For them to up the difficulty, or at least not hold your hand all the way through. I get that it's aimed for young children, but Fourth gen was the last gen that was at least somewhat difficult. Starting with fifth gen(eugh), every gym leader had only 3 pokemon, even the elite four only had four each and grinding was a breeze with the lucky egg and audino along with the horrible level scaling which made me over-leveled all the time. Then sixth gen (while a VAST improvement over 5th gen....eugh) held your hand all the way through and basically handed everything to you. Maybe this time Game Freak will cater to both the new and old fans, which I get isn't easy, but even though I'm only 17, ive been playing pokemon ever since I could remember (I couldn't even read when I started playing lol), and us long time players just seem to get pushed aside. And I mean hey, I'm sure in the end, the games will be fun, but I still hope us vets get a bit more this time around.