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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alextron

  1. I eat the cake. I don't drink tea with the cake.
  2. Didn't know that corrupted police officers can become dumb. I thought they would be smarter, but not in this case. #ThatOneTimeAShinyEndedYourCareer
  3. I suggest you level up all your mons to be at around level 33-34. Also Ampharos is a good pokemon for this battle, should it learn Power Gem. Lastly, you should pay attention to her Masquerain and Anorith. Masquerain will Rain Dance 24/7 rendering your fire mons useless and Anorith...because it's Anorith.
  4. Maybe. Have you patched the game?
  5. Maybe they are only blocking you at night. Personally i beat that trainer before the first badge.
  6. Then my mission here is complete. Glad I was of help.
  7. And there is also Patch 9. Also Cooper, the patch is in the Bug Report Thread
  8. K, i found why it happened. Did you apply the most recent patch to the game? Cuz this seems to be the case.
  9. Then do you mind lending me your save file? I will try some things.
  10. Have you tried moving on the tile with the right chair? Or maybe... go to sleep?
  11. I don't know if you realized, but the crack on the wall is supposed to be rock smashed.
  12. Um...is that a crack on the wall??
  13. Even though you can find the password from the wooden signs...
  14. *Enters Grand Hall* If it isn't Vhan. I've heard you got your first badge, congratulations! See? Battling isn't bad, right? Wait...Team Meteor? I've heard they are dangerous. I'm glad you managed to beat a few of them. But it won't stop there. I've heard that Obsidia Ward, which is east of here, is in trouble. Team Meteor might be involved in this mess. I'll be going there to see what is happening. B-B-BEEEEEEEES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Runs as fast as he can at the exit*
  15. I'm back. Seems like you didn't go out yet, but it's alright. About this business i had, I managed to get my 4rth gym badge and oh boy it wasn't easy. Hm...you have quite the team there. And these pokemon are a rare find for beginners in Reborn so you should feel good for having them this early. But these pokemon alone won't do. Training up more pokemon for upcoming challenges is a must in this League.
  16. Of course you're trading with other people.
  17. Thanks, I will see you later then. And forgive me for my rudeness, I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Alex.
  18. I don't think you'll be able to use the train anytime soon. Plus, the Pokemon League here is different from what you have possibly experienced. Let's go outside for starters and get some fresh air. Or maybe not, fresh air is not quite present inside the city. And perhaps teaching you how to battle will be necessary for your own well-being.
  19. Hey! Are you ok? You don't seem to be well. Are those pokeballs? So you are a trainer too? But the look on your face says the opposite. I'm a trainer too. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask me. But first, I have to tell you something: this is Reborn. If you want to survive, you will need to get stronger. Not many people show mercy here, you have to adapt to this region.
  20. Nope, you NEED the candy to de-level your pokemon. No other way around it.
  21. Isn't Teal Blue + Green? The poster near the entrance says so. It worked for me though.
  22. Yeah, actually i didn't notice you talked about Rejuvenation and not Reborn. My bad.
  23. I think you could use the Reborn Sandbox mode. You can get all the pokemon that you want and add the natures and IVs that you need. Also, it's Monotype, not Monorun (Monorun is when you use only 1 pokemon to complete the game). Edit: the link
  24. Actually I knew what gato meant. I just made a pun, not a question. That is all.
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