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The darn 4th chaos emerald

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Everything posted by The darn 4th chaos emerald

  1. I completely understand the burnout and declining interest for them, I do. But I followed them since the beginning of the Frieza saga and it was such a great part of growing up. It always hurts when a series you love doesn't finish.
  2. I really need to just rant right now. I work at a Weis Markets. I won't say where, but we do live in a shit town. It's no Detroit or anything, but we have lots of druggies, a few meth lab explosions here and there through the years, we just had a standoff where the block I live on got closed down a month ago. Everybody has a fucking attitude, food stamp days are a pain in the ass, people come in here getting nothing but junk. 50 packages of soda 20 chips ahoy and oreos, cakes and cookies, and I have to watch as I work hard for those luxuries (not every food stamper is bad some really need it but these people def dont which pisses me off) and then they cant get half the shit they buy because they just load up everything in their cart and act spoiled because they never worked a day in their life so then we have to put back carts and carts and carts of backshop. Then there's me. I have some problems with anxiety and cant stand getting attitude for no reason, its literally my biggest pet peeve. I also have some IBS which is really bad in the mornings. If i have to use the bathroom i have to and i could be in there for a good 15 minutes if need be. Knowing this, they put me on cashier. T_T I guess it wasnt so bad at first, but then my arm started having problems and now it feels somewhat bloated and the muscle feels a little sore 24/7. Real sore when i lift it up or do cashier for a long time. But then around previous years thanksgiving I was thrown on porch which is getting carts, doing garbage, and cleaning the store when need be (which is a lot ill get into). Never asked me ever just threw me on. Then comes a position open in pharmacy which i had to ask for for months and months to try out. They had actually been hurting for anyone for a little while before i got hired. It was the only position i liked but i only got to do it about 10 or so times. Turns out the reason why i couldnt go there from the beginning was because the top manager at the time absolutley refused to let me go anywhere besides register. He hated with a passion how I had to do porch but they didnt have many other choices. Only after he left did i get pharmacy. But then we got new managers who are just complete assholes. I grinned and beared it for a while but after cleaning excrement off of the floors of the bathrooms almost every day (yes it is that bad i swear) getting yelled at for not doing my job fast enough even though they wont make the other porch people do their jobs so i have to work extra hard dealing with customers giving me attitude currsing at me giving me a hard time no matter what i do, I started getting miserable obviously. I asked and asked and asked for a job in the back, i know we needed general inventory, frozen, and seafood and i would have dealt with them fine. They would tell me yes and say to just wait a bit while they put it in the schedule. Well, every fucking time they would hire people to fill those positions and be like "oh sorry theres no room". So here I am doing porch in the blizzards and slush, doing register having to do 300 dollar orders over and over because the news said blizzard warning so everybody has to hibernate like a fucking bear or else theyre totally gonna die (later the same people started giving attitude because their dumbasses were spending so much). Then they decided to give their only two other porch people month long vacations so for the entire past summer (May to around September) in the hundred degree weather every day. For 10 hours sometimes since i was, you know, the only one there. Continuously told i would get a shift in the back just getting lied to over and over. Finally after thanksgiving i give a two weeks notce. Our new manager (not the top one) who had been working there for about a month talked to me and said wait till january and i promise ill get you a shift in the back. Week later he calls me to the back and tells me its not happening ever. Fine. i didnt believe him anyway and told him like two days after we talked the first time i didnt