Hi. So I got stuck in a black screen in Deep Terujama Jungle. I can't use fly nor dig. This happened in deep terajuma jungle, after an event with April and Rick where Rick attacks us with Probopass (also April's sprite does not exist in this scene), I got teleported to a place where the map is completely black. There are npc and object available to interact, but otherwise I cannot navigate this place. Save is migrated from v13.
Also, a timer is on the screen forever on the top right (please remove it). It got there once I went to Darchlight Caves and tried to re-do de black ore quest.
I was exploring past areas, I already finished V13.5 content.
On the quest areas I believe there were some sequence breaks: it reactivated Chapter 6 (once I went to Crawli's gym) & Chapter 7 (once I went to Tower of Theolia).
Game - Christian - 260 - 625h 44m - 15 badges - Deep Terajuma Jungle.rxdata