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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alextron

  1. Ninetail's Alola form is so cute tho

    1. Cepheus


      no... it's majestic...

      Vulpix is cute :D

  2. Inb4 99.9% (Jan's favourite troll tactic)
  3. So basically AMA. So go on and ask. And no, I'm not doing it because it became popular in the forums these dayZ. So go on and ask already.
  4. Or perhaps the pulse Hippowdon summons a quicksand and the whole train is submerged in the sand,only to discover that there is a cave underneath the desert.
  5. Best Sylveon evolution guide:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4mF6Tv8_g

  6. Makuhita also learns Rock Climb.
  7. No,it's quite normal. And I suppose you have noticed the pronouns the charecters use when they refer to you,such as xym.
  8. Just checked it only to see 2 crates blocking the entrance. But i wonder when will it be accessible?
  9. I can't remember where the cave is and I'm too lazy to go there. Post a screenshot so i can see where you are.
  10. It would be cooler if the train was blown up in the middle of the desert and we have to explore until we find the junkyard and Titania's gym.
  11. There is no online feature in the game (yet?).As far as starters,some can be ontained in the game,but until the game is complete we won't be getting all starters in one save file in the near future.
  12. Welcome to reborn! (wow i can't think of anything else to say)
  13. How do you call a country full of bats? Crobat-ia

    1. Plok



  14. To be honest I was also struggling with the gym leaders.But I'm grateful that Reborn exists.It taught me how to be prepared for every battle,be it a boss battle or gym fight.Also don't keep your door closed to any pokemon you don't use because there are many that competitively suck but in this game can be very usefull.
  15. I'm in Amethyst cave and i found April. I don't know how to open the huge door. Is there a switch or something?
  16. Grinding my mons to level cap in Rejuvenation when i realise I'm playing in casual mode

  17. (∩◔◡◔)⊃━☆゚.*

  18. Certainly much better than the current animation.Also this blue color is so beautiful.
  19. Absolutely nothing my friend. But no worries,V8 WILL come soonTM
  20. Welp,lemme check my check list 1)Check the status thread: Check 2)Summon the hype train: Check 3)Wait for V8: not Check My job here is done.I'm going to bed. Good night and don't lose faith in the hype.
  21. He : 1)is stalking Jan 2)is a alpha/beta tester 3)is a time traveler
  22. Inb4 Jan's computer crashes and has to re-upload it.
  23. I'm afraid no tester will tell us anything. All we can do is wait for the upload to complete.
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