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Jmanultrax1 last won the day on July 28 2016

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38 Developing


About Jmanultrax1

  • Birthday 07/11/1997

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Reborn City, Grand Hall
  • Interests
    My interests describe who I am so this will tell you more about myself lol enjoy!

    Soccer, video games, reading, art, guitar

    pokemon fangames:

    - Reborn
    - Rejuvenation
    - Desolation
    - Insurgence
    - Alabaster
    - Sage

    My persona to me would be Melchizedek. It represents me because I've always enjoyed helping people(hes just so f*cking cool).

    When I go and enter the battle field you will see me wielding either oathkeeper and oblivion, Incursio (cuz a dragon knight is awesome) or summoning Melchizedek (GODS HAND!)

    I'm a TWD fan so obviously I'm a survivor expert (You'll need my help to survive lol)

    lastly I enjoy art drawing and expressing myself.

    Signature mon is Snivy/Servine cuz its awesome

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  1. Persona 5 is here! Its time to play until 5 in the morning!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anime


      Man, there is a lot to do in Persona 5, bonding with confidants, exploring, grinding for Yins (money).. 

    3. Jmanultrax1


      im close to beating it, sadly I didn't get max on all arcana's. realistically 4. So im going to start a new game after. Because I know what to do this time.

    4. Anime


      You should start a new game :) i mean i get that you skipped a lot of stuff if you haven't maxed all arcana's, personally i just beat kamoshida , i'm taking my time so i don't miss anything.


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