a Drifloon.
  4. Also if possible I am looking for a Drifloon as well.
  5. @Trufa I have returned and in my absence i have gathered a wide variety of pokemon to choose from: Tyrunt, Sableye, Baltoy, Oranguru, Crabominable, Pawniard, Fletchling, Amaura, and Archen. Feel free to choose any of the ones you in exchange for the starters
  6. Alright I'll get to work and respond when i am back online!
  7. Edit: I can get a Sableye easily, I need to get one for myself so that is another one I give.
  8. Right now out of those, I only have Amaura and Crabominable. List off some of the others I can work on getting. I will have to leave in a bit, but i will be back. I should be able to work on getting the others depending on what they are and how fast you respond.
  9. @Trufa I'm currnetly online for now if you want to discuss trade offers
  10. If you have time I need the following starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Torchic, and Snivy. Message me what pokemon you are looking for and I can see what I can get you!
  11. SuperNova9

    Super Rod

    I finished the glass factory event and I am now unable to gain access to the lower rooms in the factory. I even went to Peridot ward and check all houses but could not locate Simon. If someone could give me assistance... I really want the Super Rod!
  12. SuperNova9


    I have plenty of time right, take all the time u need @Zero1Six
  13. SuperNova9


    Does anyone have a Lapras for trade, I'm trying to do a collection of gym leaders, elite 4, etc.. I tried to get Lapras but my game crashed while i was fighting the only one in the game and its no longer there...
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