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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. Can't say im surprised. With a movie called "The emoji movie" it was just asking to be a failure. That was a complete waste of 50 million to make it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      well done 3d can be amazing

    3. DemICE


      not many will invest money on well done 3d for a kid's show.  


      as a result everything seems like its made of plasteline

    4. Wolfox


      I guess if we wanna see a well done popeye remake disney or pixar has to buy thr tights for it

  2. RIP the creatures. I will never forget. 

    Also I blame Jordan for this tragedy.

  3. So toffee did all that damage to get his finger back? That's some drive that kept him going.

  4. Alright I'm just going to clear this up. The mistakes pointed out by CG have been fixed already so we can forget about those. As for how long the intro is I am aware of it and it will be a little faster in the beginning (where the mother sings because I'm sure that's the majority of the reason.) I made it that way to give off a eerie/mysterious tone given the bgm, and the slow lyrics. Not to mention the creepy cry that was put in. But I'm glad that people are liking the intro, Sometime in the future I'll add some cut scenes to it so its not just almost 5 min of a black screen.
  5. The intro is fixed and back up finally! here we go!


    1. Wolfox


      this looks interesting so far

  6. Alright, here we go the intro reveal! If you ask me this took way too long. I kept going back and changing it every time. But I feel comfortable with this one for the first version of the game.
  7. No I didn't, but that's even better lol
  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes Amine! can I get a SoraxKairu ship lol
  9. It's almost time to reveal it. All this going back and changing it is finally paying off.

  10. That moment when I realized that something not showing in the intro actually makes it more interesting.

  11. nice theory but the indriad one falls off a bit. In the current time, indriad was probably dead, so we don't know what caused it. And we cant point to the time point paradox event when we found is house in the sewers. That was not his work it was someone else and the red gardevoir wasn't even there. So we can safely for now say that indriad was not apart of this weird fire incident. Although you are right, it does seem too suspicious to not have a side request.
  12. If you remember that dude (forgot his name) said that bladestar was good at on point, they wanted to change the community, but they fell off and started doing sketchy stuff that made tem into the horrible people we see them as. Flora is even apart of that change. She started corrupting a forest in order to get Cassandra to allow them to help others outside. It may seem good, but its wrong in all the right reason. Then they(flora) stole rift matter. An unstable component that can change pokemon into monsters, giving them extreme power, but they lose control of themselves. And from the looks of it, Flora has more plans for it given she's combining rift matter with a pulse machine. ( oh gee flora I wonder how that's going to turn out -.-) Flora is blinded by her own sense of "justice" and she wont sop until Cassandra is removed as mayor.
  13. What did I just watch? o.0


  14. I'm actually quite curious as to why comet can't his appearance at all. There is the fact that he could before, but when they started operating in GDC he couldn't once he changed into the mc. So theirs definitely something going on here. It doesn't take away my suspicions that something is happening at that tournament for a moment, otherwise they wouldn't have signed us up secretly.
  15. Knowing you for as long as a I have on the reborn forums, it bothers me to know that you feel that way. But I also know that you aren't the type of person to just accept things like this and will you're hardest to change it. I see you as a strong person, so I know that you will overcome this and come out on top better than before.
  16. the theory about them being able to make multiple copies of themselves falls off. There's no enough concrete evidence to prove this power. The only thing we know is that they can change their appearance at will. But here's the trick, out of all the people to choose they specifically chose Nancy and the mc. There's no answer to that, just saying to "control the city" in our appearance has no backup or reason, so someone probably gave them an order Madame x. Then there's the tournament part, comet couldn't change back/at all when he became us so its close to assume that he was like that from they first started their plans in GDC. But we can say for sure that they for sure had something to do with the tournament. If "us" the mc went inside to sign up and someone tells us "oh but, mc you already signed up for it already" red alarms would be going off saying something wrong is going on here. With that said I can wait till v10 comes out. Something is definitely happening at that tournament and they specifically want us to be apart of us.
  17. Holy mother of Arceus it's been a long time. But I assure you, it's not come empty handed. I've been working on this is in my free time so a lot has been done. Firstly I'd like to finally say that I updated the front page. It was made so long ago and it became outdated when I made it with enthusiasm at the time. Next I want to say that I am preparing to release something. It's not an alpha, but its not the full episode. It's somewhere in-between I guess. Idk, I cant describe it but something is finally being released yay. Next I want to showcase themes that has been made specially for the beginning. I'm trying to figure out on how to record on my laptop so I can give a little preview of the beginning before I release. If theres any questions regarding the updated stuff, ask away.
  18. Fully calling an SAO situation right now for blue angel in ep8

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      ok firstly the speed duels have nothing to do with her in an SAO situation. It's because the Hanoi boss guy took control of her mind with the card and it messed up her connection to the real world. Also yusaku does feel responsible since the knights of Hanoi used her as a pawn to get to him. And she challenges him to a rematch in ep8, but im not sure if its "her"

    3. Wolfox


      what I meant is that hanoi used an inocent person in their war with Yusaku. and while Yusaku isn't a social miracle, somethign tells me he's not really happy with that.

      and the reason I mentioned it being a risk to speed duels is since Ai/Ignis did mention that falling from such a hight could be lethal, likely revering to mental lethality over physical lethality.

    4. Jmanultrax1


      true that. even though she didn't fall to take physical damage in the real world. she got screwed in psychologically.

  19. She fully lost control of that match for the main purpose of showing her brother she can take care of herself (which might be the reason she took the card from Hanoi). Aoi became so panicked at the end when she realized that he was purposely losing lp to use his skill. Just a guess on that, mind you. But come on though did you really think that he didn't have a plan against your stally lp drain method. Lastly when she fell into the coma, I'm thinking their going to pull some SAO nonsense. where her real body is still in a comatose state, but her mind is stuck in vrains. Overall this episode was good, emotional and it displayed the right way on how a female protagonist should become possessed.
  20. Happy birthday amine! Hope its a good one!
  21. that KH e3 trailer was so epic. The hype for that game is real.

    1. Hect


      Yeah, well, when it finally does come out. After like.. damn, I stopped counting.

    2. Jmanultrax1
  22. I believe I was in the cave field but I changed it when I used magma drift in battle. I'll check again just in case to be absolutely sure
  23. the person's name gives it away... why do people fall for this?
  24. so apparently silvally while holding a flying memory can be hit with ground type moves in double battles. I'm not sure if it happens in singles I'm figuring that out.
  25. I meant Iv's. I always get those two mixed up -.-' but yeah, thanks
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