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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Alextron

  1. 1. President Lusamine Battle (SM) 2. Galactic Grunt Battle (DPPt) 3. Maxie/Archie Battle (RSE) 4. Rocket Grunt Battle (HGSS) 5. Neo Team Plasma Grunt Battle (BW)
  2. Have tried talking to the statue from behind?
  3. I've checked the pokemon location list thread and it seems like it's not available yet.
  4. Happy Birthday Sparky (aka Happy Jolteon).
  5. I'm not going to outright tell you the exact answers, but i will give you hints.
  6. And note that many of the pokemon you would find early in any other game (e.x. Starly) are obtainable much later in Reborn, so you will be forced to use pokemon that you may have not used before.
  7. If any of your pokemon are overlevelled you can use Common Candy to reduce its level so definitely stock up on those. Also, getting that Espurr in Peridot ward could be useful, since Espurr is quite fast.
  8. Or talk to the tree, it might work. If not, beat Abra.
  9. Is my team good enough for the Redemption League or does it need improvements?
  10. Pokemon Pearl, since it was my first (and most favourite) Pokemon game. I won't forget the day I saw a Shinx for the first time (and caught it too). Also Emerald and Soul Silver are damn good too. You should have added Mystery Dungeon games in the poll too (though they are spin-offs). Explorers of Darkness was amazing.
  11. Just do this: Step 1: use Golem Step 2: Beat Swalot Fin
  12. We've got a book, buuuuut we can't really open it to learn anything. That is...if Jan decides to add any Garufan alphabet or vocabulary in the game for us to see to uncover some information about the past.
  13. I don't really think that the statue fully resembles Hydreigon. I compared both and it seems like the statue has ears, while Hydreigon doesn't have (visible ears, that is). If Jan is planning to make an alternative form for Hydreigon, that would be cool.
  14. Ι just saw it on Steam, seems very interesting. I will give it a try.
  15. You should use a Fire-type Pokemon ('cause she use uses bug-types duh). Also a Rock-type Pokemon such as Graveler can be very useful (resists bug STABs,but don't bring it out while Masquerain is still alive). Noibat isn't very useful until it evolves at around level 48-ish so get a better Flying-type for now (Unfezant, Pidgeot etc).
  16. In the Pokemon Generations series on youtube, Looker had a Growlith with him when he and the police tried to catch Giovanni (2nd episode if I'm correct).
  17. Some of my favs are: Code Geass, Akame ga kill, Yugioh Arc V and One Piece.
  18. I don't know. But for some reason, since I upgraded my game from 15 to 16 I already have it by default.
  19. Alextron


    Inb4 Mega/Pulse Hydreigon...though I'm certain Ame is planning something for the battle with Lin.
  20. Alextron


    Lin ain't kidding when she fights.
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