Obsidian Swordsman
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Obsidian Swordsman last won the day on September 10 2024
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Are you starting with Roserade or Galvantula first? Well...Looks like a grass-type can function well against Roserade to counteract Sleep Powder. Obviously it's dangerous, but Toxic Spikes aren't the biggest issue in the world anyway, since poison-types just eat them off the ground for some reason, so it's not particularly necessary either. A fast lead or one with a Lum Berry can also counteract the Roaserade lead to get in some status of their own. Of course, Defog is also a fantastic option, with the added benefit of often dispelling field effects in the main story. Roserade is physically frail, so most methods of physical priority can chip if not take it out outright. As for Galvantula, its goal is absolutely just to use Sticky Web and seemingly go down swinging. Its Special Attack is merely decent, so it could potentially serve as an opportunity to set up. Maybe as it comes out, you use the turn it sets up Sticky Web to switch to your sweeper. Gastro Acid feels like a bit of an odd choice, but I also don't know the most optimal Galvantula sets. Thunder Wave would seem like a better option to shut down those who'd attempt to set up on it. Blaziken does seem like it could be a big threat, but can thankfully be answered with a strong physically-defensive tank. Resisted or neutral, a turn or two while you Bulk Up is all that's needed sometimes. Sky Uppercut thankfully has imperfect accuracy, so a gamler could send in one with a Fighting weakness and bait out Sky Uppercut to gain some momentum. Flygon doesn't seem too threatening. Its stats are all merely decent across the board, meaning it desperately wants to set up those Dragon Dances, but also has no means of defending against Ice-Type attacks. This could potentially be used against you -- sending out an Ice-Type to scare Flygon out -- likely to Blaziken or Ninetales. Ninetales is a dangerous nuisance, but also doesn't have the best stats. Aurora Veil is its game-plan, so it can be safe to assume it will use that turn one. A weather-setter of one's own can cut it short, and even with Blizzard, its offenses just aren't that great. If the option's available, Ninetales could be trapped and used as an opportunity to set up. You're running Wise Glasses and not Light Clay, so every turn that Aurora Veil isn't protecting your other Pokemon is a turn to use wisely. An Intimidator could go a long way against Sharpedo. Something with Static or Flame Body can also force it to use Rest; from which it has no way to wake back up quickly. You're right about it being fast, so it's not to be underestimated. Toxic Spikes could go a long way against combatting this team, as well as Sticky Web of one's own. Roserade is the lead, so once it's out of the way, Toxic Spikes can't be removed, and you'll be switching often to take advantage of Aurora Veil, so Stealth Rocks are also a boon. It's a tricky team to be sure, but not impossible to face, and it's clear you put quite a bit of thought into it. Unfortunately, my story-team isn't the best. Kricketune Donphan Rillaboom Klinklang Heatmor Aromatisse There's very little in the way of speed, and even if I was lucky enough to get Sticky Web off, it's doubtful I'd have any way of maintaining a speed lead. My team is frail as well, and though Flash Fire could trip up Blaziken, Heatmor wouldn't survive a Brave Bird, and there are no dangerous special threats for Aromatisse to wall. Donphan has Sturdy, and if Toxic Spikes aren't up, that could be a potential answer for Blaziken; with Ice Shard to chip or take out any Pokemon beyond that. Most of your team resists Grass, so there's not much mileage I can make of Grassy Surge, and Klinklang -- my fastest team-member -- isn't fast enough to deal with your team. I would lose, mainly due to my team-makeup. That's fine though, I know they're not the best. Wait a second, I didn't know Blaziken was available in the current version. Huh! Neat!
Perhaps it doesn't do much to remedy the lack of information on existing pages, but I made this to help clear up the fogginess of how to evolve certain Pokemon. (Thanks, Luri) Not all info is there -- I dunno when Milcery evolves, or where Koffing evolves into Galarian Weezing -- but hey, hopefully it's good enough to help someone. https://pokemon-desolation.fandom.com/wiki/Evolution_Changes
Tale of Two Mimes
Obsidian Swordsman replied to Obsidian Swordsman's topic in Official Desolation Club's Discussions
Hmm...Yep! That worked! I must've given up too quickly -- leveled it up at the Silver Rise Ranger Base, didn't work, so I gave up on that region entirely. Whew, thanks for your help, Luri! I knew about Alolan Raichu, since there's an NPC who says as much, but everything else was a complete mystery to me. Hope they add more hints in the future to help clarify that. (Or...make Galarian Mr. Mime catchable I guess...) Thanks again, cap'n! Couldn'ta figured it out without'cha! ^-^ -
Heheh, yeah...I noticed it wasn't really the best resource to use for guidance, with plenty of information either wrong or outdated. I don't mind making a few edits, but my knowledge of the game isn't particularly the best either. Once I find out how Pokemon can evolve into their regional forms from my other post, maybe I could make some edits there clarifying as much. ...A...Assuming I'm allowed, of course.
