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  1. I doubt the gate the lemonade kid talked about is the zygarde one after all it's in the mythic stage. Also do you think you can help me with the guide I am a bit lost tried looking around and doing it alone but it's really hard.
  2. Wow that's nice! Didn't know they actually turned them shiny that's crazy.
  3. I put it in the exceptions however it says that I need permission to put the updater in the folder with the game. Can anyone help with this or at least give the patch separately? (thanks in advance)
  4. Absolutely, it's working perfect again. Thanks a lot!!!!
  5. I did however the issue persists I really don't understand why though. You could make it work easily by the looks of it, but even after downloading again it persists.
  6. Got Rock climb and did some exploration and ended up in amethyst cave. I did the whole side-quest with the terminals and ended up doing the mom battle, after winning however I lost to the rift chandelure and when getting back to the previous healing point the screen shows only the art of rift chandelure and nothing else. The MC still moves around and interacts and even opens the menu but there is 0 visibility. Loading previous files doesn't work so I ask your help. Here is an example and the last save file. Thanks in advance good people!! Game - 333 - Leia - 62h 40m - 7 badges.rxdata
  7. As I mentioned in my reintroduction I am now playing Pokemon after a long time and I now am playing UM as want to give this game a chance despite it being one of the reasons I quited playing. So I am now Legendary Hunting, and afterwards I am thinking of building a proper team, but are people playing gen VII now that SWSH released or is it old news, and what stuff can I do as I have forgotten half of what I can do online and Offline. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey people, I was a member here quite a while ago but for some good time of of 2 years I think (a month after USUM released) I stopped playing pokemon as I was annoyed with a lot of things and got bored and so I stopped being active on these forums. Now SWSH released and I won't be buying it for several reasons (time, budget etc.) but I had the urge to play pokemon after quite a while, so I thought to become active again here.
  9. Recently, I ran out of games to play and I' ve been watching sone game movies (like NieR:Automata and Drakengard 3) but I would like to play some real games and I played kirby star allies demo and became interested in the series but I wonder if the Kirby series have a great story as I love story driven games. Do you suggest any Kirby game with a good story?
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