WOO! I actually read it a week ago, stopped when I saw Jeramy spelled Jeramy but, after seeing the feedback you've gotten, decided to continue again. And boy am I glad I did! Look, this has been really interesting so far. Written from Samantha's perspective, the writing was very natural and casual and I loved it. It was very smooth and I liked it way better than the omniscient narrative (although I am just biased like that). I LOVE THIS! It's so interesting! And I agree with Halloween above; that caught me off-guard, man, I was not expecting the bartender to be the MC of this show.
Also, thanks for making me like Agent against my natural reaction to people who just shoot blindly even at their allies. (Cue my horror when he killed Jeramy and Mike OAO") I particularly enjoyed the little bit about him ringing the bell and giving such a generous tip at the diner, and also his writing style in the chatroom with Sam--that was great characterization; made him likable. That really makes a piece of writing enjoyable More, please! That was so amazingly intriguing.
Swooning aside(oh god I can't wait for the next chapter; hope it's good), I second Halloween's feedback on formatting your story properly; I generally only read stories that are formatted well, and it kind of distracts me from the actual writing (so it's a big thing that I really like this btw, enough to overcome my aversion to poor formatting). Big walls of text = bad. Here, every time someone new says something, you should start a new paragraph.
The sound of his subordinate, Agent Jackin, picking up his own phone entered Harson's ear. "Agent Harson, sir! What do you need?" Harson tried to contain his sigh, wishing Jackin would drop the sir habit he had picked up in the military. "We've just sent Ms. Glawson to the safe house, and I'm preparing to send in my interview with her to the director. Have you made any progress with the unintelligible text?" Agent Harson could hear the sound of paper being shuffled through from the other side of the receiver, before Jackin said "Unfortunately Agent Tethers hasn't been able to make any progress on this "puzzle" as he calls it. I will keep you posted, sir."
should instead be
The sound of his subordinate, Agent Jackin, picking up his own phone entered Harson's ear. "Agent Harson, sir! What do you need?"
Harson tried to contain his sigh, wishing Jackin would drop the sir habit he had picked up in the military. "We've just sent Ms. Glawson to the safe house, and I'm preparing to send in my interview with her to the director. Have you made any progress with the unintelligible text?"
Agent Harson could hear the sound of paper being shuffled through from the other side of the receiver, before Jackin said "Unfortunately Agent Tethers hasn't been able to make any progress on this "puzzle" as he calls it. I will keep you posted, sir."
So, when Jackin stops talking and it's Harson's turn, Harson gets a new paragraph for his dialogue.
Dialogue tags are also important to note, btw. Dialogue tags are things like "he said" "he snapped" "he retorted", basically anything that attributes the speech to the action of the person saying it. Utterances that can't be used with verbs that don't actually cause them directly can't be used as dialogue tags. I'll give examples.
["Sir, it's time to transfer her." A heavily set guard said.] should be ["Sir, it's time to transfer her," a heavily set guard said.] -> comma at the end of the sentence if you're using a dialogue tag, small letters for the first word unless it's a proper noun.
[Jackin said "Unfortunately Agent Tethers..."] should be [Jackin said, "Unfortunately Agent Tethers...] -> with dialogue tags, use commas before giving the dialogue. With non-dialogue tags, use full-stops. (Example for non-dialogue tag: Jackin sighed. "Unfortunately..." -> "sighed" is a non-dialogue tag because you can't "sigh" words.)
Of course, for non-dialogue tags, the first letter of the first word following the utterance should be capitalized: "Sir, it's time to transfer her." A heavily set guard bowed. (you can't "bow" words)
If I was unclear on anything, please feel free to clarify. I like your story so much (and it's only just started, LOL.) that if you're actively looking for a beta reader, I'm available. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Edit: also, whoa, I'm an English major and also turning twenty-one this year!