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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. yes, Im aware of that. Unfortunately I did fix it as soon as I discovered it along with several other glitches/bugs found. The alpha displayed here is old and I wont be updating it until I finish episode one. Sorry about that. But yes Im still working on it slowly so thanks for your support!
  2. Forum name: Jmanultrax1 Showdown alt(s): Jmanultrax Discord: Jman#7403 Availability*: usually 6pm - 12am on weekdays. weekends are unpredictable (GMT -4) Favourite types: dragon, ground, steel least favourite type(s): Ice
  3. So I don't know if this was found yet by others, but apparently I found this bug in a battle. If the opponent uses an electric move, and if the pokemon that uses the move has lightning rod the ability will activate instead and I will take no damage. I found this when my opponent was a raichu and their attack didn't connect against me, but it activated its own ability instead. I haven't seen if this will apply if I used the same thing.
  4. If you want a link stone (which is the method to evolve your haunter into a gengar) you can find one by progressing through the game, or you can purchase one for credits after getting to the shop located in the next city after Blackview (which also requires you to do a sidequest to unlock the shop.) Hope this helps
  5. So here we are, more than a month later and I have something new for you guys. Originally this was going to be showcased with something else. But that's falling behind a little. So I didn't want to wait around, and here you go. an event battle between the protagonist and Sarah.
  6. When it's been 3 weeks and my school shows no signs of stopping their strike.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      We do but it doesn't cover those areas as the strike started near midterms. So certain topics can't be studied/read

    3. Tartar


      I guess there's nothing left to do but play video games all day until the problem resolves itself I suppose, right?⸮

    4. Jmanultrax1


      You are right my friend.

  7. Alright it's been quite awhile since I last posted an update, so heres a little bit of a progress report. With the incident that happening at my school I have had more time to work on mapping, although still making a forest takes a bit of time Anyway here's the progress so far (you can ignore the 100% stuff as that wont change.) and here's a little something too And that's pretty much it for now. Once the forest is done, I'll be showing two new things that will be in the completed beta.
  8. Since water is now b4, it means that lilly is gone joy but now it means that Something took its place in b7. But, seriously the fact that it's lower means no more stalling. (or at the very least not 6 mons who can stall forever).
  9. So my gf sent me this link and I was surprised by what the contents were. I'm happy that it's getting attention.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      U forgot that reborn and rejuv have 18. Mine is only 16 because as much as I want to do 18 I feel that 16 is enough. 

    3. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      yeah, and the remaining types are either the elite 4 or the champion...

    4. Jmanultrax1


      For the elite 4 they aren't going to be type specifics. It's going to be a planned team. The champion will be the same only much stronger

  10. Update Time! so last week I posted some images about the new intro and said I would reveal more on it, and that's now. I was originally going to show a video, but after thinking it over, I realised it would just spoil it. So I have some more images about it this time. You can let your imagination do the work. With this, the new intro is officially done, time to map the forest.
  11. Nice to see that Helen is returning again. She was always fun. She looks a lot more serious with this new look.
  12. Made some changes to my team. For the sprite and trainer card, the old ones from s2 are fine.
  13. Somewhat of a small update. I have started improving/changing the intro. It wont just be complete dialog now. So expect a little preview on it on a later date. Below I have 3 maps that will be part of the new intro. You can interpret them however you want, as the spoiler below contains their name and images. See you next update!
  14. This is my team right now. It's a work in progress so feel free to help me out with opinions/advice
  15. Alight I'll look into the first three issues of what you pointed out. However for the last one I experienced that as well while testing an figured out what the cause was. In general when the player blacks out from losing they are brought to the last pokemon center they used and if not its their house. Since in their is no pokemon center yet and in my events I wrote it so that the player cannot return to their room because if they do it messes with the events and it crashes entirely.
  16. Download the alpha from either one of these Links. I hope you enjoy the little demo from what's to come in episode 1. MEGA MEDIAFIRE
  17. Good news people! I have some exciting news. Be sure to look forward to this Friday as Darklight's alpha will be released. Everything is complete and ready to go. So look forward to it. The reason I'm giving it a week is because I'm just fixing it up. Just because it's done doesn't mean that I can't try to improve a little for you guys. So with that announcement out of the way, I'll see you all Friday!
  18. Unfortunately I can't give an exact date as to when a demo is being released currently, however I can say that an alpha version will be released soon as I'm currently fixing/adding some stuff to it.
  19. okay, so t's been awhile since something was revealed so why not we showcase a VS. battle? I'm trying to get this pre demo finished as fast as I can, but due to my nature I keep going back to previous things to make them better. But, this turned out surprisingly well, minus the cut scenes I cut from the original file :3 Well I hope you enjoy it, and say tuned for more news.
  20. Happy Birthay! You deserve a special song



    ps: The cat's your problem now. enjoy! ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      just don't get too attached, he needs to be passed on to the next birthday lick more cakes

    3. Amethyst


      cat for a day........ill make do.........

    4. Jmanultrax1


      although it doesn't need to be the same cat.......we just need "a" cat for the next birthday day "hint hint"

  21. So Ame, with it being your birthday I thought that I would congratulate and wish you the best on your day! For without you, this entire community wouldn't be possible without all the hard work that you did to get here. So I hope you have the best time on your Birthday! presents for you so enjoy! and what's a birthday without the song
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