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  1. Betttttt ima try that rn and for some reason I’m playing as Erin and using my own team (idk if that’s suppose to happen) but thanks tho
  2. V13 is difficult asf but it’s hella fun but I need some help with my game, I need someone to go into my game a put me at a spot where I can change my team around, I’m at the point where you fight Angie and her friend In that castle and I’ve come the the conclusion that, this team that I’m using is ass.. I’ve done everything possible thing that I could do, ive switch my current team around many of times, switched items, changed my moveset too many of times … plz help I wanna continue this story
  3. started playing rejuvenation again havent played the game since september of last year cuz my game crashed at the fire and ice mountain, whats funny is that i havent touched the game in MONTHS and one day i was like shiii im bored lets see if this game is still broken and POOF the game fixed itself idk how, but it did. so this time i made it all the way to distorted path and fought the boss, but what i noticed is that my player took way to many steps towards the boss, i got into the battle won and BOOM! game crashes again, whos tryna help me out?? cuz the story is gettin crazy and i wanna finish it
  4. Yeooo wassup man hey can you help me out I’m looking for a few Pokémon with certain items ... I can trade you a shiny Steelix for a calm togekiss (65 -70 , nasty plot, thunder wave, air cutter, aura sphere with leftovers) and I’ll also trade a shiny snover for a hippowdon (impish, lv 65-70, yawn, stockpile, crunch, earthquake, rocky helmet) ... hmu!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Crystalrage


      As I said PM me for moves on those

    3. liltrizzy724


      nvm alright bet

    4. liltrizzy724


      aint see it at first

  5. (ANYBODY THAT SEES THIS POST!!!!! Whats poppin people hows everybody doin? hope everyone is well hey, im lookin for 3 specific pokemon, Roserade, Reuniclus ( w/ trick room) and Gigalith ( w/ stealth rock) all at Lv. 70 ill trade you a shiny in return ... PLEASE HELP, i wanna go back to reborn city again PLEASE DM ME IF YOU DO!!!!!!!!!
  6. i need a powerful bug type
  7. @Starry Knight Requested Pokemon : Empoleon Lv 67 - 72 Specified Event Pokemon: No Gender : male Form : Ability : Torrent Nature : Quiet IV Spread : (HP, Atk, Def, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Spe) OR HP (Hidden Power): No To both EV Spread : no Pokerus : yes Shininess (Normal or Shiny) : yes Egg Moves : no Other Moves (Tutor moves ect) : Ice Beam, Toxic, Hydro Pump, Flash Cannon Item : No Offered Pokemon : Special attack Riolu Gender : Male Ability : inner focus Nature : mild IV Spread : EV Spread : Pokerus : no Shininess : no Egg Moves : metor mash (egg move) bite, quick attack, endure Item : Online ID & Time with timezone : Treshaun724, EST
  8. I'm in the glitched world fighting mewtwo
  9. I’ll trade anyone a shiny porygon for a random Pokémon holding a lucky egg Anyone down?? If so hmu on here, if I don’t respond on here then hmu on Twitter @kvng_gtl_
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