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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Oth

  1. The thing is from what I had gathered, Ame & co didn't want the newer icons in (well at least those that had the old style available at least).
  2. All the shinies? The funny thing is I was also waiting until this month finished so I could tackle whatever hadn't been done at that time
  3. Oth


    Honestly the games was much more fun with mods. Some eventually ended up being a feature in-game, while others are pretty much required. Plus who doesn't want more variety? My issue is how LONG it took them to even achieve an "actual" release...that isn't even doing half of what was originally promised. I guess I'll check it out again eventually. To be fair, nearly everything with friends can be fun.
  4. Aww Honestly, its not like you need to know the inside joke to appreciate it as in-game flair/fun. I love seeing small touches like these in fangames.
  5. Great, thanks! Nice! Do you happen to have those with a transparent background/individually?
  6. It's alright. After all, if I hadn't asked here, I wouldn't have gathered the impression that I could/should PM the game's creator for such a thing (without having my head figuratively bitten off).
  7. I'll be taking Butterfree & Nidoqueen lines+Mew. It won't. At worst, it will just take longer to complete. Thanks, added to the OP.
  8. Honestly, if it were up to me at first, I'd would have gotten him over the 100 barrier with my first draft. But I went with a safer spread to prevent the initial discussion from focusing on that in the first place. In regards to the design, its actually slightly smaller than slimmer than Nido (the arms and spikes make him look bigger than he actually is), so someone could argue that it should be faster and stronger offensively than the standard Nido. But then that is also in part the result of me trying to fit the design into the BW standard sprite size. Besides, it is set in stone.
  9. It's alright, there should be more than enough for you to do then Unless I get even more support than expected. Yeah, I'm waiting for her answer on that. In any case, having to re-do some of them after having the rest done would be a piece of cake.
  10. I'll be taking (for starters) the Charmander line, the Nidoran♂ line, Scyther line, Lanturn line and Mewtwo.
  11. Since Reborn lacks shiny icons sprites due to custom shinies, I would like to propose a community project of sorts to take care of that problem. If you want to help, all you need to do is: NOTE: Please try not to choose evolutionary lines with megas, at least until all others without megas are done. Some lines with megas might have their shinies changed in E16 and it would be wiser to prioritize those that won't. Choose a pokemon and/or pokemon line and check if someone else is working on it. If no one is, post your pick on this thread. This way we don't get people working on the same icons. Also remember to verify if someone had already completed them on the Generation lists. Open up the Icons folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for icon(your choice's pokedex number).png and open said image on your favorite image editor. Open up the Battlers folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for (your choice's pokedex number)s.png and open said image on your favorite image editor. Use the shiny sprite specific for Reborn as a reference/guide to replace the colors on the original icon. Use the colorpicker tool in your image editor to copy the colors from the custom shiny battlesprite and use them to replace those in the icon. If you are confused on were each color should go, Open up the Battlers folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for (your choice's pokedex number).png and use said image to compare on which colors on the icon should the shiny colors replace. If the shiny is more than a simple color replacement, do the small modifications required, if any. Sometimes it might happen that you'd need to lighten the shiny colors a bit to fit into the more subdued tone that the icons use. Sadly, that will be up to the eye of the beholder. Be careful! Finish up your work, save it as icon(your choice's pokedex number)s.png and either edit your original post with your finished work here or send them to me. Remember to save it with transparency/alpha channel enabled. Pick another pokemon icon, the shinification never ends! I'll be updating the list with individual links and once everything is done, with a download link for the whole project. This way it can be used as mod, while also making it easier for Ame to evaluate it/accept it. Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation IV Generation V Generation VI P.S. Sorry Lostelle, I stole the formatting from your Pokemon Location Guide.
  12. Yeah, I understand. Seriously I only want an excuse to use him as my mega, mostly because while some of other favorite mons have them, their official design doesn't really appeal to me (power notwithstanding). Otherwise, I'd have to wait for a Lanturn/Breloom mega.
  13. Somehow people are getting the wrong impression that wanting to discuss other possibilities besides the ones already implemented means I didn't enjoy them in the first place. As I have previously stated, the point of this thread is discussion better/more efficient ways of handling the HMs. I never expected any change to occur in the first place, mostly for story reasons as I've already mentioned. Even if we had a nearly-perfect game there is nothing wrong about wanting it to improve even further. After all, perfection is relative.
  14. Reminds me an idea I had heard, where to the standard 4 moves slots you'd add a support move slot and a field move slot (the part that actually matters to the topic of this thread), were you could only use the 4 moves slots and the support move slot in battle.
  15. Honestly, just ignore it for a while, participate naturally and you'll eventually have more than enough to satisfy your needs.
  16. Actually, its already implemented in-game as long as you name the image files correctly. I had actually done it with a few mons already.
  17. Yeah, I'm pretty much preferring that option atm. With Nidoking as one of my favorite mons, I've had to control my bias that asked for the most broken combination possible
  18. Honestly I would have at least started on it if I had some certainty that no one else was doing (or had done) it and had full knowledge of the sprites changed for E16.
  19. Woops, thanks for the tip. Silly attachments
  20. Maybe its a graphics card driver issue? Are you testing both games on the same areas on the same weather?
  21. We really have no way of knowing what exactly happened unless both persons involved answered your doubts. But if you want to argue semantics, due to the context, collaboration is the most logical outcome. Let's see the facts: Since Ame wasn't going to rip someone else's code, she'd need to ask for permission. She wasn't implementing the code (or even part of the whole) as is, but instead she was going to modify it to fit her purposes. So not only she had to ask for permission, she'd also have to ask to Suze for explanations regarding pretty much anything, specific terms he used, variables, constants, naming, etc. Do you seriously think she never had any doubts nor asked anything besides permission? Explaining code is actually work per definition. Hell, some of the time its easier to code than explaining what it does and how it does it. Seriously, I don't understand why you can fathom Ame collaborating with anyone, Pokemon Reborn is proof that she has no problem doing it in the first place.
  22. According to the design's creator, its quadrupedal due to its increased power+looking fiercer.
  23. I have no idea what do you mean by that. Neverless, check your Readme.txt file inside your Reborn folder for my source on the scripting collaboration. Plus there is also this post. Could you please expand on why do you think it would be impossible? Zeta/Omicron used the mechanic on all game modes and covered all HMs. You did get the items from a special seller in Nuzlocke-mode, while you found them throughout the game world in a standard playthrough.
  24. To be honest, sprites weren't "intentionally sized up to show their pixels", it was just a case of using the original pokemon game resources without having to redo all of them again. Plus using 1x1 for the sprites would have made properly downsizing them impossible, and thus Essentials wouldn't have the option of playing in a GBA sized screen (the "Small" option). If anything, vectorizing all the sprites/gameart would be more useful from a resolution point of view, since it would then allow increasing/decreasing resolution without losing detail and/or garbling the image. But that would introduce the problem of requiring a complete set of sprites/art for each intended screen size (to properly keep the detail for each screen size) (and thus making the game size bigger). Even so, obviously remaking the sprites in 1x1 would aesthetically benefit most of us that play on Medium, Large or Full-Screen. Good luck with your project!
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