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BRS swag

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BRS swag

  1. I'm not one of the devs, but, I've been waiting for new releases from the time V8 was released, so, I guess if the progress becomes 100% by 1st week of June, it would be best to wait till end of July/beginning of August for the beta testing. I would wait for a polished beautiful game like rejuvenation as I'm sure y'all would too.
  2. The Battle - Hardy soundtrack is a reduced tempo and pitch version. I tried to recreate the sound and made it to -2 pitch and 85% or 90% tempo. I meant to say that the Pokken tournament (the original one) version can be obtained by reducing Battle - Hardy by the indicated changes
  3. Yup I did that, but played as the male character with green and black clothing, not as Aevia.
  4. Did anyone play as Aevia and save the rift hippo? I've heard before that there's a different cutscene than other MCs.
  5. Just a little more.... All aboard the HYPE
  6. Use a flash fire Fire-type (with this the battle will be easy for 3 of his mons) or use a spheal with thick fat if you picked it as a starter. The burning terrain boosts fire damage and halves water type power.
  7. I guess that would be remnants of V8 as it was available there in V8 iirc.
  8. BRS swag

    an apology

    Yay Ferris Wheel. But where are all the Alt-Exeggutors? Why is it not upside down?
  9. Do the night time quest at yui's ranch. Then, you will get access when you go back to the kingdom.
  10. She's Cassandra from Team Xen. Guys, don't tell her what happened in the caves. Support Rhodea in the next election, if she ever comes back from wherever. lol jk
  11. For some reason, I always knew Geara would be short, but didn't know that Zetta would be the tallest damn
  12. Damn. The E18 battles are very difficult with banned items. Especially the final double battle.
  13. I think Damien should drop you off at Route 9 with his Latios and give you the Fly HM. You'll find him above his house.
  14. I don't know if any devs of our great fangames are reading this, but if you guys are, I wanted to suggest a song track of my choice for fighting legendary pokemon, specifically Dialga. I don't know if there's a thread for this. I understand it would go absolutely bonkers in there if there were one.  So, anyways this is the track.

    Pokemon Primal Dialga Battle Theme (Epic Orchestral Remix) - YouTube


    It's from one of my favorite remixers on YouTube. No idea how active he is, but, worth a try.

  15. Umbreon Crest - Gains secondary ghost type, poison attacks or status heals instead of damaging. Cause its Pokedex entry itself says... "When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at its opponent's eyes". So, it's skin and body is supposed to be immune to Poison. Lore: To further heighten Umbreon's power derived from the moonlight, the essence of Eevee's DNA was kept closed but exposed to moonlight from new moon to full moon. Most subjects seemed to have a strong lust for battle, but never stabilized. Thus, this experiment was confined to a device that regulated the irregular DNA and thus, the first Umbreon Crest was created, which unnaturally felt cold and weightless. Chandelure crest - Absorbs ghost/dark type moves to boost its Sp. Atk.(Like Super Smash Bros. Chandelure)(Like a Ghost Lightningrod). Lore: A giant pyre was created in which many banned scrolls containing incantations to summon spirits were thrown into the fire to prevent misuse and an item was thrown in to seal the waste and complete the process, but, accidentally the energy of the scrolls got trapped in the item which doused the fire. Thus, a Chandelure crest was formed. The lore written is mostly centred around the time in Castle Zygara where Ieisel was forced to make crests for Griselda.
  16. Hmmm....ok, well I have something for you. High speed high atk./spatk. Pokemon help you here. Ex.: Blaziken, Roserade. Also some steel types can do good on her mega. Make sure you have weather on your side to make it easy, or screens/entry hazards (toxic spikes) if you're using tanky mons. A fighting or fire type on lucario coz they have good moves on lucario even without TMs. This is at the top of my head.
  17. It's usually after a gym battle, starting from the 5th gym and it works only when there are shopkeepers.
  18. It is an event in Phasial cave in route 3 just after sheridan. There are 6 of the poliwags to be found in various places
  19. Or maybe he could make a mini-quest for turning them over to the ship captain or the professor, either way, my intention here is to find the right authority for their custody. Maybe they get washed away and we dive there and collect them.
  20. That I understood, thanks... I was checking on how many different elite trainers we can fight.
  21. I remember playing in the 4th episode we had 4 elite trainers in the Fight Club. Is it still the same or different?
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