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  1. DUDE oh man i hadnt talked to fern in the grand hall yet, dammmmmit man thankyou so much ! thanks board xo jez
  2. Apologies for repost - have entered the psych ward once and helped an escape (is now locked), have completed all magma/aqua quests for now, have searched cave near powerplant, have seen shade post-corey suicide - by all accounts the powerplant should now be open in order to battle shade, but it is not. Any ideas are appreciated, cheers.
  3. edit: just found my way ! thanks anyways guys for all your help in the past (and future) xoxoxo Edit 3: thanks admin, I have searched the cave and cant seem to gain entrance to the powerplant appreciate your help immensely ! J
  4. Hey guys Loving the game, pokemon veteran but reborn n00b Where is the 4th gym ?! Any help is appreciated ! <3 J
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