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Everything posted by Alextron

  1. Thank you,i will sure enjoy it. To be honest, I have been visiting the forums many time to see the progress of the next episodes and some guides but i wasnot interested in making an account. That is,until today.
  2. Thank you,i will try to enjoy it as much as possible Lol,nice picture.And thanks. One question:does XIX means 19?(im sure it does) THough I'm obliged to tell you that,philosophers of 19th century did not really add anything in philosophy,because what they only did is to copy what the ancient greek philosphers said.That's why philosophers of XIX dont really interest me.
  3. Thanks for the welcome. I've got to say not many people find philosophy interesting.Good to know there are still some who like it.
  4. I'm Alextron,though you can also call me Alexandros (since im from Greece,Alexander means Alexandros in greek).Just don't call me Alex....seriously If you do I will search for you,I will find you and then...I will know who you are...you did not expect that,right? Im new to the forums...check I just got 18 in April....that means I'm an adult riiight?? why not I've been playing Pokemon games since elementary school,my first game being Pokemon Pearl.And to be honest,I didn't even know how to read english so it was i bit hard to play but whatever.I have also played a lot of pokemon fangames,with Pokemon Reborn being one of my favorites.I can't exactly remember what got me into the game,but when i found it i thought i could give it a try. I started playing since Episode 14 and reached Agate Circus buuuut I decided to start another save file when Episode 15 came out.Right now I have reached Spinel Town and I'm preparing my team for Serra. Generally i like playing videogames (im a casual).Though I don't really devote myself in a game since most times I just stop playing it,there are some exception (Warframe,Clicker Heroes and Pokemon). Apart from games,I also like reading about philosophy(if i am in the mood),especially about ancient greek philosophers,with one of my favorite ones being Socrates and Heracletos. And I also like to talk about things,If anyone wants to start a conversation with me. Well,that's some info about me.Hope this introduction is good enough Edit: I LIKE CHOCOLATE. Edit 2:i also like watching anime,so dont hesitate to recommend me any series you find interesting.
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