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Everything posted by The darn 4th chaos emerald
Unfamiliar with Game Download Code
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to The darn 4th chaos emerald's topic in Gaming General
Ah, I see. Thanks! -
So I saw Disgaea 2 on amazon and it said it was a game download code. If I buy it, does it download directly into my computer like the pokemon fan games or do I need something like Steam or some other gaming platform/device? thx
People used to marry Pokemon? Is that true?
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Kenneth's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
IIRC, it's in the japanese version of Platinum in the Canalave Library. I believe it also said they used to BREED, so yeah, if that's your thing.... have fun with that. :/ -
What games are you folks playing at the moment?
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Panduzzy's topic in Gaming General
Disgaea 5, my first disgaea game and I can't stop, it's so fun and addicting! Also some dragon quest here and there. -
Are these fake or real?
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to DarkFighter15's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I kinda wish, that rabbit one is freakin awesome! Unfort. -
Officially out of games to play.
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Damien's topic in Gaming General
Hmmm well for starters some games that are Pokemon-ish: Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2 for the gameboy color if you have an emulator. Monster raising but the battle system is more standard rpg-ish and the breeding system is quite deep and can create some powerful monsters. Digimon World Games for the ds. World Ds along with it's 2 sequels Dawn and Dusk (basically their versions of red and blue) are also pretty standard rpgs but with digimon teams. HOWEVER, World Championship DS is by far the best Digimon game (at least imo) and it's kind of like, eh, Tomagotchi in which you observe them in your virtual room. You fight your way to the top, unlocking more areas to capture Digimon and access to higher evolution ranks like Ultra and Mega. Look it up, I can't describe it too well but it's really addicting. As for others, well if you have a 3ds I can't recommend Rune Factory 4 enough. It's a real time combat game with farming elements (It's a Harvest Moon spinoff), you can grow crops, raise animals for products like milk OR have them help you fight. Great characters, good story, good difficulty. Worth checking out. Also been playin' Disgaea 5 for the switch. Never played a Disgaea game before, but I like it a lot and think it's pretty good overall. -
I think most would agree that Decidueye is not only the most popular Gen 7 starter, but straight up the most popular Gen 7 Pokemon. The previous smash games and Pokken also kind of show us that the folks over at Nintendo don't seem to mind using the same pokes over and over (lookin' at you, Charizard). Also, I can't really see any other mon that would make it in. I doubt that they would just randomly pull a pokemon from one of the previous gens and the only other Pokemon I could see fitting would be Incineroar but... I mean, I ain't knocking you for picking Litten but, come on, Incineraor's pretty lame. :/ The Ultra Beasts are also just too... odd to be characters, except Pheromosa and Buzzwole, but honestly I think that if either of them made it in it would be Pheromosa and I feel there's not much to work with. Personal Moveset Theory: B- Spirit Shackle, chargeable, causes decent amount of stun which increases the more it is charged. Side B- Brave Bird, kinda like Char's flare blitz, powerful attack with good KO potential but causes some harm OR maybe Leaf Blade, a simple straight shot forward, good for attacking or horizontal recovery Up B- Leaf Storm, Leafage, or Grass Pledge - Decidueye uses a tornado of leaves for vertical recovery and damages anyone who comes into contact with the leaves OR Phantom Force- Decidueye disappears for a second and can reappear in an area and do damage when reappearing, can change the landing spot by inputting a direction similar to Shiek's up B Down B- Sucker Punch, basically like Meta Knight's down b, but with the same animation as Phantom Force, so you can play some mind games with your opponent. Final Smash- Sinister arrow raid- Basically a laser with arrows. I don't see how they could do it much different. So, what do you guys think? Think a different poke might make it in, Gen 7 or otherwise?
Smash 5. Will we be able to vote for characters again?
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Wolfox's topic in Gaming General
I'm still convinced our votes didn't mean crap. I've never played Bayonetta and I'm not knocking the series at all, but... yeah, I don't buy it. Bayonetta??? There were only two games out at the time and I seriously doubt that many people who voted liked Bayonetta so much that they chose her over so many other characters. Whatevs though, tbph I don't think they'll let us vote again anyways. It would probably be similar results. -
I've been trying to get 2 shiny espurrs (one male on fem.) by Masudaing but a few hundred eggs so far and no dice. So I ask one of two things: If anybody has a friend safari with espurr in it could you pm me and share our fcs? I think mine has Pikachu and Electabuzz, can't be 100% sure, haven't played with someone else in years. But if you have a shiny Espurr/Meowstic up for trade, I can offer one (or two if you have both) of the following shinies: Sigilyph (2x), Makuhita, Jolteon, and Squirtle. Also, if anybody has a shiny member of the litwick or cottonee families I can offer a shiny Growlithe. Oh and I have work from 2:30 to 8 pm on weekdays so I'm not available then.
