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9 Fledgling

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Between the dimensional folds of my bedroom
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, writing, poetry, gaming, procrastinating

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  1. That's a relief to hear, I was not mentally prepared to be rocked again by Mr. Mime's wild ride.
  2. Hey, I've been trying to find all the Z-Cells for 100% Zygarde and complete the XY quest, but when I checked the guide I found out that I missed one in the Darkrai quest. I can't go back to the area because it's limited to the event; does this mean that I am perma-locked out of finishing the two quests? Do I need to roll back saves just to get the cell? (Which would not be ideal, since I busted my ass getting through the PULSE boss rush battles)
  3. I'm in the same exact situation. I got around it by using the password 'freemegaz', but it sucks that I'll have that quest unfinished basically forever.
  4. Thank you, this thought experiment has been very helpful.
  5. Let's say, hypothetically, that someone incredibly dumb accidentally released all the Pokemon from the 7th Street smuggler. Let's also presume that this someone also just realized that you need the exact Pokemon with the right Original Trainer tag to complete the Mega Ring/Z Ring quest. If they were to exist, they would ask how you can change the OT tag of Pokemon to complete the quest since they would not want to play again all the way back up to 7th street just to rectify this stupid decision. Of course this is all totally not real, but what would you tell them?
  6. Jay wasn't surprised at the weird transformed monster 'Omega' had become, not anymore. In fact, annoyance brewed up inside him and cracked through the tired out fight and flight mechanism. None of this made sense, cadets seemed way too casual for what sounded like the end of the world and this lunatic cult lady-monster-thing had far overstayed her ridiculous villanious welcome. The hisses of doubt that sneered at him wasn't so far as it was erased, but was drowned out by an exasperation at the sheer lack of sense this situation was, and that he felt sidelined from logic itself. Adrenaline, like high tide behind a bloated dam, kicked in and impatient anger stampeded forth. Flight had burned out at the fuse, and now it was time for fight. "Just shut up!" Jay shouted as he squinted his eyes at the screaming monster, exasperatedly shooing them away. "Shut up and go to hell! I don't care about your stupid rock or if you want to ruin the world or whatever - I don't care, I don't care, just go back to being dead already!" That was all the instruction that Ember, stoically eyeing the monster, needed to run headlong toward their assaultor, lunge up against a nearby rock and throw a kick up against Omega's face. Jay uses Attacker Lv. 1 to raise Ember's ATK by 1 stage! Ember uses Double Kick (5654 * 2) against Omega!
  7. The last stone! Jay could spot it glistening as he got out of the car, sore from the bumpy ride. Luckily there seemed to be a cadet defending the stone. Nevermind - the 'cadet' made her legs glow blue and red. Speaking of which, the person defending the stone looked an awful like the crazy flaming dance lady Omen, only less so. It was a wonder that she was still standing, with skin and sinew barely holding bones together. Frankly, Jay lost track of the whole progression already. It was tough to do that when he was half-panicking all the time. Jay yelped as he jumped to the side, even if the car was going to miss him by a fair way. Was one of the cadets going to ram them with a car?! Jay jumped to the conclusion of it being murder, but considering how the last copy of Omegle disintegrated into sand when they 'killed' her, he doubted that she counted as a person anyway...as long as Jay can explain all this nonsense afterwards. Oh, and Omelet was trying to kill them all. Jay dusted himself off, pretending to not have shaking legs and not wanting to just hole back up on his dorm room. Why Aether Foundation sending teenagers like them to tackle terrorists that could kill them all with a giant blade of earth, he had no clue. But there was no more backing away now (especially the case as the escape car was currently en route towards the danger, not away). With unsteady hands, he found grip of the Aetherball and summoned Ember. If that frail looking lady could stand against Omega, then so should he. Ember tumbled out, beak and claw ready, then paused when she spotted Omenta still alive and snarling at the cadets. Ember looked confusedly back towards Jay, then made a gesture towards the ground. "Yeah, the one we beat was actually sand or something!" Jay said, feeling ridiculous as he said it. "S-so we're gonna do it again!" Jay only hoped that the other cadets would back him up as he and Ember readied up for a fight.
  8. ((Sorry for absence in the last few posts, my brain has been quite uncooperative for the past few days.)) Jay felt a jolt of adrenaline and dread as he came to his senses. He spaced out for a few moments, now of all times, when they were battling a crazy ground lady that clearly had no intentions of talking it out. But the rumbling ground finally brought Jay's addled mind back into focus, enough to jump back and recoil against th ruptured sand that leapt at him. Just what is this thing?! He thought as Omega's body began to shift. It was more than just a nutjob with a flashy bag of tricks. They were beyond human Focus, Jay! Less questions. More action. Jay backstepped further away, trying to put more distance between him and the manic dancer. "Intercept her, Ember!" Jay shouted. Ember leapt into action, glad to finally join the fight. The Combusken ran at Omega, and took a running leap against her face, talon beared. Ember uses Double Kick (5654 * 2) against Omega
  9. Completely off her rockers. Jay knew the human/human-possessed-by-spirit/probably-should-have-not-called-her-it was most likely a danger, but now she sounded like she was about to froth at the mouth and reveal she had overdosed on candies or something. Yeah, didn't seem like she would be letting Jay, or anyone for that matter, out of here alive. Jay's anxiety grew heavier, but Jay knew there were no more choices in this situation. There was going to be a fight - but Jay wasn't sure if the woman had Pokemon with her or not. Though if that omega symbol didn't mean anything ominous, Jay didn't know what was. Jay chooses Ember Jay uses Attacker Lvl. 1, increasing Ember's attack stat by 1 stage.
