So, in the 0700 variable BadEndingCalc, it seems I have 10 points and in 0461 Bad Ending 1, I have 0. But, I'm pretty sure that with everything I did like saving garbodor, gloria, saved amber (god that kyogre), florin is running for mayor, joined bladestar only with florin, exposed flora but only to erin, karen and karrina are alive, not having negative points with anyone, having very high karma, I guess I had 56, before going into my own nightmare (assuming the aquarium gave me 3 points). The only bitch move I did was not give the garufan book to the hidden library enthusiast in sheridan through the help plaza quests (which is more of a personal decision, I'm glad that my personal decisions are going so well throughout the game). Are there some points not included or are yet to be accounted for?