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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. or you can farm for one at caratose because nosepass hold them. I went with this because I really wanted type:null despite how long it took
  2. are ev's set to zero now instead of being randomly generated?
  3. is eric supposted to have the same dialog from v8 after you beat him? He said "thanks for answering those question" but there weren't any at all before the battle.
  4. I don't remember where I heard it from, but that music that plays on the route where you fight rorrim b is amazing.
  5. Have we been able to save any rift pokemon since showing Melia the book in v8? Since we can fight the rifts again in a side quest I wanna know if we can save them currently.
  6. is there any new events continuing from the narcissa sidequest after the generator one in west gearan?
  7. yeah sure thing. Game.rxdata upon my own research it didn't remove the iv's from any pokemon I used in battle when I left them in the pc.
  8. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but every pokemon I seem to catch, even the ones I have in my pc have/had their IV's set/reset to zero except the shadow pokemon. also amber's field affect doesn't activate.
  9. pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon. Looks impressive.

    1. Combat


      Honestly I have no real interest in it. I got Sun only a few months ago, and don't have any real interest in getting what looks like a slightly different version of it. If this came out years for now (like Soul Silver or Omega Ruby) it would be different, but this feels like a cash grab.

  10. with the last help request in kakori village, the person doesn't appear at terajuma shore
  11. one of the logs in crawli's gym disappears after its pushed. (it's event is erased for some reason)
  12. it would appear that after you do the soul stone event in amethyst cave and try to go back to Sheridan through the cave, the keita event will activate again and stay active.
  13. I saved before the patch notes so I'm stuck at Sheridan. Since I didn't activate the switch that makes keita talk to mc to progress. thx in advance Game.rxdata
  14. farewell shadow tympole. You saved my life so many times in our version 8 time, but sadly you are no longer able to fight. you will be missed.

    Seismitoad lvl 70 v8-v9

    1. Hect


      My condolences. May s/he rest in peace.

  15. new game incoming. Time to start over for the first time.
  16. deja vu~

    I've just been this place before

  17. almost done. Just need to set field effects and personally test it.

    1. Anime


      go sleep Jman also good luck

    2. Wolfox


      hope it's all good

  18. What is this spamming nonsense?

    1. Anime


      Spamming? where

  19. This series is so amazing in its own way. The protagonist is finally back to being a person with issues and actual problems and not some child like in zexal and Arc-V. The plot seems promising and it has me hooked in wondering whats going to happen next. Episode 4 next week looks to be quite interesting.
  20. I hope not. That's one of the worst possible situations for dimensional rift pokemon. And I've come up with worse ones.
  21. watch the challenge be a dimensional rift type:null with insane defenses, and type covering ability like protean. (Please don't be)
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