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Everything posted by Alextron

  1. Germany: Stoutland Hawaii: Comfie Mexico: Incineroar or Hawlucha France: Aromatisse Vatican: Arceus Yuugo
  2. Welcome to the forum. Don't forget to make an introductory thread in the Grand Hall. As for Ash-Greninja, I don't think something like that will happen unless it becomes possible to soft reset until you get a Froakie with Battle Bond. But I'm 100% sure we might get it in a later version.
  3. I'm no beta tester, but i can tell you that some areas will change and gen 7 pokemon will also be available (you can check out the development thread for some of these changes). So I would recommend you to start a new run, i will be doing it myself too.
  4. Ship piano girl? SHIP? No, you don't just ship MC with piano girl... YOU CRUISE SHIP IT!
  5. I've thought of 3 things about this poll: 1. He WILL reveal something and is just messing with us about the "wrong" answer. 2. He won't reveal anything (the most logical answer?). 3. Version 9 is complete (of course not) and then the link he provides us redirects to a video with Filthy Frank saying we just got pranked so no Version 9 for us until June.
  6. Praise the Sun! - Catch Solgaleo Ocean's Twelve - Use only 12 Pokemon Not the bees! - Beat the game without catching bees (Beedrill,Vespiqueen etc). Youngster Joey would be proud - Beat the E4 using a team of Raticates Just kidding, who would win with this team? Blow 'em up - Use Blast Powder on every mined rock Where the hood at? - Explore all of 7th street
  7. Also becoming the champion (rewards you with post game).
  8. Who, Whom, Whomst, Whomst'd've- Complete all the puzzles in the game first try Who's powerful now?- Defeat Lin A feat of STRENGTH- Obtain Solosis I believe I can fly!- Fly for the first time. Useless!- Obtain Chikorita Is this a Michael Bay movie?- Make Julia's Electrode use Self-destruct (or Explosion?). I'm not crying, Baka!- Witness a sad scene
  9. Greece (or Ελλάς in greek). - The weather is overall nice. Hot and warm at Spring and Summer time, not too cold Winters. - A lot of touristic activity,with tons of tourists coming from around the world. - And why they come? To visit the islands. Some of the popular choices are Mykonos,Paros,Zakynthos etc. - The greek culture that exists for over 2,500 years. The history the ancient greek made, their discoveries in sciences and philosophy and the creation of civilization. - The food is good, though my preferences are very weird (I don't eat vegetables...it's very bad right?). And some cons (nothing is perfect): - In terms of politics, it's bad. For ''some reason'' we tend to choose leaders that suck. And i mean they don't do what they need to do to honestly improve the state of the country #feelsbadman. Also they lie a lot. - Education is not very good either. You could blame the teacher for not doing his job right,but initially it's not his fault. Again, politics. - Underemployment. And even if you find a decent job, the salary is still not as good as you think it is (minimum at around 400-500 euros per month (might have changed) ). Except if you are a politician ($$$$$). - I won't talk about healthcare. Because it's incomparable (not superior but inferior to others). And it's 3 am so i need to sleep. Καληνύχτα (which means Good Night).
  10. I don't know how one can tell the difference between an infant Legendary and a mature one (except baby Lugia).
  11. For the gameplay, 7.8/10 too much wet moat. For the story, 11/10 would play for the memes again.
  12. Welcome to Reborn! I don't know French, but does that mean "Thank you for creating Reborn" ?
  13. This menu interface looks different than the normal one. Where can i find it?
  14. 999.999 pokedollars? We need to go even further beyond! Pls Ame we need to become millionaires.
  15. I don't remember waiting that long in my playthrough. Maybe talking to to the cage's door will do something?
  16. Welcome to Reborn!... Wait, did you just say jokes??? pls tell me some, i need to have a good laugh from time to time.
  17. For a flying type, Emolga with Acrobatics can wreak her. Also Mewstics is also powerful. It's speed and the boost it gets by using psychic moves in this field can both destroy her team.
  18. Started watching Sousei no Onmyouji (Twin Star Exorcists) and so far it's so damn good.

    1. Cepheus


      yeah it is, but it is ending soon (only a few more episodes) but it gets REALLY cringy from time to time...

  19. You mean that one trade with the guy whose house ended up in Chrysolia forest? Why don't you go to a previous save and remove the Exp share from mothim?
  20. I think I'm a mix of Shade,Aya and Shelly (quiet, most of the time i want to be alone, not being able to socialize easily).
  21. It can work, but Steelix at that level is faster so you have to slow it down. Golem with Sturdy and using Bulldoze can make it easier for you to setup.
  22. It can be found anywhere inside Amethyst cave. Of course its chance to appear is quite small, so be patient (it took me some time to find it myself).
  23. Telepathy won't be useful, since this battle is Singles not Doubles.
  24. First, the ice-type leader uses the Mirror field which can prove dangerous due to her pokemon having abilities or items that boost evasion or accuracy. If it's too annoying for you, you can terminate it by using Noivern's Boomburst. If your Lopunny has High jump kick, don't risk it as in case it misses it will receive damage to both recoil because of High Jump kick missing and the field's ability to inflict damage to any physical contact move that misses. Also, a Magneton would be THE best pokemon to use, since Flash Cannon never misses in this field and gets a nice boost.
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