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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by OraCLesofFire

  1. Now that I'm home from school and have had time off from the holidays, I can post a picture of my brother's yet unnamed snek who I've taken care of for the last 4 years whilst he's been away at college. I think he's older than our dog, which puts him somewhere around 8-10 years old I think.
  2. I had one of those living with me earlier this year. I quickly showed it the exit
  3. This is a rare photo of Tucker, caught in his natural habitat ^.^ He's been spoiled his whole life, and now refuses to sleep anywhere but on our beds. He'll sit outside the bedroom door and constantly boop it all night long until I let him in. I'm just out of college and can't wait to see him for the first time in half a year this Wednesday
  4. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into.?. also thanks for the well wishes for my surgery everybody I really appreciate them
  5. Hello I've been playing reborn for around a year now and I've decided to see what's up with the forums here. I'm going to be taking a semester off my education due to a surgery this new year, and since I already had an excess of time on my hands I decided I'd try to look around and maybe meet some new people here or at least get involved with the community. I guess if anybody has any questions or wants to point me in any direction I'd be much obliged.
  6. Tepig. Pignite, Emboar.... What type did you say you were again? oh, really? So three games in a row?
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