Gen 4 The Pokemon Anime, and CN itself Youtube Poops Fan Theorying I feel that, bro.
I'm not trying to be that guy, but seriously, Sega is all like "we wanna get back in the good books of our Sonic fans" yet they won't add one of the best and possibly most requested thing to ever exist in Sonic games: the Chao Garden. Any Adventure player knows what I'm talking about. Hell, it's probably the only reason you played Adventure for as long as you did. Sonic forces could have totally had the Chao Garden with refined mechanics (like bringing back alignment fruit since you don't play as villains and getting drives based on how many enemies you kill) and add hundreds of hours to the gameplay. Heck, I'd buy a Chao Garden game if they made one. Could totally work for the 3ds and/or switch. Free the Chao.
Favorite Pokemon of Each Type
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Filthy Casual's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Grass: Chesnaught Water: Oshawott Fire: Infernape Bug: Pheremosa Electric: Pachirisu Ground: Swampert Flying: Gliscor Steel: Lucario Fighting: Gallade Psychic: Gardevoir Ice: Glaceon Rock: Tyranitar Fairy: Mawile Ghost: Decidueye Dark: Darkrai Poison: Venusaur Normal: Eevee Dragon: Giritina -
Top 10 Favorite Fire Emblem Characters 2017
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Chase's topic in Gaming General
*Some Spoilers* 10. Frederick(Awakening)- I just love this guy. People try to hate on him, usually just cause he's doing his job and try to make it seem like he's bad. He's no Morgan, but he is an Oifaye and can wreck house with the right equipment and skills. He's also essential in lunatic and lunatic+ runs, basically carrying the team unless you play it real safe or have the grinding DLC. 9. Joshua(Sacred Stones)- Same name as me, so he earns cool points there. I also liked his completely carefree attitude and his design even kind of fits with that. A character I knew was gonna be a staple on my team. 8. Ike(Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn)- Never played his games, but gotta love his quotes and design. 7. Shannon(Genealogy)- I love his progression as a character. He starts as a support really, but over time follows in his aunt's(I believe? Haven't played in a while) footsteps and becomes pretty much the best swordsman in fe history. Seriously, NOTHING is taking him down. 6. Tiki(Shadow Dragon/Awakening)- Pretty cool she got to return in Awakening, and her character is also quite sad, her being a manakete means that every one she loves fades away in what seems like seconds as she continues to live on, unable to see them again. That said, she doesn't dwell on it and continues to live strong. I still wish her Morgan's supports involved her being half-dragon, but eh, nobody's perfect. 5. Marth(Shadow Dragon)- The OG. 'Nuff said. 4. Celice(Genealogy)- Even though basically all the odds are stacked against him, he pushes through to clear his father's name. I also love how he starts off kinda weak, but when he promotes he is one of the best units in the game, which I think may have been intentional. 3. Robin(Awakening)- I don't care what others think, I thought Robin was a good character and SHOULD have set the standard for future custom MC's.... Anyway, you always felt involved and were one of the most crucial plot points. It didn't feel like you were there just to be there. Being one of the best characters also meant that you didn't have to take a backseat in battle, so all in all, they did a good job with him/her. 2. Sigurd and Finn(Genealogy)- Cheating a bit here, but both these characters are so good. Sigurd wasn't just some guy thrown into an army. He tried to make peace with different kingdoms directly, traveling all across the land meeting up with various political leaders, making likely and unlikely allies on the way, but for it all to be in vain, as he and almost all of his army were killed by a man thought to be a close friend. :'( Finn, on the other hand, is a bro. The Bro-est of bros. If it wasn't for him, Leif and Nanna probably would have perished and their kingdom would be in turmoil. Thankfully, he took Leif on as his own in memory of his close friend Quann. I also like to think that Beowulf died and he fathered Nanna with Lakche and still saw Delmud as his own. 1. Morgan(Awakening)- OP half-manakete daughter destroying anything just by looking at it. -
hello and which starter is the best
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to GL13's topic in Reborn City
Bulbasaur is the best starter no matter what. So yeah. -
I don't see this happening anytime soon, but if my current computer has to be replaced, would I be able to, for example, plug a usb stick in my current computer, put my games in there, put it in my new computer, put the games in my new computer, and then the games would all be there ready to play? Or would I have to download everything again? I ask because I don't really feel like continually downloading games and losing all my progress constantly as well as cyber security, and there are also a few games like Fire Emblem and Pokemon that I patched and don't feel like patching again. thx
