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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jmanultrax1

  1. wish it could happen tho. That would b awesome
  2. will all gym leaders in the future have nicknames for their mons? cuz it would b pretty cool to see that when we face Ava in the future she has one named after the player
  3. oh the irony. Im a bug catcher and im afraid of most bugs lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juniper


      Better post more!

    3. Arkhi


      Your member title can change with your number of posts or if you use a Member Title change item, to customize your title.

    4. Jmanultrax1


      I kno I just wanted to say this cuz its funny lol :P

  4. yeah that was already reported. If you check the desolation page and go under the known bugs section this is already reported and known. It will also be patched in 3.0.2
  5. we are going to b hearing a lot of jokes regarding litten tho
  6. Was messing around a little bit with the breeding system for fun. I wanted a raichu and this is what I got on my first egg. Shiny, decent nature and ok/nice ev. Plus its my favourite colour so I have no choice but to use it
  7. That is awesome to hear and while im at it let me just say that the music specifically for certain characters was a nice touch. The shiv/nova music suits them both cuz it sounds really cosmic like and it relates greatly to them cuz they r obviously not human like anymore (with their weird powers).
  8. Im kinda looking forward to more quests like the one for one on silver rise. It would be awesome to know some more backstory between the two and what happened between them.
  9. the Angie picture at the end gave me a jumpscare (plus it scared me little lol) really catches her whole insanity. Full credit to the artist who captured her so well. Me personally I am not looking forward to seeing her again. I'm propbably going to have a "Fun" time dealing with her as im #1 on her revenge list. Mayb she wont notice me in clothes from the past lol
  10. Currently working on a rough draft for a certain character hoping it turns out well

  11. Glad that Mightyena is getting full support for the mega evo, but I personally voted for weaville cuz I think that would also b an awesome design
  12. I'm still a little confused about the whole Tristan deal. There's so much mystery behind it.
  13. Still new to the site have alot to learn here :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      don't worry I will. I'll introduce myself soon :P

    3. Tringus


      Don't wait, or you'll look like me...

      Nah, I'm just playing, man. Welcome to Reborn! Do read the rules though, to be extra cautious!

    4. Jmanultrax1


      I plan to 2morrow. I'm kinda tired

  14. I thank Simon for getting me verified more quicky than i thougt i aappreciate greatly man.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      my friend sent it to me so I didn't know, my bad :P

  15. if anyone has played the newest episode of desolation could i get some help im stuck in blackview

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      im very sad to say that I do not kno how to post on that ive even read the help options but I cant post or do any of that

    3. Simon


      Oh, you're still validating. I'll let an Admin know to validate you so you can PM him.

    4. Jmanultrax1


      thx I appreciate man

  16. awesome game master

  17. I got lost finding emily in blackview city ispoke to the perosn outside but i clicked to fast nowim lost

  18. awesome game master

  19. help

    1. mde2001


      With what?

    2. Jmanultrax1


      oh I was just testing it out srry

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