want to stay anyway (btw a month prior my other 2 managers told me they were looking for somewhere in the back to put me for about the 6th time never happened obviously). Too much of a shitty work environment. Yesterday I made the fatal mistake of asking WHY. Why couldnt i get in the back anywhere? There were jobs open all the fucking time. He tells me that, and I kid you not.... It was because I was too miserable to the customers. .................yeah, and he also said he wanted to vouch for me but I gave him nothing to work with. I have worked there since last September. I work an average of 30 hours a week, I have called off twice in my entire time working there, once on the day my Grandfather died and another when my entire mouth hurt and i had an infection on my tooth that was drilled open because my previous dentist failed the root canal and i was in too much pain. I worked and slaved there for an entire fucking year, I can name people who called off more than they showed up, the dozens of people who had no work ethic and stayed for MAYBE two weeks before just straight up quitting. And this is what I always get. Never "thanks", never "good job today", just "youre not doing your job well enough do it better jackass". And then we get to me being miserable. Yes, that was the biggest reason he gave me. I was too miserable towards customers so logically they keep me where I interact with the customers the most. Makes perfect sense I know. Yet, it was never such a problem that they couldnt call me to the back and talk about it? They never mentioned it to me, nothing. Maybe i'm miserable because my managers are some of the shittiest at their jobs Ive ever seen. Maybe the people I deal with 24/7 treat me like shit and I have to grin and bear it. Maybe I have to look at all the happy workers in the back and see what I should have gotten. Maybe its because I have more and more medical problems by the day. Maybe because my left private part has pain every now and then and I went to a urologist and he said nothings wrong go home and charged 200 bucks. Maybe every time I go to the doctors for any problem at all i hear nothings wrong and get charged hundreds for just sitting there basically. Maybe because I tell them all these things over and over but all they seem to care about is their fucking bank accounts. Maybe they never actually talk to people about their problems and just go "eh fuck it" all the time. I had the most painful fucking migraine last night from crying so hard. I guess I've met some cool people there. On other kid they hired for porch is in to pokemon and he even got a shiny manaphy But a few friends is not worth a year of torture. Something that kind of sucks is that I have a crush on one of my coworkers. I feel weird about it. Shes like, twice my age, prolly married, almost never talk to her because she works in the back. Shes just super nice and cute. I'm just some nerdy 20 year old kid who has medical problems up the ass and still lives with his mom because i cant afford to move out. Every day I have to go there and see what could have been. Nobody in the back quits, they dont have to deal with all the bullshit we do. Sometimes we dont even have a closer cashier because we dont have anybody or nobody want to show up to work because it fucking sucks. Ive even stayed till 11 pm one night and had a 6 am shift the very next morning. They offered me to go home at 9 but i stayed because no one else there knew how to close. I didnt need the money too badly that week, I did it because i didnt want the others to suffer or get in trouble. But what do they care anyway? Apparently thats not good at all. So yeah, If you want to work at a Weis Markets I can definitely say dont. Im sure theyre not all bad but retail is a shitty job anyway. Im supposed to work next week but I think ill just quit. If they dont want me around people being miserable fine. They wont have to worry about it. Anyways thanks for reading if you did. Letting it out helps me a lot. Any little thing i can do helps these days since I dont have much to be happy about. I try but its hard sometimes.
  3. 1: Venusaur 2: Cyndaquil 3: Swampert 4: Lucario 5: Oshawott 6: Chesnaught 7: Decidueye 8: Either Scorbunny or Falinks but i honestly dont give a crap really :/
  4. AAAAND My genealogy of the holy war save file just got dissapeared out of nowhere somehow. 5 chapters in all my characters promoted. Im gonna go fucking cry now

