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BRS swag

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BRS swag

  1. Perfect, he usually just sleeps, but, this time he ruined coded data just to sleep. Wow
  2. Tellur Town Autumn Remix from Pokken Tournament. This game's version is slightly sped up, making it actually better.
  3. This TM was a move which was present back in V8 and I believe it holds no significance as of now.
  4. For the helix cave issue, my file got fixed when I downloaded the latest update i.e., Deso5.0.4.
  5. Blaziken or Delphox can help you here, choose whichever. Make sure you have a pokemon with screens and maybe toxic for that chip damage. A drought user can help you out here, this one has to be in the first. The rest, in whichever way.
  6. it's here... It's Here... IT'S HERE... IT'S HERE. *screams internally*
  7. The suspense..... episode 4's ending is too good to be real.
  8. It's a Minecraft world creation, at first glance. So, it's just a pun at how rejuv is developing these days from a normal RPG maker game in graphics to a wonderful one with all the super clean artwork and beautiful tile work especially Route 9.
  9. I think the second book would be green in color and will contain only me, Emily, Scarlett with a bullet scar for joining Crescent, Connor with so many bullet shots (coz why not) but somehow still alive but most of all many pink pages with only one word "ROSETTTAAAA". I'm pretty sure there's no Baron, Amelia, Nova or Hardy in that book. Hardy
  10. Le jan: I can't wait to show you guys what we've been keeping secret. Le me: Then please show us Jokes aside, here's wishing sound overall health to rejuv team and everyone reading this.
  11. BRS swag


    Do i have to patch 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 or only 18.4?
  12. Are we introducing a new character this episode? Like ep 4 introduced Aurora as the new character. By the way, except ep 1, it seems all other episodes ended with a cliff hanger situation... Caz should just go and get a masters in storytelling, with the amount of talent seen in deso.
  13. Luckily, I didn't have to fight Tristan on Episode 3, as I started from Episode 4. There was a separate field effect weakening Fighting type attacks and my main ace against him was SB Blaziken. I had Walrein to stall him, so, I probably would have got some of his mons.
  14. A question to the team here: Were you ever/Will you be open to ideas for fan-based mega evolutions? I'm asking coz I have some ideas...and I totally dig the mega mightyena. The only reason I kept it in my team.
  15. I have not seen this scene, or might have forgotten it... Can you tell me what conditions are to be met? Maybe in a spoiler, so that anyone who hasn't come up to there yet won't see.
  16. We could just take a rare candy there. Like, the West gearen generator.
  17. I think it will be way more fitting and simple if yamask trained in the zorrialyn labyrinth (that place with the garufan curse) will evolve into runerigus.
  18. Hey @Jan. Glad to know you are in recovery. But, don't work yourself right now. It's best to enjoy the new leash of life and new meaning of life after recovering from a situation like this. Rejuv can wait.
  19. Wow. It's great that I also imagined Tesla and Crescent exactly how they are drawn. Great work. 10/10.
  20. Please approve this @Zumi. Also, we totally need a sprite version of this. It's not difficult to compare this character to another character we all hate from Reborn. Edit: Am I to understand that if we now put him in the sewers, or maybe polioethal forest, he will become a Trubbish, the one he's meant to be.
  21. Can't say for now. The game creator is currently in medical school or so I've heard, so, we might not be seeing updates for a good amount of time. Meanwhile, even though I prefer completed games to play, this one's definitely worth a play. I mean even though it isn't close to complete or even halfway, the point where the game currently stops seems like a good ending for part of a game in itself. So, I say go for it, if you feel like it.
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