And quite literally it is.
Now let's get to the point: I have defeated Luna, but since I can'te get back after entering Agate city I have to change my team.
My team is (as my signature shows):
Blaziken Lv 64
Gardevoir Lv 61
Crobat Lv 62
Golem Lv 61
Leavanny Lv 60
Ampharos Lv 63
So far I'm quite satisfied with this team, but since the next gym battles are difficult ones I need to use some different mons.
But (as the title says) I'm stuck.I can't decide what pokemon to use.
I have already decided that Leavanny will have to go. As for which to keep, Blaziken,Gardevoir,Ampharos and Crobat will be in the team until I reach Ciel.
Possible candidates are: Flygon,Simipour,Politoed (and some other mons I have in the box)
Judging my team or recommending any possible team members would be much appreciated.