    OH MY GOD I FIGURED OUT WHAT HAPPENED AND GOT IT BACK damn i was so ready to quit that game entirely *phew*

  5. Just cancelled my sword and shield preorder. Never thought id see the day I couldnt care less about a new pokemon game. The one time I have enough money to buy the double pack too... 😢

    1. LemonJones


      I feel you man. Despite me wanting a new pokemon game, I had to be honest with myself. Already felt robbed on my Sun version, this one looks just as disapointing. 


    2. Commander


      SuMo was a disappointment. It was obvious corporate greed is running GF. It looks like a decent game but really the series feels hollow past Gen V. Didn't even consider buying it well before the no full pokedex was announced.

    3. The darn 4th chaos emerald

      The darn 4th chaos emerald

      Whatever happened to gen 4 rebattling gym leaders, shiny chaining, berry growing, contests, Villa, Battle frontier and all the things that made the gameplay endless?

  6. Rip to the sobble squad. I was scorbunny from day one though but still i gotta say that final sobble evo is complete trash they could have done WAY better than that
  7. Woot out hunting for shiny mudkipz got 3 but got a shiny charmander too muhahahaha 

  8. I know I'm super late but I hadn't checked him out in a little while so I went and typed in simply "Etika" to see if he was still doing random streaming and saw he had a wikipedia page. I was like oh cool he's got a wiki page now. Then I saw the date he died and my jaw was agape. R.I.P. Etika You will be missed.
  9. My cheeks hurt because I have been laughing my ass off for like an hour now. I don't even know where the hell I find this shit
  10. And it makes me laugh and look stupid every time it just randomly pops in my head and I have to hold back my giggling. I honestly don't know why I find it so funny, although the shape of the baby's head is hilarious. Hope this brought a smile to your faces lol
  11. It's a conspiracy to get us to buy more controllers after the buttons get worn down
  12. I am so hype right now! I JUST caught a full odds shiny venipede in my Y version before Parfrum Palace. I did get super worried because it was a new run, I had like 15 poke balls and the rollout was starting to take out my pokemon like nothing. Guess I'm using venipede this run! Also, I hatched a shiny Rowlett in 60 eggs, and Alolan Vulpix I got in 5, but technically it was the first one I hatched in the hot springs in S/M. I did like, a quadruple take I was so in awe. Then I got a shiny Pheremosa on wonder trade. My pants were soiled to say the least. If only this luck could carry over into Disgaea 3, I've been in the class world for hours trying to dupe trapezohedrons and 50% I don't even get dropouts at all. most of you probably don't even know what I'm taking about lol May the RNGoddess bless all you fellow shiny enthusiasts out there!
  13. Took a lot of blood, sweat, tears, stalking the map rotation websites, terrible teammates, amazing teammates, wanting to throw my f*cking joy cons against the wall after bad teammates made us lose within the first minute ranking me down when I only needed one more win and the only thing stopping me was the cost to repair/buy new ones, phew. Anyone else have S+ or other high rank teammates who you swear have never even played this game before? Like I mentioned above, I've had minute one losses, other team made ridiculous comebacks because we got cocky, and one time a member of the other team dc'd in the beginning and we STILL lost. Badly. Like, they scored 70 points and we didn't score a damn thing badly!
  14. I agree with you on Fates. Not terrible, but man was it disappointing, especially since I loved the crap out of Awakening and it seemed like (and honestly still kinda is) Awakening 2.0 Etrian Odyssey Nexus isn't too fun to me. I can't say its bad, but it could just be that the formula got kinda stale for me. Let's go Eevee. I've played through gen 1 Fire Red a hundred billion times as a kid. Nothing really new or captivating here. But gen 1 is still good so I can't call it bad. Disgaea 4. Ugh, there are STILL so many problems that have plagued Disgaea since the first one that are STILL in 4. I can't say it's bad, but after playing through the other games I can forgive the older ones for the technical issues cause they came out quite a while ago, but by the time 4 rolled around these problems should have been gone. Also, no Fight Mistress. They took my waifu out :'<
  15. Feelin' like Bruce Banner trying to contain the hype monster within so if the direct tomorrow isn't all that great I don't get too disappointed. Oh who am I kidding, more pokemon is always a good thing! 😁

  16. Yeah I remember how Fates kept making me miss with 80-90% hit rates all the damn time, sometimes costing me my units and seeing many people online having the same problems. It never really happened again after my first play through though. Maybe Nintendo patched it out or something lol.
  17. Least favorite are water (way too many garbage mons in that one) and normal because they're pretty bland and not too useful which I guess makes sense, but still... Blastoise, Swampert, Oshawott, Jellicent, and Kyogre are water types that I absolutely adore though and Arceus, Meloetta, Eevee, and......... Dodrio, I guess, are awesome normal types. I guess when those two types are the easiest to make pokemon for, logic follows that there's gonna be quite a few uglies mixed in with em.
  18. Bit sad there was no Pokemon Switch or Pikmin news but my beloved Rune Factory is actually alive and I shant leave my room for a long long time when it comes out. RF4 on switch is awesome but when they just surprised me with that last second reveal I damn near had a heart attack. Also can't wait for Dragon Quest 11 S, Three houses is lookin pretty good, Mario Maker 2, so much hype!!!! Huge step up from the last few directs imo
  19. Oh, being with the original team is good news to the fans I'm sure, I'm just saying they've been waiting so long and have to wait who knows how much longer. Although, I'm not the kind of person who likes waiting years and years for something so maybe I'm projecting myself a bit too much.
  20. I couldn't care less about the Metroid series, but damn did I feel bad for the Metroid fans out there after watching that video. As someone who understands the pain of waiting for a series to get more recognition *cough* Advance Wars *cough* to have an announcement like that must feel terrible.
  21. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry is a really good book about racism and prejudice during the times right after slavery along with it's sequels Let the Circle be Unbroken and The Road to Memphis. Will say though, there are happy moments, but it's gonna leave you sadder than happy.
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