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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alextron

  1. prepare to be given a hard time
  2. V8 is being uploaded right now so be a bit more patient.As for changes,we will find out soon.
  3. Can't be more hype than I am right now.
  4. So...uh...how's the waiting going?
  5. Thought it would be 100%. But since Jan insists....let's hit 99.999999%.
  6. Definitely Torchic with Speed Boost if you want your playthrough to be smooth. Also Froakie with Protean is quite good if you can wait till late game to get some powerfull moves on it. Some starters are also available later in the game such as Fennekin and Squirtle.
  7. 2 runs, 1 run which I started in episode 14 and then the second in episode 15 The first run is left incomplete 'cause I was careless going to Agate too soon Second run still in progress,preparing for Radomus As for monotype runs,I haven't tried since I don't know how they work but I would like to try one
  8. I don't know how to help you but I don't think restarting is a good solution. why not continue from a previous save file?
  9. There is a settlement that needs someone's help.Lemme mark it on your map.

  10. Goodbye Viri,for the time being. And make sure to keep a distance from the forums,orelse you will be Magnetically Pulled back. -Magnezone punz 2016 by Alextron
  11. Don't be afraid to use pokemon that you haven't used before,especially because good pokemon are rarely found early-mid game.
  12. Wow, feels bad man.Those beldum torture me from the days of Pokemon Pearl.You could have tried again but whatever,your choice.
  13. 9/10, only thing missing is sunglasses
  14. It is obvious. The mighty gen 4 sweeper, Infernape shall take the throne of the wasteland.
  15. If you are fighting Steelix in the Rocky field,which i'm certain you do,then Earthquake is useless.When using earthquake the field adds bonus Rock damage,which pretty much doesn't help at all.You could use a Scrafty with Intimidate and use High Jump Kick till it dies.If you can teach Donphan Bulldoze (or Graveller/Golem) do it,since it' not affected by the field plus you lower Steelix's speed.
  16. Bravo for your hard work. Am I the only one who gets distracted by that gif Kuro has on xyr signature? Edit: I see what you did there Kuro.But thank you for letting me know.
  17. I'm not spine,though I have a spine. It's showtime,Viri.
  18. Wailord the Pirate Ship.
  19. Flash Fire would be pretty good.You can enter a burning house without worries.Or bathe into a volcano,if possible.
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