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  1. pichu evolved at level 13 so i thought pikachu would have learned electroball by then i have a pokedex app so ik the levels pikachu normally learns the moves i just wasn't sure about the moveset in reborn
  2. I apologize if this is in the wrong section wasn't sure where to put this. Currently I have a Level 23 Pikachu that evolved from the event pichu at level 13 it did not learn Electro Ball at 13 or 18 i was wondering what level Pikachu Learns electro Ball at and also what Level he learns Thunderbolt at edit: misspelled sure
  3. Playing Reborn

  4. i'd like to see Aerial Ace added
  5. i had a question I caught the rainy weather event Pansear and it was shiny was i just lucky or is it suppose to be shiny
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