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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. chespin line is done, all that's left is are the backs if nothing needs to be fixed. Maybe the nose and mouth on chespin/quilladin can be changed. also fixing the shading for vivillon's pattern.
  2. Persona 5 is here! Its time to play until 5 in the morning!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anime


      Man, there is a lot to do in Persona 5, bonding with confidants, exploring, grinding for Yins (money).. 

    3. Jmanultrax1


      im close to beating it, sadly I didn't get max on all arcana's. realistically 4. So im going to start a new game after. Because I know what to do this time.

    4. Anime


      You should start a new game :) i mean i get that you skipped a lot of stuff if you haven't maxed all arcana's, personally i just beat kamoshida , i'm taking my time so i don't miss anything.


  3. goodra back sprites done! And my vivillon entry, which may be fixed up a bit
  4. probably still planning. Like last year its most likely going to be something fake regarding the game. Such as a fake link which was used last year
  5. 9/10 Jan's approve this statement probably lol
  6. Don't worry too much about not hearing about it lol. Anyway to answer your questions: 1) Cresselia and darkrai are the main legendaries for the game, as such obtaining them will be kept to the end. However their will be instances throughout where you will be able to fight "with" them. 2) Their are no download links available yet, and it will be released in episode(s). I am currently working on an alpha to be released to give a short introduction to it, but I haven't had time due to school, so I can't give a date to when it will be released.
  7. Hey thanks for looking over my game, Every opinion counts. Based on your review/thoughts I wanted to clear some things up. - All story events, (the intro on the front page included) have been re-written and changed and as such I haven't had any time to update the topic. The same applies to the encounters. The topic was made almost a year ago and I didn't quite explain it well lol - All aside from the trainer sprites, most of the vs. sprites were done by me and they will be better in a future version. Daemon already got a rework on one of the previous pages. - I accept all help from people, So feel free to work around with the sprites. - Overall I appreciate you pointing out the errors. Hopefully I can get something out soon, School has been preventing me from making any progress. Anyway thanks again!
  8. working on the backsprites for goomy line, as well as the front for the chespin line, and my vivillon entry as well. hopefully i'll be able to show progress on them soon.
  9. Not going back to get specific mons to progress? I mean im not judging, but weren't they axed for a reason?
  10. I wonder if we'll get any starter events. Or any shadow starters.
  11. To yaes or not to yaes?

  12. Some of the darker outlines on the sprite are hard to see as well as some of the shading. For example the red shading is too light so maybe making it a little darker. Also the saturation on some areas could be lighter/darker.
  13. Ok so I redid the goomy line completely. New look I would say is way better then the previous. Special thanks to @foznkr for helping with the color design on the first design. The second one is mine as I thought it would look cool.
  14. Alright i'll make the eyes a little darker, so you can see them more clearly. It's more darker than the previous ones lol, but I'll see what I can do.
  15. Any ideas for the color then? My idea was to make goodra look like slime, because he's slimy and gooey
  16. I really needed to fix those sprites. I think these are better, but their still could be more stuff that need to be fixed.
  17. woah um now that I look at it again, that's too bright. Guess in my excitement I didn't look at that :/ I'll fix that and make it more darker.
  18. Will the gen 7 thread be made when gen 6 is done, as with the previous?
  19. I got it all. Also I got it after I put the timestamps on so sorry about that.
  20. My god, Mass Effect Andromeda, looks so bad. Those animations and facial expressions. The glitches and wrong positioning's.

    1. Cepheus


      Let me tell you what I tell everyone that complains about the animations in ME:A (and that is these are THE ONLY reason those people don't buy/play the game)

      Now I'm not saying you personally are like those people, but it seriously gets on my nerve everytime someone says "OMG IT'S SO BAD BECAUSE THE ANIMATIONS ARE BAD!" (exegeration - I hope you get my point)


      "The game is still fun, and the Story is great!

      Remember the times when the characters were just a bunch of pixels without much animation, and we still had fun with these games?

      If animation quality is your biggest concern about a game... you seriously have to re-think your priorities in gaming!

      Also glitches and Bugs happen! Show me ONE SINGLE game without any bugs or glitches!"

    2. FairFamily


      I don't think that is fair to say, to say. From what I see and remember mass effect went down in quality of the faces but even if it weren't. In the past games had indeed bad animations but I feel there are some nuances. Characters which were a bunch of pixels could still be aesthetically pleasing and animations were still done with care to portray what needed to be portrayed. So they could do well with limmitted tools. Mass effect can not do what it intends to with its tools. Now If you use a tool then you should do it properly  no excuses. 

      Also indeed games are more then just animations, but mass effect is an rpg (last time I checked at least). So immersion is key, crappy animations can ruin this immersion. So I think there is valid reasoning to decline on animations alone.

      Also bugs and glitches have become more frequent over the years ,rightfully so, but the nonchalance of the industry about it bothers me like no other. Meh, we'll just patch bugs when we find them, gotta push product faster.

  21. this looks so awesome! If amoongus turns out to be the gigamushroom im going to catch this for sure
  22. Your right about the archive key, but that alone isn't what allows you to save her. You need to read everything in the archive as well as what you find behind the door you needed that key for
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