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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DogHistorian

  1. I want to make a terrarium. so so pretty <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RainbowHugs


      Thanks, haha <3

      I try to be, just for you, lol <3

    3. DogHistorian


      You are succeeding!! <3

    4. RainbowHugs


      Hopefully.. <3

  2. time zones are so bizarre to me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch
    3. Maelstrom


      Time zones don't actually matter so much as the actual time when there is sunlight allowing people to be awake and doing work. Time zones are just how we adjust for living all across the planet.

    4. Maelstrom


      Is the doghistorian name a reference to Samurai Jack?

  3. i do not know how to write informal letters pls help

    1. Sutoratosu


      Be yourself.

      That's all I will tell you. The rest you must figure out on your own

    2. RainbowHugs


      I agree with Sutoratosu

    3. DogHistorian


      Well i got finished it. I started off all casual and silly but then i got deep and started tearing up. It's to a friend that moved away.

  4. why do people hate sharks???

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. RainbowHugs


      I had an imaginary friend called Sharpie who was a talking shark, he was nice and I don't hate Sharks anymore <3

      I guess I just had a lonely childhood to have an imaginary friend...

    3. DogHistorian


      Yeah there's been around 300ish shark attacks since the 1500's. We kill WAYYYY more sharks than necessary. Things like Jaws and Shark Week make people think sharks are horrible, killing machines, but really, they aren't. And they're actually a huge part of the environment. About 70% of the Earth's oxygen comes from the oceans. And if we didn't have sharks, that percentage would be way lower because of the amount of fish that eat the plants in the ocean. Shark populatio...

    4. DogHistorian


      ... Shark population has dropped about 80% since the 1970's because of humans thinking they are horrific creatures.

  5. About to take my last final of the year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      All the best!

    3. Marcello


      My last one is tomorrow, so I know the feel. Best of luck to you!

    4. RainbowHugs


      Good luck ^~^

  6. So we got my new puppy home! and the first thing she does is poo all over my bedroom floor! I'm not even mad. I love her so much wow <3

  7. Tbh I forgot that it was my bf's birthday party today so I have to wrap everything at school...

  8. Wow I just got all of my artwork back from this semester and now my self esteem is gone.

  9. I got a job!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      about time, you bum

    3. Ironbound



    4. DogHistorian


      Author~ I'll have you KNOW that i've had the SAME job for about FOUR years now. AND I'm going to be working TWO jobs this summer. and what do YOU have???? ... Yeah that's what i thought. BYE.

  10. today is my dog's birthday!!!

    1. Fumble


      Happy birthday to your dog! :D

    2. DogHistorian


      Thank you so much!! She really appreciates it!!!! :D

  11. I relate to the Rainbow Sponge lady wayyy too much.

    1. DogHistorian
    2. Spineblade


      I want to wiggle the whole thing!

  12. Ya know, I'd like to become a vegetarian, but my family is to judgy for me to do so. So that sucks a lot.

    1. Shamitako


      I'd liek to become a pescatarian. But my sister is already a "vegetarian+poultry" person and my family can't afford working with two specialized diets

    2. Ironbound


      Well, I am a herbivore myself, by choice as well as by tradition. Brahminism, gung ho!

    3. DogHistorian


      Man, I just don't like meat all that much.

  13. ALRIGHT SO. There's this kid in my Art 2 class right??? And idk why, but for some reason, he always feels the need to argue with the whole art table. I've never been so annoyed in my entire life! He argues about really stupid things! He just gets the whole table riled up! He's so annoying! and he purposely does this too! LIke he was LOOKING UP topics to argue about!! ????? like what the heck man??? What really gets me is that he has NO REASON for being in this class! He doesn't even like art! He's in ART TWO. Which means he had to take art one! I asked him why he was in art two and he said that he "felt obligated to take art 2 after taking art 1" LIKE THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. And he doesn't call me "Lacey"! He just says "Lace"!! I don't even know the kid all that well!! he doesn't deserve to call me Lace!! !!! !! Thank you. That is all...
  14. I am getting a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. Ironbound


      Yay! What breed?

    2. DogHistorian


      Boxerr <3 <3

  15. I actually can't do anything right :) everything I say if considered wrong in my family's eyes :) I can't talk to them about anything without being judged :) this is great wow :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ironbound


      Well, you always have dogs. They don't judge, they listen patiently, they know how to cheer someone up when they're down, and they're just happy to be in your presence without having to talk.

      Praise be to dogs!

    3. Jacobliterator


      Birds too. Can't forget them.

    4. TimTim


      I feel ya pal, you can always talk to me if you like, i am all ears.

  16. Awwww thanks ^-^ AR said that this was a super welcoming site!!! I'm really excited
  17. Hey! I'm Lacey aka DogHistorian because I really (REALLY) like dogs and history!!! Let me just say that I'm not here for Pokemon really, this was actually recommended to me by my boyfriend, AuthorReborn. :) I mostly just came here to make some more friends. So I really look forward to meeting everyone! :DD
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