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  1. Well Drat. Thanks for the clarity. Hopefully I can get another exp share from late levels of the department store or the post-game.
  2. As a side-note, is there a second exp share anywhere? I'm raising a new team member.
  3. He's at different parts of Goldenleaf at different times of the day. If I remember correctly, he's in the Wispy Tower in the morning, one of the Gym's rooms in the afternoon, and the Odd House/Pass at night, but those times might be wrong. Talk to him at every place and he'll head to the gym. Edit: Whoops, too late
  4. While many of these Pokemon deserve evolution, some of them should be handled with care, especially if they don't reduce stats, as speedier Pokemon like Rapidash and Zebstrika could become problematic if speed and offensive stats were buffed, and Chatter's confuse chance could be very frustrating were Chatot's stats were better. Maybe they could get more "sideways" evolutions that only change stat totals little, but change specialization? For more normal evolution's, I'd like to see Durant get a queen ant evolution, but I don't know what Heatmor could get to balance it.
  5. I think the elemental monkeys were mediocre, but did their job well. I didn't look them up and beat the E4 with Simipour, although most of that was just scald being an amazing move. I think their designs would be more acceptable if there was only one of them, but three lines with the same designs is too much. Not great overall, but better than Primeape in my opinion. Infernape and Slaking are still top monkeys.
  6. If you are in the castle's maze, find the tree in the top right corner and walk into/ interact with it (The back of it I believe). That will bring you to a cave where you interact with a crystal. Use rock smash on the glowing wall after that, which should get you to the valley.
  7. I'm not sure Armaldo counts, apparently it's based off of an extinct shrimp, but either way we could use more armadillo Pokemon. In a similar vein, I'd like to see another fully evolved pangolin, as the Sandslash line always underwhelmed me.
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