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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alextron

  1. Everything Viri said. Also,you will need that Magnet Powder to open it. You open the ball by talking to a guy in the Pokeball store in Onyx Ward.
  2. Real Name: Alexander (its Alexandros,but why not) Converter: arekusandaa Inaccurate: Ka-ta-ku-na-ka-to-te-ku-shi Username: Alextron Converter: arekusutoron innacurate: Ka-ta-ku-na-chi-shi-mo-to
  3. Getting prepared for Noel

    1. AuthorReborn
    2. Alextron


      Lol.Didn't expect anyone to see my profile.

      And thanks.

  4. I'm trying to remember my mistakes so i dont do them again. To the next person: What is your favourite animal?
  5. Adaptability Crawdont/Dragalge Or Quagsire or Azumaril
  6. Just thought of something. What if,when you enter a gym you can't get out until you beat the leader or your pokemon faint? And also,you can't heal your pokemon outside of battles (in the gym ofcourse).
  7. This field seems nice. I believe Adrienn will be using it,since he made the whole city a big garden.
  8. How to make a pokemon game harder? 1.When your pokemon faint they lose exp 2.you can only have a set amount of items (for example,you can only have 5 hyper potions 5 full heals etc) 3.Disable soft reset button (silly,right?) Now i suppose im gonna be criticised badly beacuse my ideas are too extreme :I
  9. Are you sure F.E.A.R. is always effective? Think about it. Multi Hit Moves,random status procs etc.
  10. 1 second?? 0.5 second is better. But who needs teemo when you can have Zed throw shadows everywhere and start a shuriken storm?
  11. Her pet? Propably an ICE CUBE.
  12. I have missed this feature from the times i played Pokemon Souls Silver.I hope i start playing Rejuvenation soon.
  13. Ember Prime > Loki ??? Ha! Nice joke. Thanks! Nice.Hope we meet soon. Thanks! They aren't actually gifs from what i noticed,but the pics are nice.
  14. Nice!Another Warfram player.We should meet in-game.What's your alias? Thanks for the recommendations!
  15. Gurren Lagann huh? I better search this up too.
  16. Thanks One punch man no.Haven't heard of Madoka but i will search it up.
  17. The way you said it,i suppose you haven't seen any greek here,am i right? Or perhaps you have?
  18. Thank you for the cookie. But i must ask:is the cake with chocolate or not??? If it IS...prepare yourself! In case a moderator or amethyst comes here to inform me of the rules,I already read them so no worries.
  19. I totally forgot about them.Though I'm not really interested in them. If i were to choose one,it would be Simisear because..FIRE.
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