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About Saish

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  1. Did you use interceptor's wish? That allows you to use your team instead of Erin's. Do you have any other fire types? Talonflame is not really useful in this fight and magmortar is way better on special side. Bronzong with levitate really works wonders on Angie's pokemon. I haven't played the game in ages, is there a move relearner? Fake out will do really well on perrserker. There's also a discord and people are more active there if you want ask there as well. Best of luck
  2. THe last lost kid that near the espurr is not appearing. I've gotten the other 8 but she is missing, please help. Game.rxdata
  3. I'm trying to find a metal coat to evolve my onix. Is it in the game?
  4. I choose Erin to walk with in darklight Cave. After searching the flying gym leader's apartment and going to sleep I dunno where to go next.
  5. Thank you so much for answering, but I found the eggs!
  6. Want to complete the 21 egg starter quest. Please help me.
  7. I saved the lady from spindel town, but she didn't give me her sticker, is was a clear day and morning someone please help.
  8. Saish

    LF Jigglypuff

    No I got it, thank you tho! @MarcosEduardo
  9. I wanted to complete the mega ring quest so can someone please give me a jigglypuff?
  10. Saish

    LF 6 IV Ditto

    @Starry Knight Thank you message me when you are online.
  11. Hello! I really want to start breeding my own pokemon so can I please get a 6 IV ditto if anyone has a spare?
  12. I'm about to enter agate city, but want to train all my potential pokemon. I really want a razor claw to evolve my sneasel. Can someone please help?
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