So can we talk about the horrible treatment of the U.S. version of this game? Like, am I doing something wrong, or have they not released the update with all the DLC, because I can't play, like, 90% of the games I want to try out. And no tutorial or guidebook either, took me like 5 hours just to figure out how to get your characters to transition from map to map. I know how to do almost everything now, but wow, there's really no excuse for them making this game so inaccessible. (Btw I'm working on a game called Kingdom's Secrets, whenever it's done feel free to try it out. For those who don't know, you actually don't need the maker game. Just download the free rpg maker player from the eshop and the games are only about 2-5 blocks of sd space. No dlc required, cause I kind of can't get it. )
Just chained a Pachirisu after 36 on my first try. This ends the Smogoon Josh chaining saga, however, as I don't really have any others I want to chain. It was a blast seeing just how un/lucky I got though. Kneel before the Shiny King fam :3
You thought Smogoon Josh week was over
The darn 4th chaos emerald posted a topic in Pokémon Fan Club
And it is. I've tried chaining for a while now and had the worst luck, my chains kept breaking randomly anywhere from the 20s to 30s for no reason, and I even made the noobest of noob mistakes by going into a patch behind me thinking it was a shiny patch breaking my chain at 40. BUT, I got a shiny buneary after about 10 tries and on like, my 20th try lady luck smiled on me and I got one on a chain of 10. Just wanted to rub it i- er, I mean, share my joy with you all. :3 -
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to ProjectIceman's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
*Prepare for Salt* I'm honestly disappointed. I'm really not a fan of Sun and Moon and think that Nintendo is kind of cheap starting to make a new, more improved version when the game hasn't even been out for a year. I am kind of hoping they do something bigger with the story this time though. Seriously, they teased us and made us think that the UBs were actually humans too but instead they went with "Evil team leader rips open the very fabric of our world to use an ultra powerful pokemon for their evil agendas", totally haven't seen that before. Imo, they should get it right the first time. -
Just caught 2 shiny magnemites after 4 attempts. Haven't run the calcs yet, but the second one has above average potential with it's best stat being fantastic rated SpDf. (It's nature is jolly though, which is bleh)
Your Top 5: Legendary Pokemon
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to lifesapity's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
5. Suicune- Love Crystal, design is plain cool, and I still have the shiny from the Gamestop events a few years back. 4. Arceus- Love his design, i dunno why, it just appeals to me. 3. Shaymin- Favorite type, Favorite gen, keeps it 100. 2. Giritina- As the Platinum mascot, I am contractually obligated to have this in at least my top 3. 1. Darkrai- Really nothing bad to say about it. Arguably the best type, sleep move w/ bad dreams, and amazing design. -
New in Reborn, many questions, please help!
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to Superman's topic in Reborn City
I'll answer as best as I can: 1. I wouldn't say it's neccessary, but if you don't have at least decent ivs your pokemon are likely to struggle later on. They don't need to be perfect, but I personally don't take anything 10 or below. 2. a) 700/65500 or .01% for ALL pokemon, wild, starter, etc.. Still rare, but you're likely to come across one eventually, especially if you grind. b] Probably not. c) Reborn->Graphics->Battlers 3. To my knowledge, only the 18 starters are available and megas aren't in the game yet. 4. Grinding is essential in some areas more than others, especially since you should always have a team of 6. Alt speeds up the game 3x if that helps. 5. That is an optional ongoing sidequest, keep playing and you'll come across them multiple times. 6. You can use just about any pokemon as long as they appropriately back each other up. My team: Chesnaught, Meowstic m, Lopunny, Gyarados, Glaceon, and Arcanine. Some of those pokes are pretty bad, but work pretty well as a team. -
Bro, this is my WEEK
The darn 4th chaos emerald replied to The darn 4th chaos emerald's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Unfortunately not very good :'( If my calcs were correct: Male: HP-13 Atk-19 Def-3 SpA-18 SpD-10 Spe-21 Female: Hp-15 Atk-22 Def-5 SpA-18 SpD-13 Spe-6 Both have a naive nature which is a bit of a double edged sword. Honestly though, I don't do in game comp so it's not too big a deal, and I'm happy that I got so lucky on my 2nd chain!