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Everything posted by Alextron

  1. The clown at Agate Circus with the Rainbow challenge should suffice (both for levelling AND tons of money).
  2. A young kid goes to the Professor's lab to get his first Pokemon. He meets with the professor. - Hello there young kid. Have you decided which of these three Pokemon you want to pick? - Yes, I want to pick achu.
  3. How do you call a sick Pokemon? A PikAchoo!
  4. Both are nice. But each can have a con: Melomakarona sometimes have too much nut on them. Kourabiedes sometimes have too much suger powder on them.
  5. For the sake of your survival, use the small one. It won't harm you to have less chocolate in the milk if it means saving some money.
  6. But if I also use Politoed the rain will soften Typhlosion's Eriuption. Or if I use a faster pokemon i would lower the Eruption's potential power. The thing is...I'm not familiar with rotating pokemon (typical casual pokemon player's excuse). But I will try.
  7. You already know that Luna is way afte Noel (and i just beat Luna). I have considered using Flygon because it resists fire type moves and with Levitate it completely evades Terra's mons. Also Simipour for its Scald (power boost from field). Politoed though is the one I may end up using.
  8. And quite literally it is. Now let's get to the point: I have defeated Luna, but since I can'te get back after entering Agate city I have to change my team. My team is (as my signature shows): Blaziken Lv 64 Gardevoir Lv 61 Crobat Lv 62 Golem Lv 61 Leavanny Lv 60 Ampharos Lv 63 So far I'm quite satisfied with this team, but since the next gym battles are difficult ones I need to use some different mons. But (as the title says) I'm stuck.I can't decide what pokemon to use. I have already decided that Leavanny will have to go. As for which to keep, Blaziken,Gardevoir,Ampharos and Crobat will be in the team until I reach Ciel. Possible candidates are: Flygon,Simipour,Politoed (and some other mons I have in the box) Judging my team or recommending any possible team members would be much appreciated.
  9. From what i see, only Blaziken can deal some damage to Steelix. The others won't really do much. Also if your Mamoswine know Earthquake, don't use it. It gains bonus Rock-type damage from the field so it won't be that effective.
  10. And the moment you give him a hug he snaps you in 2 pieces just like Bewear.
  11. Or you could Toxic it to death, unless El has Full Restores.
  12. Just cheese it with a Perish song Murkrow (with Ability Prankster) or Desitiny Bond Misdreavus/Ralts (holding Focus Sash).
  13. I'm going with Vanilla Bean, since plain vanilla is not enough for me. But seriously, you should have made a topic about chocolate.There is more variety in chocolate than vanilla (at least i think this is the case,correct me if i'm wrong).
  14. What if Team Meteor has a installed a failsafe system in which any stolen PULSE explodes? That would ruin your plan and get yourself killed.
  15. This made me think...maybe Florinia as she is will ''disappear'' and her past self comes back.
  16. I bet Lin will die,just because no one expects her to disappear even though we don't know much about her and we never battled her before. Maybe Solaris was planning to get rid of her but he couldn't muster any courage to do so until episode 16 comes. Also Blizzard looks nice, though it could use some ice shards instead of snow balls but nevertheless it looks good.
  17. Did you know that Ekans is Snake backwards? The same goes for Arbok as it's Kobra backwards.
  18. Murkrow with Prankster and Perish Song is much better, no need to waste Focus Sash. Though I did't beat that Garchomp but I did beat Ditto-Arceus.
  19. Basically do what you did to reach Spinel town....walk in circles. I understand how you feel about this forest,but be a bit more patient. After you defeat a certain pulse pokemon (no spoiling,just saying) the whole tree-teleporting mess up will stop forever and ever.
  20. As FairFamily said,the power bracer is for training. It doesn't increase attack with a loss of speed,it's only for EV training and nothing else. You better give something else to Luxray. I wonder how much time you spent to get a shinx from game corner.
  21. At least we can hope for Pokemon Showdown to implement the Battle Royal mode,if possible (you never know).
  22. Magnezone used Flash Cannon, it's SUPAH EFFECTIVE!
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