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Everything posted by Alextron

  1. I knew it was about Nier the moment I saw that Pod 010 and Pod 011 convo. Still, seeing we will get Dive soon, I'm getting a bit hyped.
  2. An NPC at Cryshola Hotel says that even if you have the golden HM items, you still need the HMs to use them.
  3. First, Venam was always the 1st gym leader, at least from what I remember (I started playing in V8, also watched shofu's playthrough). And second, what factory in route 2? To be honest, I'm still confused about your confusion.
  4. In what location were you when you tried to load the game?
  5. This games meats my requirements for the perfect pokemon fangame.
  6. ^ That. (though it only explains how to find the save file) To go back to a previous save state, move the Game.rxdata file to somewhere else. Then, rename the backup save that you want to change to into Game.rxdata and you're done.
  7. My first was Blaziken in Emerald. Swellow was second and Luxray in Soul Silver was almost third (then corrupted file happened so rip).
  8. *Speed Boost Combusken intensifies*
  9. V10 will come out when it's finished. From what I've seen, testing will begin soon so we will just have to wait a bit more for that.
  10. Name/Known as: Alextron (u blind?) Age: 19 Gender: Boi (lol jk male) Birthday: Just around the corner (2/4, not 4/2) Location: Greece Height: Between 1.80-1.85 (meters) Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Also brown Lives with: Home alone for now Pets: Had a hamster before...good times Relationship status: Nope Dream job: A freakin' mage, da best mage Currently playing: Warframe, Pokemon Reborn, a little bit of Ace Attorney (currently Trials and Tribulations) Favourite Food: PIZZA Favourite Drink: Water (except tap water) Favourite Color: Red Favourite kind of Music: No favourites, though video game music is my jam these days Favourite Band: Read above Favourite Album: don't have one Favourite Song: ^^^ Favourite Game: Can't decide Favourite Genre of Game: HACK N' SLASH Favourite Hobbies: playing on pc, MtG (and card games in general), walking around in circles Favourite Movies: i don't Favourite Shows: i watch anime mostly, but no favourite series
  11. Mega Venusaur: 21 Mega Charizard X: 21 Mega Charizard Y: 18 Mega Blastoise: 18 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 20 Mega Kangaskhan: 20 Mega Pinsir: 20 Mega Gyarados: 18 Mega Aerodactyl: 20 Mega Mewtwo X: 18 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 18 Mega Scizor: 20 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 21 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Blaziken: 18 Mega Gardevoir: 22 Mega Mawile: 21 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 20 Mega Banette: 20 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 20 Mega Lucario: 20 Mega Abomasnow: 20
  12. The people at the pier actually do seem to care about the whereabouts of the ship. But it's not like they knew what happened on the ship beside you and Amber so it's reasonable why no one is panicking at that time. Aside from the pier, I don't rememebr any NPC except the main characters mention the "lost" ship.
  13. Started E17 from scratch. 2 mons with Pickup was all i needed.

  14. Oh yeeeah another new episode. You know what that means right?
  15. To be honest,"When Episode X is coming" has become old. But I beg to differ. Why not ask "When E17 is not coming?". Hoping that someone hasn't already asked this question.
  16. Since you are a member, you do have access to it. Though don't expect the game to be bug-free right away. That is why it's a community release, so that we as members can also help perfect the game.
  17. If you want 7th gen pokemon and some improvements on trainer A.I. , wait till E17. If you can't wait to play the game, sure go ahead. But since 7th gen mons will be in the game, some early event mons might have changed so I would be cautious.
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