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59 Samaritan


About LemonJones

  • Birthday 02/20/1993

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Disappointed with how unfinished Blue Fire feels. Thought indie developer + delayed game makes a good one.

    Guessing they had to push it out due to publisher or something, no way they were happy with it.


  3. All of the things you directed at me can be answered in my previous post. All of it. Then you continued to patronise me. Felt so comfortable yapping about nothing just because you disagree with my stance. What I did not want to believe is that most of these posts don't want to hear nothing but vague comfort words and compliments. Apparently that's what the wonderful part is all about to you. I'll be leaving now. And take my reality with me. You guys keep it peachy. Watch out for the sour apples.
  4. Not dissing the feelings or the importance of kindness. Mostly because I've been hit hard and know how a simple word can knock someone down. BUT! Hell yeah it's useful to get blasted back. In a lesson kind of way. Matter of perspective. Besides expecting to get treated back the same way you treat others is nothing but poetic. Not realistic. Doesn't mean you cannot grow from it or seek comfort after. Do that. Do what you got to do to bounce back. Not throwing mindfulness out of the window or saying you gotta experience the worst end of it to understand it. However, I do feel strongly that discomfort is your best teacher and makes you expand. That's what I was getting at. Non of it should be taken too seriously though. Even taking life too seriously messes with your head. All I'm saying is to move on and not to dwell on it and start overthinking. Maybe you do not choose how you feel about it but you choose how to deal with it.
  5. You're overthinking it. It's one of those annoying internet traits every site, every chat, every comment section has. It gets you at first, later on it's like that meme about listening to your parents tell you about how they had to go to school back in the day. Or an 8th grader telling you as an 7th grader, "just you wait!" Eventually you'll see it as an everyday thing. Now lets say it hurt your gaming ego about you being bad or whatever. First time I played Reborn, I was losing to Aya for like 3 hours. Then there's Rejuvination which I refuse to play unless it's intense mode (see, right there). Narcissa beat my ass so much in my first play that I had to suck it up and look up how others have done it. Then I decided not to take the advice because fucking... why the fuck would I use cheatslikewhathtewwwwwwwwwwwgjk. Trained up new pokemon my way, spent 4 hours more than I should. Is it silly? You tell me. Cuphead! My favorite example! That blimp fucking boss in the first world made me ragequit. Now I can blitz through the normal mode in like 1 and a half hour. Got all 3 savefiles on 200% and I could do it again twice as fast. In fact, I can probably challenge myself to a deathless run. I'm not saying don't feel bad. I'm saying get through it. Losing your mind and feeling down over a video game is something we all do. If we're not doing so hot otherwise in life, it feels even worse. But! It's just a part of the process at the time. Useful in the future I might add. Like another level of kaioken. Cheer up my friend, enjoy the game! Take it as a learning experience! Complaints never beat a single boss. Small breaks for a snack and a song you like might!
  6. Does anybody know any sort of reliable online work anyone can do to earn money? By reliable I mean you can confirm it is not a scam. This whole fiasco is depleting my cash and food supply quickly, figured it can't hurt to ask here as well.

  7. List us your team man, surely we can help out.
  8. Now I'm hooked, even though there were many mistakes. Didn't want to hazard anyone else with a first shot so I took a selfie and went along. Gyarados was just an unfortunate accident. But it turned out okay Forum won't let me upload more directly. Here's Gyarados > https://imgur.com/a/Ms2sPEf
  9. Rejuvination is safer and offers 3 difficulties. There are Audino trainers in the cities to help you out in case you need a quick experience fix. And if you feel like it's too much, you can reduce the difficulty. Grinding will 100% happen if you religiously use the team of 6 in both of those games. In a way that you'll be leveling a different type just to get by. What I'm saying is considering the level cap being reachable easily, don't hesitate to switch around. Over time you might end up with like 15 pokemon. Very cool stuff. And even cooler - you'll end up using pokemon you probably never would in any other pokemon games.
  10. Waaaay too curious to have fear cockblocking me
  11. LemonJones


    Considering you're losing patience I'll give you a simple one if nothing else works. Set your Blaziken up with +6 bulk up and delete everything. In this case I'd go with double kick-ing everything down. Doesn't matter if you build your whole team around it. That's how you win. Every. Single. Battle.
  12. LemonJones


    Drop us some more details. Like which pokemon are you using, their moves and such.
  13. Shallow reasons It would feel like a trophy too considering who she is. And the way she is. You know, challanging/tricky to win over.
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