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The darn 4th chaos emerald

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Everything posted by The darn 4th chaos emerald

  1. I know at least some of you watch shofu. Well hiker, there is a poketuber named shofu who is known for mostly competitive battling but does other things, one of those things is pokemon rap songs. The Pokémon Cypher is a Rap that has about a dozen people in it. Think of modern day rap, except it has pokemon references sprinkled in and is actually good. He hasn't made another in a few years but now he's doing one this august.
  2. I've played insurgence up until the first gym and it's kinda boring. Is it one of those games where you just have to get past the boring beginning and then it gets really fun? Edit: So just meh? hm :/ I only got it because I watched shofu play it and it looked like fun. I'm really not in it for the story, although the creator does seem to have put some effort into it, but it's just pretty boring gameplay wise.
  3. Ok, so I really don't like the water types that are available to you and it seems that the ones I do like are far away, my carvahna has bad ivs and I accidently saved after I got it. My current team is Chesnaught, Lopunny, Meowstic-M, Arcanine, and I plan to use Glaceon. ( I know that team is probably garbage but hey) so can anyone recommend me a different pokemon that can cover the weaknesses (fire is mostly the problem). Also, is east side gastrodon in this game, cause I could consider that if it is. Edit: Oh I didn't even think about clauncher. Dragalge I guess could work well even without a water type. Hmmm. Thanks.
  4. My chesnaught yo. Takin all the hits and stealin the souls.
  5. Just finished the phsychiatric ward and i really need a water type. Any recommendations? As long as it's not too far away in the game.
  6. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but where is and when do I get to 7th street? I don't see it on the map anywhere.
  7. Is the lopunite in this game or has it yet to be added? Edit: Darn. Mega Lopunny is such a good pokemon.
  8. Is it possible to get more starters or do you only get the one you choose at the beginning? Edit:thanks
  9. I need a fire type for my team. I just beat the double battle in front of that tangroth in Beryl(?) ward. I see a growlithe, but are there any other good fire types even if they are a few badges away still? Edit:welp I just got a shiny growlithe so never mind Reply: Yeah I was resetting for good ivs too. Fortunately theyre all at least around 20. Do I get a fire stone from someone or do I buy it?
  10. Mega Flareon Fire Magmarize Attack:180 Defense:90 Sp.atk:70 Sp.def:120 Speed:100 This poor little guy is one of my fav. mons, and he needs a mega BADLY. Magmarize is one of those abilities that turns every normal type move into a fire type move, letting him finally take advantage of his huge attack stat. They should drop his special attack stat and give that to his speed and throw the rest into his defenses so he can live more hits. This could work really well, especially on a sun team.
  11. It really depends on the game. Games like pokemon and fire emblem (especially fates) should have customization, as it's your adventure and therefore your choices that you make. In a game like God of War however, its Kratos's story and so its more like your helping him achieve his goal and not neccessarily you doing so.
  12. For them to up the difficulty, or at least not hold your hand all the way through. I get that it's aimed for young children, but Fourth gen was the last gen that was at least somewhat difficult. Starting with fifth gen(eugh), every gym leader had only 3 pokemon, even the elite four only had four each and grinding was a breeze with the lucky egg and audino along with the horrible level scaling which made me over-leveled all the time. Then sixth gen (while a VAST improvement over 5th gen....eugh) held your hand all the way through and basically handed everything to you. Maybe this time Game Freak will cater to both the new and old fans, which I get isn't easy, but even though I'm only 17, ive been playing pokemon ever since I could remember (I couldn't even read when I started playing lol), and us long time players just seem to get pushed aside. And I mean hey, I'm sure in the end, the games will be fun, but I still hope us vets get a bit more this time around.
  13. I wish I started playing this game a long time ago instead starting about a week ago. I feel like Ive missed out and am missing out onmany awesome things cause im still in te beginning.
  14. Does anyone know how far into the game eevee is? And am I able to evolve it into Glaceon? Im only about 3 or 4 hours into the game btw.
  15. I read you got a little of the sites currency when you made an id. Are they not doing that anymore?
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