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Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. pokemon go gen 2 is finally here!

  2. Happy birthday sparky! Hope its a blast. Now lets see your birthday scenario
  3. So its valentines day. Hope you guys enjoy

  4. wouldn't the designs for mamoswines pre-evolutions be in the gen 2 thread?
  5. So I'll just leave this here and let people watch it if they get curious. Hope you guys enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIbXtd1s7kw


  6. trust me that's a part of youtube that's best forgotten
  7. No I pretty sure that john cena was put in because of the john cena meme's
  8. I don't think caz meant to do that. That was most likely an accident and not intentional. Someone notify him so this can be fixed.
  9. I believe pancham was moved to a later slot machine. But machop does work, or you can just catch a mankey.
  10. So mega garchomp is done. I went with two different ways for design. I kept the same darkish purple color for its body and went with different colors for its claws. One is black the other is white. I think the dark tone claws is the better one from looking between the two.
  11. The color situation was fixed, but the outlines for uxie's eyes are hard to see
  12. From the looks of it, it doesn't look like their in the current release. Sorry dude. Worst news possible to hear
  13. So I did te recolor for the line with the color suggestions that you provided and here they are. For gible's stomach area there were two ways for it to go for its design.
  14. yo! That's a powerful staraptor! I was hoping someone would do this. Did you use the exact colors from the pidove line or did you need to change them a bit?
  15. Alright I'll fix the gible sprite and start garchomp as soon as possible
  16. I like the little music notes you added. That was a nice touch
  17. I made the outline for gible a little darker so that's done then theres gabite. I hade a few ideas in mind, so which ever one seems the most likely, i'll fix that one up. Thx to @Korvpizza for telling me some areas that needed improvement
  18. Its hard to tell the white shade with the background. So perhaps make the background clear. The white shade on the designs is good, but maybe lower them a bit, their a bit too bright
  19. You need to talk to garret to start his sidequest. Once you reach the end of his sidequest you find an egg which contains a scyther.
  20. If you look through the music files (BGM) you should be able to find it, its titled Battle Aurora.
  21. Yeah I can see that, but I did look for the right colors for the idea I had in mind for the 3. Besides gible isn't the most detailed pokemon, so the idea wont probably show until garchomp. Thanks for the opinion @Felcatty
  22. Took me awhile to get the correct color palette that I wanted. Criticism is welcome, and let me know what you think. This is for the Gible line.
  23. @Hycrox you worked pretty fast on dialga. They all look amazing. Personally the far left one is the best in my opinion, but you might want to make the light fragments on the leg just a little but darker.
  24. Just checked the list. Its still available.
  25. Claiming gible line including mega garchomp
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