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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. The beauty and the beast remake was pretty good. Definitely enjoyed it. 

  2. He could make an appearance in v9. This is just a guess, but it would be pretty cool. The last time we saw him was at the shadow factory in the marsh right?
  3. So heres the backsprites for the joltik line. If theres anything that needs improvement let me know. Sorry that these took awhile. School really like to interfere
  4. Heavy snow storm outside. Supposed to cancel 3 days of school. One down, lets see about tomorrow 

    1. Animefan666


      When I was in school the only thing that cancelled it was really high winds. One time, we even had to go to school while the power was out.

    2. seki108


      Hopefully, your power won't go out.  While having a week (well, 5 days, if you count the weekend) off from classes were great, being stuck on-campus without power for 2 1/2 days wasn't.

  5. Oh sorry bout that. That just slipped o.o Well there if isn't any other issues I'll get started on the back sprites as soon as possible then.
  6. I made the blue fur standing up a little lighter, than before. If it still needs to be made lighter let me know. Or I could just change to black highlight in the fur to a dark blue
  7. Busy today, the updated galv sprite will be up tomorrow
  8. You want the blue fur lighter or the black highlights lighter?
  9. I think reborns shiny is a just the colours switched. I'm not too sure
  10. So I did a few more spider designs, thanks to the people who gave some suggestions. The ones below in order are Tarantula, Pink-toed, and Blue cobalt
  11. wow a lot of these can work. Considering that there are a lot of color variants. Thanks for the tip. I'll get started on redesigning as soon as possible.
  12. This is what happens when u trash talk sonic lol


  13. its interesting, I'll keep it on note. Its good to have a few more ideas.
  14. School's been keeping me busy, but I am working on the back sprites for joltik. Your right on the idea being a little plain. Does anyone have any ideas for joltik?
  15. snivy backs are done. Been busy most of the day so I had no time to post them.
  16. when doing joltik I tried making it a black widow, but the insignia just looks weird so I decided to not put it in. I'll post the snivy backs later
  17. update for the snivy line. There were two ways for servine so I did those
  18. So this is a rough design for my idea of the snivy line
  19. claiming Snivy and joltik line got here too late for deino lol
  20. After the watching the Star vs TFOE finale I am both happy and sad. It was such an epic finale

    1. Winter


      I know right! But man, I did not expect for it to end so depressingly.

  21. second for sure. The color scheme looks cool (pun intended).
  22. Just saw this today >.< Ive been busy with school so I haven't been able to check this. Thanks for the map compliment I'll be sure to fix those in the future. The idea behind those spaces was that this part of the forest more specifically the shrine areas are a very "sacred and special place" in the story. So I wanted to give it that type of vibe. Also on another note, I've finished most of the file stuff and began setting up the events for the game. So be sure to hear more about that in a future post.
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