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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. So I have a small update to show. Its nothing big but its a character redesign. Based on some helpful opinions and on my own realization Daemon looked to too much like yuya. That was not my intention so I have a little preview of his remade sprite. My friend did an amazing job. The trainer sprite is not ready yet to be presented so you need to be a little more patient. These next two weeks I wont be able to update the game, As finals are coming up next week, but once the break starts I'll have more time to work on updates
  2. we can always dream. These are just thoughts. and besides why would you put all point in the defensive stats
  3. ill trade you a seel (perish song) for the shiny/regular sandile (your choice) and a staryu for the feebas both were from the event eggs.
  4. looking for a ghastly Idc about EV's or IV's. For the nature I would prefer it be neutral, timid, or modest. doesn't matter if its shiny male or female as its gender I can offer starters (chespin, cyndaquil, fennekin) beldum eevee zorua seel (perish song) tynamo Pikachu (wish) pm so we can discuss farther
  5. banned for wanting to protect shelly
  6. So, the question is...How many people started a new game?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity


      I had to, new computer. It worked out though, someone needed to run through the game again in beta.

    3. Lilleen


      I did, I did! ^^

    4. Personthing


      I will when some bug patches are released.

  7. yes they are gone. You were given the chance to save them the site was shut down(temporarily) for its upgrade
  8. This new website design is sick and awesome. It was worth waiting!

  9. last status!

    1. Vinny


      And now it's wrong :[

  10. I just saw mine. Its actually pretty accurate lol. Its pretty cool.
  11. banned for being evil towards members
  12. Banned because I'm a little subtle.
  13. stunky, I think is available at any time.
  14. banned for thinking I was criticizing a steel type
  15. I grew up with gen 3 and that's not my favourite gen, but your theory makes sense.
  16. Ok, can people please stop asking that lol. The more that this question pops up the more time that it will take for it to release. I think we're up to an extra month of waiting now because of everyone who's asking that question lol.
  17. banned for being too prickly.
  18. that feeling when you cant move just because your too lazy
  19. you mean the audino trainer at the first gym area? if so that fine. It is a little trouble because of grassy terrain, but it worth for experience. Also for your team to beat the first gym. I recommend getting two pokemon. Pidgey and bidoof. the level cap for pidgey is very good. It has a nice early moveset, and you can evolve it , then get it a certain move and level it back down. (keep gust for the fiery field, you'll thank me later). for bidoof it doesn't matter for ability wise (although theres moody, and a bibarel gets rollout so that might give you an idea).
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