  10. Jay looked around. He had no clue what was going on, to be honest. Except for well, being threatened with death along with everyone else on the island. Why did he ask the question in the first place if he didn't know what the answer meant? Some of the other cadets, notably those who had been on the beach when he arrived, seemed to recognize what the weird...lady...fiend thing was talking about. They most likely met with the murderous lady before; at least, the one that they were masquerading as. Jay decided to stay quiet, on a nervous standby for Emm to give the call. Jay wasn't the mainstage here, and it sounded like there was a story that went far back. Best not to incite further.
  11. Jay gulped, ignoring Ember pecking at his leg to fight. Yep. She was definitely going to kill them all. Jay felt sick at the stomach, and yet detached from the gravity of it all, listening to the figure spiel about her plans to split the island in half and drown everyone. The island's population. The ENTIRE population. He didn't need to count to know that there were a lot of zeroes in that figure. Could he even comprehend that? Jay doubted he could, although he sure as hell wasn't going to wait around to see if he did. "Wait - you know that thing?!" Jay blurted out when the cadet called Emmauel addressed her. Even worse, the cadet seemed to try and hold his ground, and even have the time to answer a comm-call. One battle in, Jay was already in over his head and a cadet that looked far younger than he was looked like it was just another day in the job. Jay thought of running. No, Jay decided he should run. But as he traced the fissue that tore the town in half, the distant screams of wailing people in the background, the manic laughter of "Uno". There wasn't anywhere to run, was there? Jay doubted he could run away fast enough, and even more that he would be able to evacuate with the rest of the civilians. The situation had backed him to a corner. This is a terrible first day on the job... Jay thought as he nodded grimly to Ember. Ember flapped her wings (arms? Jay never decided) to align her feathers. Finally, she seemed to say as she stepped in front of Jay.
  12. Jay stumbled and hacked as dust and sand hailed upon him, feeling the sand land upon his straw hat as Ember took shelter from the raining sand under Jay's legs. What...? Neither his reason nor his emotions could comprehend the situation at the start. One second, he was about to sheepishly sigh and ask if anyone had seen his A-Comm. The next, the ground had cracked open like a fragile egg shell and what he could only assume the perpetuator staring at the group of cadets with a switchblade smile. Who was this person? What did they have to do with the Gyradoses? Did the other cadets meet them before? Should he run? Jay felt dizzy, his legs trying to run and stand his ground at the same time. He could dully hear the screams in the background. Were those from the town? He...he could just help them instead of confronting this person, right? Right? No, it might be worse there. He didn't even know if this person was hostile or not. He should stay. Maybe not to the point of standing ground, but at least to the point of discerning who this person was. "Who are you?" Jay said, wishing his voice was far deeper and didn't shake nearly as much as his legs did.
  13. Okay. Okay? Okay. Jay was okay. Everything was okay, okay? Jay felt his legs shuddering, like someone had stolen his bones and his muscles were desperately trying to support Jay and the entire weight of his first real battle. Jay looked pathetic, he knew. The battle felt almost surreal to him - he had to slip on his false bravado, shouting commands and overlooking the battle. But reality had its way of delayed shocks, and Jay was feeling the full force, a tidal wave of "Holy crap I could have died" and "Am I really cut out for this?" Before Jay sank into rumination, Ember had returned to him, her feathers ruffled and beak scratched from pecking the serpents down. "Uhh..." Jay let out a shaky laughter. "I - I knew we could do it!" He pumped his fists in the wrong direction. At least he should look confident in front of his Pokemon! Impose authority...or something. That's what people kept telling him to do anyway. Ember gave a drawn out bawk in response. Jay wasn't fooling anyone, apparently. Or maybe he was just trying to fool himself. "A-anyway! Should we go say hi?" Ember pecked at his shoes. Stop shaking. Jay punched his thighs. "I'm trying, okay?" He hissed. He took a few deep breaths, tried again to put the bones back in his jellified legs, but it was pulled back out at the sight of Cathode's freshly caught Gyrados turning on her. "Uh...!" Jay stepped back, and noticed Ember waiting and alert for Jay's instruction. Should he sent Ember after the Gyrados? But why would a caught pokemon attack the trainer? "Do - wait, I think - uh, I think -" I think she's got it. Jay struggled to articulate, but Ember understood, tentatively watching as Cathode attempted to recall the Gyrados.
  14. For your information dante3434, 1x1 roleplays aren't really a thing here, and you haven't exactly explained the entire concept / storyline either. You're gonna have to make an Interest Check thread or any sort of post that actually explains...well, everything.
  15. [[Sorry, caught up in uni stuff, will flesh into full post later. Here's my action though]] Ember used Peck on Gyrados #3! Peck (Physical) Power: 30 Accuracy: 100% Att. Stage: +1 Att. Value: 5212
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