I'm sorry if this question has been answered before, but I'm looking to know where "regional" Pokemon can be evolved. Pokemon like Cubone, Mime Jr., Exeggcute, etc. I'm currently trying to evolve Mime Jr. and unfortunately, unlike the Alolan Marowak I can't remember how I evolved, Galarian Mr. Mime is pretty important, since it gets you Mr. Rime. I haven't found any answers online that weren't answers to an entirely different fangame. I've already reached the end of Episode Six's content, so there are no areas I can't access aside from places that aren't there yet. Just trying to fill out the dex as much as I can before putting the game down. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! :D While I'm here, I also wanna ask if Galarian Meowth is anywhere. I thought I saw something saying it was in the Celeste Labyrinth, but for the life of me, I just kept encountering Ledian.
ashen frost Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]
Obsidian Swordsman replied to Michael_'s topic in Fan-game Exposé
Ah, bummer. I got excited when I saw the notification. Well, thanks for the thought, "Kiron!" ^-^ -
ashen frost Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]
Obsidian Swordsman replied to Michael_'s topic in Fan-game Exposé
This is probably a bit of a silly question, but are there any maps I could use for the invisible maze in the escape room? Or any kinda in-game hint that tells me how I'm supposed to go through it? I know I have to go through the invisible maze room to get the child's mom out, but the 5,000 Pokedollar entry fee feels a little steep for the reward of a measly 3 Quick Balls, so I kinda wanna get to the end for the fossil Pokemon if not solely out of principle. Please, I am currently softlocked by my own irrational sense of embittered spite toward the nameless Escape Room clerk. -
Oh, this is great news! I played the game for the first time back in November of 2021, and while I don't wanna replay it all from the beginning (Seriously, getting my teeth kicked in once was probably enough for me, I only had the one pair,) I'm really excited to just see how it's all wrapped up in the end! ^-^ ...Also, I wanna forcibly bury Fern's head in the dirt like an ostrich, please tell me I get to do that specifically.
Ah, my apologies for taking so long to reply. I actually made it further in the game, and bred it myself anyway. Thank you so much for the offer regardless though!
Hello! I'm new here (Except for that one time I posted back in 2016 that I completely forgot about until today) I was hoping to breed a Houndour for my team with Destiny Bond to take care of some of the tougher PULSE trainers, but didn't find out until today just how convoluted that breeding chain is. (Delibird hatched by Inkay hatched by Qwilfish who learns it at Level 53.) That said, none of those Pokemon are available to me at the current point in-game, so, I was hoping if someone could trade me either a Houndour or a Delibird that knows Destiny Bond. I don't have very much to offer in return, besides random Shinies I picked up, or a freshly-hatched Oshawott. Thank you for your consideration! ^-^
What if YOU were a Gym Leader?
Obsidian Swordsman replied to RadiantRegalia's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
-Gym type: Steel -Gym levels: 35-39 -Amount of Trainers: 12 not including leader -Gym leader: Matthew (metal ) -Gym badge: Alloy badge -TM move: Iron Head -City: Mantellia city Pokemon: Lairon LV. 35 Item: Chesto Berry Gender: Male Moves: Iron Head Dig Earthquake Rest Doublade LV. 36 Item: Rawst Berry Gender: Male Moves: Iron Head Destiny Bond Shadow Claw Metal Claw Empoleon (ACE) LV. 39 Item: Metal Coat Gender: Male Moves: Iron Head Flash Cannon Surf Hydro Pump (premature) Gym puzzle: You travel through a laboratory filled with Scientists and Engineers. You have to ride platforms and they can either take you to a password locked gate, or a trainer who might tell you the password if you beat them. Keep doing this process 3 times and the last time you will ride the platform and it will shoot sparks out of the sides. It will then be picked up by a crane and put you on a few metal bars next to a door a floor above. Inside you will find me. Quotes: "Hm? another challenger... you aren't the first one today." "Heh, quite the confident one aren't you? You probably already know I specialize in the steel type. That's why I know what pokemon you might have brought to combat my pokemon." "..." "Hehehe, It'll take much more than that Traveller." "So much more *zooms in on his face*" *Battle begins* (on first hit) "Well I suppose it is time to actually try." (knocks out one of your pokemon before you knock out Lairon) "Heh? D-did you plan that!? what are you doing?" (down to your last pokemon) "You'd better have a good plan here! Don't let it be over so quick!" (knock out his first pokemon) "Hmph, not bad... but I wasn't expecting that to last long." (down to his last pokemon) "I'll show you how I have planned this out!" (his pokemon down to yellow) "W-what!? A-are you holding back!? This next move could make or break your plans!" (his pokemon down to red) "Heh, seems you DID have a plan..." (he beats you) "Hmmm... So you didn't REALLY have a plan did you?" (you beat him) "Well I suppose that is that. You have managed to break my plans all the way through, I suppose you deserve this..." (after battle) "It always feel like I've won if I've faced someone like you. Even if I did lose. Ahh sorry I'm rambling. Here is the Alloy Badge." " It will make pokemon up to level 90 always trust in the plans you have in future endeavors, I expect to see you at the Pokemon League Trainer." "HEY HEY WAIT! ugh... sorry I forgot to give you this." (after giving you Iron Head) "This move will allow your pokemon to attack at such strength the opponent will flinch in fear... What? That's it... go!" Did I do good? :3- 25 replies
- ShadowPulse
- Gym
(and 8 more)
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